1,169 research outputs found

    The methodology of Jabir Ibn Hayyan

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    The paper considers the question whether Jaber lbn hayyan had actually initiated empirical methodology. The paper also investigates whether Jabir was drawing on Greek or Islamic sources in devising the empirical methodology. It argues for the possibility that, while it cannot totally rule out that Jabir was exposed to some Greek (Aristotelian) influences, he was heavily drawing upon pristine Islamic sources. These include not only the Qura\u27n and Hadeth, but also the methodology of Mutakalimeen (Islamic Theologians) and the fasaha\u27 (The Muslim Jurists) . The study of Jabir of the Relevant issues is based on less organized writings, especially his book Al Tasrif, published by Paul Krause . Unfortunately, an important portion of the chapter on allstigra (Induction) is missing from the manuscript published by krouse. This part deals with the very important question of the methodology of al-athar (sayings and doings of the Prophet or the religious authorities, e.g. Infallible Imams). What can we infer, with respect to this methodology of al-athar is also discussed in the light of late Dr. Sarni an-Nashar\u27s interesting remarks on this issue


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    Religiousity has not received adequate attention among scientists and educational researchers. Fundamental problems faced by the Islamic university and school is how to strengthen the integration of religiousity into science education. It should be further explored the life and work of Muslim chemists. In this case, Jabir ibn Hayyan, seems to be the most authoritative figures Muslim chemists to be explored further. This research is based on factual historical research model. The object of this study is a collection of writings Jabir ibn Hayyan Classical Arabic in Mukhtar Rasa `il vol.1 (scripted by Paul Kraus 1935), using a qualitative approach to descriptive analytical method, combining historical and philosophical approach, taking into account the substantial and functional relationship between information and obtained and the views contained in the manuscript.  Jabir had engage religiousity his Philosophical thought on divinity, universe, human, society, and knowledge. He had also enhanced religiousity into educational practice, especially in chemistry education. His thoughts could be simplified as an integrative educational thought and balance. Jabir promote holistic education that integrates the various aspects in a balanced education fields, and encourage positive interaction between educators and learners, prioritize based on experiment and observation.Keywords:  religiousity, chemistry, science, education, philosoph

    Kajian Logam Dalam Al-Qur’an dan Korelasinya pada Konsep Pemikiran Jabir Bin Hayyan

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    Kajian logam dalam Al-Qur’an dan korelasinya pada konsep pemikiran jabir bin hayyan berawal dari jabbar bin hayyan yang menjadi salah satu tokoh kimia muslim yang ada di dunia. Ia terkenal dengan gelar yang sangat dibanggakan dunia “The Father of Modern Chemistry”. Beliau menemukan berbagai logam seperti besi, logam bahkan menemukan cara mengatasi korosi pada besi. Jabir juga tidak hanya menyebutkan ilmu kimia saja namun dengan ilmu agama yang sangat mempunyai hubungan dengan ayat-ayat Allah. Penemuanya dengan unsur logam dapat dikaitkan atau mempunyai korelasi dengan Al-Qur’an dimana Allah telah berfirman secara tersurat dan tegas dalam beberapa ayat mengenai unsur logam. Seperti Allah mengatakan bahwa unsur logam yang diciptakan-Nya mempunyai kemampuan atau kekuatan yang sangat hebat sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik oleh manusia. Pada penelitian kali ini kami memberi batasan yaitu unsur logam yang kebermanfaatnya sangat mencolok dalam dunia seperti besi, tembaga dan emas. Unsur logam tersebut pada jaman dahulu dimanfaatkan untuk alat-alat perang seperti baju, pedang, panah, perisai dan sebagainya. Lalu tembaga yang dicampurkan dengan unsur logam lain menghasilkan logam yang kokoh dan emas digunakan sebagai alat tukar barang bahkan simbol kekayaan pada jaman Nabi. Seiring berjalanya waktu, banyak ilmuan yang menguji kekuatan unsur logam yang sudah terkandung dalam Al-Qur’an, sehingga pada masa kini telah terbukti bahwa unsur logam telah dimanfaatkan secara mendunia seperi alat-alat berat pada industri terbuat dari besi, dalam kabel listri terbuat dari tembaga dan emas yang mempunyai manfaat yang banyak

