468,601 research outputs found

    Hydrothermal synthesis of perovskite and pyrochlore powders of potassium tantalate

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    Potassium tantalate powders were hydrothermally synthesized at 100 to 200 °C in 4 to 15 M aqueous KOH solutions. A defect pyrochlore, Kta_(2)O_(5)(OH). nH2O (n ≈ 1.4), was obtained at 4 M KOH, but at 7–12 M KOH, this pyrochlore was gradually replaced by a defect perovskite as the stable phase. At 15 M KOH, there was no intermediate pyrochlore, only a defect perovskite, K_(0.85)Ta_(0.92)O_(2.43)(OH)_(0.57) 0.15H_(2)O. Synthesis at higher KOH concentrations led to greater incorporation of protons in the perovskite structures. The potassium vacancies required for charge compensation of incorporated protons could accommodate water molecules in the perovskite structure

    Piercing the Veil: William J. Brennan\u27s Account of Regents of the University of California v. Bakke

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    Porous nickel oxide films were deposited onto unheated indium tin oxide coated glass substrates by reactive dc magnetron sputtering. These films had a cubic NiO structure. Electrochromic properties were evaluated in 1 M potassium hydroxide (KOH) and in 1 M lithium perchlorate in propylene carbonate (Li-PC). Large optical modulation was obtained for similar to 500-nm-thick films both in KOH and in Li-PC (similar to 70% and similar to 50% at 550 nm, respectively). In KOH, tensile and compressive stresses, due to the expansion and contraction of the lattice, were found for films in their bleached and colored state, respectively. In Li-PC, compressive stress was seen both in colored and bleached films. Durability tests with voltage sweeps between -0.5 and 0.65 V vs Ag/AgCl in KOH showed good durability for 10,000 cycles, whereas voltage sweeps between 2.0 and 4.7 V vs Li/Li+ in Li-PC yielded significant degradation after 1000 cycles.EU GRINDOO

    Hydrothermal synthesis of KNbO_3 and NaNbO_3 powders

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    Orthorhombic KNbO_3 and NaNbO_3 powders were hydrothermally synthesized in KOH and NaOH solutions (6.7–15 M) at 150 and 200 °C. An intermediate hexaniobate species formed first before eventually converting to the perovskite phase. For synthesis in KOH solutions, the stability of the intermediate hexaniobate ion increased with decreasing KOH concentrations and temperatures. This led to significant variations in the induction periods and accounted for the large disparity in the mass of recovered powder for different processing parameters. It is also believed that protons were incorporated in the lattice of the as-synthesized KNbO_3 powders as water molecules and hydroxyl ions

    Effect of KOH concentration on LEO cycle life of IPV nickel-hydrogen flight cells-update 2

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    An update of validation test results confirming the breakthrough in low earth orbit (LEO) cycle life of nickel-hydrogen cells containing 26 percent KOH electrolyte is presented. A breakthrough in the LEO cycle life of individual pressure vessel (IPV nickel-hydrogen cells has been previously reported. The cycle life of boiler plate cells containing 26 percent potassium hydroxide (KOH) electrolyte was about 40 000 LEO cycles compared to 3500 cycles for cells containing 31 percent KOH. This test was conducted at Hughes Aircraft Company under a NASA Lewis contract. The purpose was to investigate the effect of KOH concentration on cycle life. The cycle regime was a stressful accelerated LEO, which consisted of a 27.5 min charge followed by a 17.5 min discharge (2x normal rate). The depth of discharge (DOD) was 80 percent. The cell temperature was maintained at 23 C. The boiler plate test results are in the process of being validated using flight hardware and real time LEO test at the Naval Weapons Support Center (NWSC), Crane, Indiana under a NASA Lewis Contract. Six 48 Ah Hughes recirculation design IPV nickel-hydrogen flight battery cells are being evaluated. Three of the cells contain 26 percent KOH (test cells), and three contain 31 percent KOH (control cells). They are undergoing real time LEO cycle life testing. The cycle regime is a 90-min LEO orbit consisting of a 54-min charge followed by a 36-min discharge. The depth-of-discharge is 80 percent. The cell temperature is maintained at 10 C. The three 31 percent KOH cells failed (cycles 3729, 4165, and 11355). One of the 26 percent KOH cells failed at cycle 15314. The other two 26 percent KOH cells were cycled for over 16600 cycles during the continuing test

    A high specific capacity membraneless aluminum-air cell operated with an inorganic/organic hybrid electrolyte

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    Aluminum-air cells have attracted a lot of interests because they have the highest volumetric capacity density in theory among the different metal-air systems. To overcome the self-discharge issue of aluminum, a microfluidic aluminum-air cell working with KOH methanol-based anolyte was developed in this work. A specific capacity up to 2507 mAh g¯¹ (that is, 84.1% of the theoretical value) was achieved experimentally. The KOH concentration and water content in the methanol-based anolyte were found to have direct influence on the cell performance. A possible mechanism of the aluminum reactions in KOH methanol-based electrolyte was proposed to explain the observed phenomenon

