1,747 research outputs found

    Uptake of three doses of HPV vaccine by primary school girls in Eldoret, Kenya : a prospective cohort study in a malaria endemic setting

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    Background: All women are potentially at risk of developing cervical cancer at some point in their life, yet it is avoidable cause of death among women in Sub- Saharan Africa with a world incidence of 530,000 every year. It is the 4th commonest cancer affecting women worldwide with over 260,000 deaths reported in 2012. Low resource settings account for over 75% of the global cervical cancer burden. Uptake of HPV vaccination is limited in the developing world. WHO recommended that 2 doses of HPV vaccine could be given to young girls, based on studies in developed countries. However in Africa high rates of infections like malaria and worms can affect immune responses to vaccines, therefore three doses may still be necessary. The aim of this study was to identify barriers and facilitators associated with uptake of HPV vaccine. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted at Eldoret, Kenya involving 3000 girls aged 9 to 14 years from 40 schools. Parents/guardians gave consent through a questionnaire. Results: Of all 3083 the school girls 93.8% had received childhood vaccines and 63.8% had a second HPV dose, and 39. 1% had a third dose. Administration of second dose and HPV knowledge were both strong predictors of completion of the third dose. Distance to the hospital was a statistically significant risk factor for non-completion (P: 0.01). Conclusions: Distance to vaccination centers requires a more innovative vaccine-delivery strategy and education of parents/guardians on cervical screening to increase attainment of the HPV vaccination

    Implementation of an HPV vaccination program in Eldoret, Kenya: results from a qualitative assessment by key stakeholders

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    Background: Cervical cancer strikes hard in low-resource regions yet primary prevention is still rare. Pilot projects have however showed that Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination programs can attain high uptake. Nevertheless, a study accompanying a vaccination demonstration project in Eldoret, Kenya, revealed less encouraging outcomes: uptake during an initial phase targeting ten schools (i.e., 4000 eligible girls), was low and more schools had to be included to reach the proposed number of 3000 vaccinated girls. The previously conducted study also revealed that many mothers had not received promotional information which had to reach them through schools: teachers were sensitized by health staff and asked to invite students and parents for HPV vaccination in the referral hospital. In this qualitative study, we investigate factors that hampered promotion and vaccine uptake. Methods: Focus group discussions (FGD) with teachers (4) and fathers (3) were organized to assess awareness and attitudes towards the vaccination program, cervical cancer and the HPV vaccine, as well as a FGD with the vaccinators (1) to discuss the course of the program and potential improvements. Discussions were recorded, transcribed, translated, and analyzed using thematic analysis In addition, a meeting with the program coordinator was set up to reflect upon the program and the results of the FGD, and to formulate recommendations for future programs. Results: Cervical cancer was poorly understood by fathers and teachers and mainly linked with nonconforming sexual behavior and modern lifestyle. Few had heard about the vaccination opportunity: feeling uncomfortable to discuss cervical cancer and not considering it as important had hampered information flow. Teachers requested more support from health staff to address unexpected questions from parents. Non-uptake was also the result of distrust towards new vaccines. Schools entering the program in the second phase reacted faster: they were better organized, e.g., in terms of transport, while the community was already more familiarized with the vaccine. Conclusions: Close collaboration between teachers and health staff is crucial to obtain high HPV vaccine uptake among schoolgirls. Promotional messages should, besides providing correct information, tackle misbeliefs, address stigma and stress the priority to vaccinate all, regardless of lifestyle. Monitoring activities and continuous communication could allow for detection of rumors and unequal uptake in the community

    Introduction of HPV vaccination in Kenya

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    HPV vaccination prevents cervical cancer, the fourth most common cancer among women worldwide. Measured HPV vaccine acceptability is often high but does it also lead to high uptake? Methodology: A cohort was set up assessing HPV vaccine acceptability and other health behav- iour constructs before, and vaccine uptake after an HPV vaccination programme in Eldoret, Kenya. Focus groups shed light on the motivation for vaccine uptake or refusal. Results: Acceptability was high but was no strong predictor of uptake, and neither were the constructs of the Health Belief Model. Lack of information and fear of side effects were major barriers. Feeling uncomfortable to discuss cervical cancer hampered open communication. Discussion: Distrust towards new vaccines and the health system blocked translation from willingness-to-vaccinate to actual uptake, as did organizational factors such as poor promotion. Conclusion: Future research should include broader concepts such as vaccine hesitancy and factors beyond personal control in order to predict vaccine uptake. Key words: HPV vaccination, acceptability, uptake, longitudinal study, Keny

    The time has come to make cervical cancer prevention an essential part of comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services for HIV-positive women in low-income countries.