    Tujuh Ilmuwan Muslim Perintis Laboratorium Modern

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    Para ilmuwan muslim yang jenius di Baghdad, Kairo, Damaskus, dan Cordoba melakukan percobaan ilmiah dari Mesir kuno, Mesopotamia, Persia, Yunani, India, dan Cina. Mereka mengembangkan sains dan laboratorium modern. Disiplin ilmu baru mulai bermunculan seperti kimia ,biologi, fisika, trigonometri, dan aljabar. Mereka melakukan eksperimen-eksperimen dengan menggunakan peralatan laboratorium yang diwariskan hingga sekarang. Peradaban Islam mencapai zaman keemasannya saat para ilmuwan muslim banyak menghasilkan karya karya dan peralatan laboratorium yang monumental. Mereka berhasil menulis rumus, menemukan teori, menciptakan temuan-temuan dan peralatan baru. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka penelitian yang berjudul ilmuwan muslim perintis laboratorium modern dilakukan. Penelitian ini dibatasi pada ilmuwan muslim perintis laboratorium modern. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian bersifat penelitian pustaka dengan pendekatan interpretasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ilmuwan muslim perintis ilmu penegtahuan itu antara lain Jabir Ibnu Hayyan atau Geber, Al-Kindi, Al-Biruni, Muhammad ibnu Zakariya Al-Razi, Al Battani, Al Haitam, dan Ibnu Sina. Penelitian ini penting sekali dilakukan karena berusaha mencari pengetahuan sejarah perintis laboratorium modern

    Islamic Contributions to Science: Historical and Contemporary Issues

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    The normative practice in the history of science in the West is to start with the Greeks and then jump to the European Renaissance, both studied as a background for the emergence of modern science in the seventeenth century. More considerate works devote a few pages to the Islamic scientific tradition, as a harbinger of the Greek legacy. This practice, based on the nineteenth-century Orientalism, has seriously harmed the emergence of an accurate history of science in general and the nature of contributions made by the Islamic scientific tradition to science in particular. These accounts continue to produce a caricature of a tradition that lasted longer than the Greek and the modern scientific traditions. When placed in its own historical matrix, the nature of Islamic contributions to science is a totally different story

    Pengembangan Materi Ajar Kimia Berbasis Nilai Keimanan

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    The government has mandated that the purpose of national education is to develop the potential of students to become faithful and righteous human beings. However, the facts in the field show that the teaching materials are still far from the value of faith and piety. This study tries to implement the values of faith in the XII grade Chemistry textbook. The method used is the method of developing Islamic textbooks based on faith values. The results of this study, namely, the application of the value of faith in the XII Chemistry textbook can be done in the following steps: first, providing an introduction containing Islamic advice. Second, insert an expression of God's omnipotence. Third, to reveal the wisdom of natural creation that fosters gratitude. Fourth, correcting concepts that are contrary to Islamic teachings. Fifth, include relevant Al-Qur'an verses or hadiths. Sixth, enter information on the progress of Muslim scientists and finally link the material with the application of Islamic teachings.AbstrakPemerintah telah mengamanahkan bahwa tujuan dari pendidikan nasional untuk berkembangnya potensi peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertakwa. Namun, fakta di lapangan menunjukan bahwa materi-materi ajar masih jauh dari nilai keimanan dan ketakwaan. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai keimanan pada buku ajar Kimia kelas XII. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode pengembangan buku ajar islami berbasis nilai keimanan. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu, penerapan nilai keimanan pada buku teks Kimia XII dapat dilakukan dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut: pertama, memberikan pengantar yang berisikan nasihat-nasihat Islam. Kedua, menyisipkan ungkapan kemahakuasaan Allah. Ketiga, mengungkapkan hikmah penciptaan alam yang menumbuhkan syukur. Keempat, mengoreksi konsep yang bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam. Kelima, memasukkan ayat Al-Qur’an atau hadits yang relevan. Keenam, memasukkan informasi kiprah ilmuwan muslim dan terakhir mengaitkan materi dengan penerapan ajaran Islam

