380,516 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Communication for Foster Parents: Interpersonal, Small Group, and Public Speaking Skills Necessary for Foster Parenting

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    Communication is a core aspect of what foster parents do every day. However, communication research focusing on foster parents is limited. Foster parents should understand interpersonal communication, small group communication, and public speaking. Understanding the basic principles of these communication disciplines will help foster parents succeed in their role. Interpersonal communication creates relationships between the foster parent and child through inclusion, control, and affection. Small group communication aspects of group roles, meeting facilitation, and conflict management are used in interactions with caseworkers. The public speaking skills of preparation and practice are used during court proceedings, orientations, and support groups. Providing foster parents with these communicative skills is crucial for successful placement outcomes

    A Survey of Communication Department Curriculum in Four-Year Colleges and Universities

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    This article presents a survey of communication department curriculum in four-year colleges and universities in the U.S. Excellent communication skills are tantamount to success in education. A review of current education journals reveals the variety of communication skills needed by professional educators, including interpersonal communication, small group meetings, interviewing, basic communication theory, research methodology, teaching methods in speech communication, public speaking, performance of literature, media, and a teaching internship. Social science literature reveals several communication needs for social science practitioners, including anthropologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, lawyers, journalists, advertising practitioners, political scientists, human relations practitioners, and mass media personnel. Those communication needs include interpersonal communication, small group meeting skills, interviewing, basic communication theory, familiarity with research methods, organizational communication patterns, persuasion, public speaking, broadcast media, public relations, along with an appropriate internship


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    Abstract: Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) activities are one of the business fields that can develop and be consistent in the national economy. Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are a good starting point for the formation or creation of jobs that are planned either by individuals, the private sector or even individuals. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of interpersonal communication on interpersonal communication behavior for people in the city of Medan. The method used is descriptive qualitative descriptive narrative. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study show that interpersonal communication behavior influences the development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Medan City supported by four factors, namely audience, media, messages and communicators. The community's interpersonal communication behavior in determining the audience by collecting data on micro, small and medium entrepreneurs (MSMEs) is then selected according to the criteria included in fostering development programs. The media used are group media, print media, and online media to communicate information and knowledge to business owners. Then the influence in determining the communicators are people who have knowledge about MSMEsand are selected according to their experience and expertise.   Keywords: Communication, Interpersonal Communication, MSME

    Small Group Communication as an Introductory Course

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    It took considerable temerity for me to write a paper about an introductory course in small group communication. Although I have taught basic small group courses throughout my career as a college teacher, I have never had the opportunity to teach where a small group course was an option among introductory communication courses from which most or all graduates were required to choose. So I projected from my experience in teaching and coordinating multiple-section hybrid, interpersonal and public-speaking courses. Mostly I have drawn on my experiences in teaching small group courses at the sophomore and upper-class levels, my experience in conducting noncredit workshops, and my research for writing small group communication textbooks

    A content analysis of interviews with players of massively multiplayer online role-play games (MMORPGs).

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    This paper explores the intrapersonal and interpersonal motivations involved in the playing of MMORPGs, and the impacts of gaming on online and offline relationships. Twenty-one participants completed an online synchronous interview in which they discussed their personal experiences of playing MMORPGs. An online survey was then developed to further explore the findings of the interviews and this was completed by 52 participants. A content-analysis of the interview transcripts showed that interpersonal factors (such as social communication and group cohesion) were the strongest motivators for game-playing, supporting previous research [1]. The interview data also showed that there tended to be conflict, rather than integration, between online and offline relationships, however the questionnaire data showed the opposite. This was a small-scale pilot study and a further larger study is planned which will investigate whether Social Identity Theory can be used to explain players’ perceptions of group and personal identity

    An exploratory study of the relationships among sex-role orientation, communicative attitudes and perceptions of communicative behaviors

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    Communication, whether in spoken language, written form or nonverbal behavior, has been the object of scrutiny for as long as it has been practiced. The study of communication has become increasingly specialized and occasionally compartmentalized as the interest in communication and its effects has grown. Interpersonal, small-group, non-verbal and organizational are just some of the divisions within communication study and research


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    This study aims to know the effectivity of interpersonal communication in learning activities through WhatsApp Group Media, a research study using an effectiveness study proposed by Devito (1997) which says there are 5 general dimensions to measure the effectiveness of interpersonal communication activities including openness, empathy, supportive, attitude positive and equality. Based on the results of the presentation about the effectiveness of interpersonal communication in lectures using WhatsApp Group by the Communication Studies lecturer at the Raden Fatah State Islamic University of Palembang, it is known that WhatsApp Group can display various types of learning media in the form of visual media, audio, audio visual, and presenter groups. However, the WhatsApp group media cannot provide sample objects directly if the course requires sample objects to be demonstrated. This research shows that learning activities that only use WhatsApp Group media without using face-to-face lecture methods are ineffective, this is due to the many obstacles faced by students and lecturers when the lecture activities take place. Various obstacles faced are the small level of openness of students, empathy that is difficult to show both by students and by lecturers, the attitude of support is not as strong as learning is done by direct meeting in class, the attitude shown is largely the opposite of what is expected by the lecturer, as well as the equality of the meaning of learning materials both for students and for different lecturers.  Keywords: interpersonal communication, openness, empathy, supportiveness, positive attitude and equality, whatsapp grou

    Human Communication : Motivation, Knowledge and Skills - 2/E

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    Human communication is a pratical, timely guide to interpersonal communication, small group communication, public speaking, computer mediated communication, and mass communication. Morreale, Spitzberg and Barge show you that increased motivation (why we communicate), knowledge (what we communicate), and skill (how to communicate) are all central communicating successfully. And going a step further that what you’ll find in other communication texts, this book intregrates the authors communication competence model, which includes numerous selft assessment tools that you can use to measure your progress and success