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    IntroductionHIV and cervical cancer are intersecting epidemics that disproportionately affect one of the most vulnerable populations in the world: women in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Historically, the disparity in cervical cancer risk for women in LMICs has been due to the lack of organized screening and prevention programmes. In recent years, this risk has been augmented by the severity of the HIV epidemic in LMICs. HIV-positive women are at increased risk for developing cervical precancer and cancer, and while the introduction of antiretroviral therapy has dramatically improved life expectancies among HIV-positive women it has not been shown to improve cancer-related outcomes. Therefore, an increasing number of HIV-positive women are living in LMICs with limited or no access to cervical cancer screening programmes. In this commentary, we describe the gaps in cervical cancer prevention, the state of evidence for integrating cervical cancer prevention into HIV programmes and future directions for programme implementation and research.DiscussionDespite the biologic, behavioural and demographic overlap between HIV and cervical cancer, cervical cancer prevention has for the most part been left out of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services for HIV-positive women. Lower cost primary and secondary prevention strategies for cervical cancer are becoming more widely available in LMICs, with increasing evidence for their efficacy and cost-effectiveness. Going forward, cervical cancer prevention must be considered a part of the essential package of SRH services for HIV-positive women. Effective cervical cancer prevention programmes will require a coordinated response from international policymakers and funders, national governments and community leaders. Leveraging the improvements in healthcare infrastructure created by the response to the global HIV epidemic through integration of services may be an effective way to make an impact to prevent cervical cancer among HIV-positive women, but more work remains to determine optimal approaches.ConclusionsCervical cancer prevention is an essential part of comprehensive HIV care. In order to ensure maximal impact and cost-effectiveness, implementation strategies for screening programmes must be adapted and rigorously evaluated through a framework that includes equal participation with policymakers, programme planners and key stakeholders in the target communities

    Evidence for cross-protection but not type-replacement over the 11 years after human papillomavirus vaccine introduction

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    Examination of cross-protection and type replacement after human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine introduction is essential to guide vaccination recommendations and policies. The aims of this study were to examine trends in non-vaccine-type HPV: 1) genetically related to vaccine types (to assess for cross-protection) and 2) genetically unrelated to vaccine types (to assess for type replacement), among young women 13-26 years of age during the 11 years after HPV vaccine introduction. Participants were recruited from a hospital-based teen health center and a community health department for four cross-sectional surveillance studies between 2006 and 2017. Participants completed a survey that assessed sociodemographic characteristics and behaviors, and cervicovaginal swabs were collected and tested for 36 HPV genotypes. We determined changes in proportions of non-vaccine-type HPV prevalence and conducted logistic regression to determine the odds of infection across the surveillance studies, propensity-score adjusted to control for selection bias. Analyses were stratified by vaccination status. Among vaccinated women who received only the 4-valent vaccine (n = 1,540), the adjusted prevalence of HPV types genetically related to HPV16 decreased significantly by 45.8% (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 0.48, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.31-0.74) from 2006-2017, demonstrating evidence of cross-protection. The adjusted prevalence of HPV types genetically related to HPV18 did not change significantly (14.2% decrease, AOR = 0.83, 95% CI = 0.56-1.21). The adjusted prevalence of HPV types genetically unrelated to vaccine types did not change significantly (4.2% increase, AOR = 1.09, CI = 0.80-1.48), demonstrating no evidence of type replacement. Further studies are needed to monitor for cross-protection and possible type replacement after introduction of the 9-valent HPV vaccine

    Calibrating models in economic evaluation: a comparison of alternative measures of goodness of fit, parameter search strategies and convergence criteria.

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    BACKGROUND: The importance of assessing the accuracy of health economic decision models is widely recognized. Many applied decision models (implicitly) assume that the process of identifying relevant values for a model's input parameters is sufficient to prove the model's accuracy. The selection of infeasible combinations of input parameter values is most likely in the context of probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA), where parameter values are drawn from independently specified probability distributions for each model parameter. Model calibration involves the identification of input parameter values that produce model output parameters that best predict observed data. METHODS: An empirical comparison of three key calibration issues is presented: the applied measure of goodness of fit (GOF); the search strategy for selecting sets of input parameter values; and the convergence criteria for determining acceptable GOF. The comparisons are presented in the context of probabilistic calibration, a widely applicable approach to calibration that can be easily integrated with PSA. The appendix provides a user's guide to probabilistic calibration, with the reader invited to download the Microsoft® Excel-based model reported in this article. RESULTS: The calibrated models consistently provided higher mean estimates of the models' output parameter, illustrating the potential gain in accuracy derived from calibrating decision models. Model uncertainty was also reduced. The chi-squared GOF measure differentiated between the accuracy of different parameter sets to a far greater degree than the likelihood GOF measure. The guided search strategy produced higher mean estimates of the models' output parameter, as well as a narrower range of predicted output values, which may reflect greater precision in the identification of candidate parameter sets or more limited coverage of the parameter space. The broader convergence threshold resulted in lower mean estimates of the models' output, and slightly wider ranges, which were closer to the outputs associated with the non-calibrated approach. CONCLUSIONS: Probabilistic calibration provides a broadly applicable method that will improve the relevance of health economic decision models, and simultaneously reduce model uncertainty. The analyses reported in this paper inform the more efficient and accurate application of calibration methods for health economic decision models