    Sejarah Farmasi Islam dan Hasil Karya Tokoh-Tokohnya

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    Pada zaman global ini, orang menganggap bahwa kemajuan ilmu farmasi berasal dari Barat. Padahal kemajuan yang dicapai Barat tersebut tidak lepas dari zaman sebelumnya, yakni dunia Islam. Para ilmuwan farmasi Muslim selain menguasai riset-riset ilmiah di bidang farmasi, mereka juga berhasil membuat komposisi, dosis, tata cara penggunaan, dan efek dari obat-obatan (baik obat sederhana maupun obat campuran). Masa kejayaan Islam merupakan masa di mana ilmu farmasi mencapai puncaknya. Tokoh-tokoh ilmu farmasi seperti Jabir bin Ibnu Hayyan, Ibnu Masawayh, Al-Kindi, Sabur Ibnu Sahl, At-Tabari, Ar-Razi, Al-Zahrawi, Ibnu Sina, Al-Biruni, Al-Ghafiqi, Ibnu Zuhr, Ibnu Thufayl, Ibnu Rusyd, dan Ibnu Al-Baythar menjadi orang-orang di barisan terdepan bahkan beberapa karya mereka masih dijadikan rujukan dalam ilmu farmasi dan kedokteran hingga abad modern baik di negara Timur maupun di negara Barat.Kata kunci: Sejarah, farmasi Islam, hasil karya tokoh-tokoh farmasi Islam.In this global era, people see that development of the Pharmaceutical Science has come from the West. In fact, the progress achieved by the West is closely related to the previous time, that is Islamic world. The Muslim pharmaceutical scientists not only dominated scientific research in the pharmaceutical field but also determined compositions, dosages, ways of administering, and effect of drugs (both the simple and the combination). The glorious era of Islam is the peak of pharmaceutical sciences. Some of the figures known as seperti Jabir bin Ibnu Hayyan, Ibnu Masawayh, Al-Kindi, Sabur Ibnu Sahl, At-Tabari, Ar-Razi, Al-Zahrawi, Ibnu Sina, Al-Biruni, Al-Ghafiqi, Ibnu Zuhr, Ibnu Thufayl, Ibnu Rusyd, dan Ibnu Al-Baythar were frontiers and even their research pieces are still being used as references in modern pharmaceutical and medical study both in the Eastern and Western countries


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    Qarabadin (Unani pharmacopoeias) have a rich armamentarium of natural drugs, consisting of mostly herbs but also materials of animal, mineral and marine origin. There are over 2,000 species of plants in the Unani Materia Medica of which many species of plants occurring in India found a place. In addition to treatises concerned just with medicinal substances, books were also composed listing recipes in which a number of medical substances would be compounded. Such medical formularies (Qarabadin) were usually arranged into Chapter concerned with a particular type of remedy, such as laxatives or salves or eye remedies, and some were prepared specifically for use in hospitals. There are many collections of different formularies in Qarabadins have been written by Unani physicians. The first true medical formulary ever created was al-Aqrabadhin written in Arabic by Sabur ibn Sahl (d. 869). The book included medical recipes stating the methods and techniques of compounding remedies, their pharmacological actions, the dosages, and the means of administration. The formulas are organized by the type of preparation to which they belong - i.e. tablets, powders, ointments, electuaries or syrups. Sabur's formulary-type compendium is unique in its organization and purposely written as a guidebook for pharmacists, whether for use in their own private drugstores or in hospital pharmacies. This article describes the contribution of eminent Unani Physicians, scholars, scientists and authors in development of Pharmacy

    A critical study of Jabir ibn Hayyan's "Kitab al-Ahjar 'ala Ra'y Balinas"

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    Some fifty years ago, the German scholar Paul Kraus declared that the well-known corpus of Arabic alchemical writings traditionally attributed to Mir ibn tlayyan was not written by a single author. Kraus concluded that these writings, with the possible exception of one treatise, were collectively produced by several generations of Qarmatf-Ismaili authors who lived no earlier than the latter half of the 9th century AD. Kraus' conclusions, already a scholarly orthodoxy, are reexamined by the present thesis. The thesis argues that Kraus' conclusions drastically affect the methodology of the historian's approach to Jabirian texts; therefore, these conclusions ought not to be presupposed uncritically. Thus, both Kraus' evidence as well as his reasoning are subjected to an investigation and tentatively dismissed. Several grounds are adduced for this dismissal, one of them being the present work's discovery of a hitherto unknown Jabirian translation of the eighth discourse of Aristotle's Categoriae, a translation too archaic to support Kraus' dating. The thesis then develops its own methodological guidelines and moves to its main task: a critical study of Jabir's Kitab al-Atijar 'ala Ra'y Ballas (Book of Stones According to the Opinion of Barmas). Studying Jabir in his own terms, the thesis identifies certain fundamental notions of the Jabirian system and examines how they operate within the framework of the author's cosmological and alchemical doctrines as these latter are developed in the Ahrff. It has been demonstrated that when Jabif s ideas are treated in this manner, they appear to embody a distinct philosophical structure and their notorious incoherence largely vanishes. The work reconstructs the substantive context of the Atjjar, expounds its central theme, and includes a critical edition of most of its text. With the discovered Arabic rendering of the Categoriae as its integral part, the edition has been translated in its entirety and is provided with extensive commentaries and textual notes