    Effect of KOH concentration on LEO cycle life of IPV nickel-hydrogen flight battery cells

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    A breakthrough in low earth orbit (LEO) cycle life of individual pressure vessel (IPV) nickel hydrogen battery cells was reported. The cycle life of boiler plate cells containing 26 percent potassium hydroxide (KOH) electrolyte was about 40,000 LEO cycles compared to 3500 cycles for cells containing 31 percent KOH. The effect of KOH concentration on cycle life was studied. The cycle regime was a stressful accelerated LEO, which consisted of a 27.5 min charge followed by a 17.5 min charge (2 x normal rate). The depth of discharge (DOD) was 80 percent. The cell temperature was maintained at 23 C. The next step is to validate these results using flight hardware and a real time LEO test. NASA Lewis has a contract with the Naval Weapons Support Center (NWSC), Crane, Indiana, to validate the boiler plate test results. Six 48 A-hr Hughes recirculation design IPV nickel-hydrogen flight battery cells are being evaluated. Three of the cells contain 26 percent KOH (test cells) and three contain 31 percent KOH (control cells). They are undergoing real time LEO cycle life testing. The cycle regime is a 90-min LEO orbit consisting of a 54-min charge followed by a 36-min discharge. The depth-of-discharge is 80 percent. The cell temperature is maintained at 10 C. The cells were cycled for over 8000 cycles in the continuing test. There were no failures for the cells containing 26 percent KOH. There was two failures, however, for the cells containing 31 percent KOH

    The Nature of Support from Adult Sansei (Third Generation) Children to Older Nisei (Second Generation) Parents in Japanese Canadian Families

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    Given the growing ethnocultural diversity of Canada's aging population and the increased research focus on the role of the family in the social support of older persons, it is important to explore the ways in which adult ethnic minority children provide assistance to older parents within the context of the family. The current study contributes to research on intergenerational support systems in later life in Japanese Canadian families by examining the factors, particularly the cultural value of oya koh koh (filial obligation), affecting the nature of support from adult children to older parents. Using data gathered from interviews with 100 older nisei (second generation) parents and 100 adult sansei (third generation) children in British Columbia, the study focuses on the frequency, quality and provision of three types of support: emotional, service, and financial. Results of logistic regression analyses indicate that oya koh koh has a significant effect on children's provision of emotional support, but no effect on financial or service support. Parent's health and socioeconomic status are found to have significant effects on children's provision of financial and service support. Child's availability is also a major determinant of financial support. Further, ordinary least squares (OLS) regression analyses results suggest that oya koh koh has a significant effect on the quality of emotional support provided by children to their parents. Findings are discussed in terms of the North American Asian "ideal" family myth and directions for future research.family support; filial obligation, intergenerational relations; Japanese Canadian; model minority myth

    KOH concentration effect on cycle life of nickel-hydrogen cells

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    A cycle life test of Ni/H2 cells containing electrolytes of various KOH concentrations and a sintered type nickel electrode was carried out at 23 C using a 45 min accelerated low Earth orbit (LEO) cycle regime at 80 percent depth of discharge. One of three cells containing 26 percent KOH has achieved over 28,000 cycles, and the other two 19,000 cycles, without a sign of failure. Two other cells containing 31 percent KOH electrolyte, which is the concentration presently used in aerospace cells, failed after 2,979 and 3,620 cycles. This result indicates that the cycle life of the present type of Ni/H2 cells may be extended by a factor of 5 to 10 simply by lowering the KOH concentration. Long cycle life of a Ni/H2 battery at high depth-of-discharge operation is desired, particularly for an LEO spacecraft application. Typically, battery life of about 30,000 cycles is required for a five year mission in an LEO. Such a cycle life with presently available cells can be assured only at a very low depth-of-discharge operation. Results of testing already show that the cycle life of an Ni/H2 cell is tremendously improved by simply using an electrolyte of low KOH concentration

    Ash Base-Catalysed in Promoting Ozonolysis of Used Cooking Oil

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    Biodiesel is very important alternative energy as it can address the increased environmental pollution and depletion of the non-renewable fuels. Simultaneously ozonolysis and transesterfication of used cooking oil have been studied in the synthesis of biodiesel. There was 52.8 weight percent of unsaturated fatty acid in the used cooking oil which is potential for biodiesel synthesis. The experiment was carried out at several isothermal conditions 20 and 30oC, atmospheric pressure with the ratio of methanol and used cooking oil of 5:1, the ozon rate was maintained at 5.8 mol percent. The study aimed to observe the effect of ash from empty fruit bunches from palm tree as catalyst beside the KOH solution. The presence both of extracted ash and KOH solution promoted ozonolysis. There was 8 % of ozonolysis yield increased in the presence of both KOH and extracted ash. There were methyl hexanoate, methyl octanoate and methyl nonanoate as short chain methyl esters in the product as a cracking result from ozonolysis