    Stakeholder understandings of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine in Sub-Saharan Africa: a qualitative systematic review

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    Cervical cancer rates in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are amongst the highest in the world. The World Health Organization currently estimates that worldwide, cervical cancer will kill more than 443,000 women per year by 2030, of which 90% of deaths are predicted to occur in SSA. The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine provides primary protection against the most common cancer-causing strains of HPV that are responsible for cervical cancer. Over the last five years, there has been a slow increase in the number of African countries that have introduced the HPV vaccine via demonstration and pilot projects, and a minority of African countries that have incorporated the HPV vaccine into their National Immunisation Programmes. As part of this systematic review, a literature review was conducted and revealed that research has been conducted on top-down barriers and facilitators to HPV vaccine uptake and have found that poor health system capabilities, inaccessibility to medical care, low cervical cancer screening levels, inadequate infrastructure, finances, and health worker training are significant systemic barriers to HPV vaccination success in SSA. Little research has been conducted on demand-side or end-user perspectives of, and decisions around, the HPV vaccine. In order to complement existing research, and inform current and future implementation approaches, this qualitative systematic review explored stakeholder understandings of the HPV vaccine in SSA. This review searched the following databases: Embase (via Scopus), Scopus, MEDLINE (via PubMed), PubMed, EBSCOhost, Academic Search Premier, Africa-Wide Information, CINAHL, PsycARTICLES, PsycINFO, SocINDEX, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Controlled Register of Trials (CENTRAL) and found a total of 259 articles. Of these, 31 articles met the inclusion and exclusion criteria and were included in the review. Braun and Clarke’s six step process for conducting a thematic analysis was used for analysis and studies were assessed for quality using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) checklist. Three major themes emerged from the thematic analysis: knowledge is intertwined with misinformation; fear shapes contradictory perceptions about the HPV vaccine; and social norms and gender dynamics are relevant factors in how stakeholders understand the HPV vaccine in SSA. This review iterates the importance of first working with communities to gauge understandings of the HPV vaccine, before trying to implement change through education, sensitization and behavior change

    Access and Attitudes to HPV Vaccination amongst Hard-To-Reach Populations in Kenya.

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    BACKGROUND: Sub-Saharan Africa bears the greatest burden of cervical cancer. Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination programmes to prevent the disease will need to reach vulnerable girls who may not be able access health and screening services in the future. We conducted formative research on facilitators and barriers to HPV vaccination and potential acceptability of a future HPV vaccination programme amongst girls living in hard-to-reach populations in Kenya. METHODS: Stakeholder interviews with Ministry of Health staff explored barriers to and support for the uptake of HPV vaccination. A situation assessment was conducted to assess community services in Maasai nomadic pastoralist communities in Kajiado County and in Korogocho informal settlement in Nairobi city, followed by focus group discussions (n=14) and semi-structured interviews (n=28) with health workers, parents, youth, and community and religious leaders. These covered marriage, knowledge of cervical cancer and HPV, factors that might inhibit or support HPV vaccine uptake and intention to accept HPV vaccine if a programme was in place. RESULTS: Reported challenges to an HPV vaccination programme included school absenteeism and drop-out, early age of sex and marriage, lack of parental support, population mobility and distance from services. Despite little prior knowledge of cervical cancer and HPV, communities were interested in receiving HPV vaccination. Adequate social mobilisation and school-based vaccination, supplemented by out-reach activities, were considered important facilitating factors to achieve high coverage. There was some support for a campaign approach to vaccine delivery. CONCLUSIONS: Given the high level of support for a vaccine against cervical cancer and the experience of reaching pastoralist and slum-dwellers for other immunizations, implementing an HPV vaccine programme should be feasible in such hard-to-reach communities. This may require additional delivery strategies in addition to the standard school-based delivery, with vaccine offered at multiple venues, potentially through a campaign approach