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    International environmental policy

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    Humanity constantly faces a lot of problems which need to be solved as soon as possible. The growing impact of human activities causes environmental changes: air and water pollution as well as natural resource depletion on a global scale. These disturbances in ecosystem inflict considerable harm on all living creatures, including humans. Despite the rapid scientific and technological development, the role of natural and anthropogenic factors that cause emergencies and constitute a threat to the world ecological safety is constantly growing. Common environmental problems force countries to unite in order to protect the environment and conduct international environmental policy

    International environmental policy

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    Humanity constantly faces a lot of problems which need to be solved as soon as possible. The growing impact of human activities causes environmental changes: air and water pollution as well as natural resource depletion on a global scale. These disturbances in ecosystem inflict considerable harm on all living creatures, including humans. Despite the rapid scientific and technological development, the role of natural and anthropogenic factors that cause emergencies and constitute a threat to the world ecological safety is constantly growing. Common environmental problems force countries to unite in order to protect the environment and conduct international environmental policy

    International Environmental Policy

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    This course will address the nature, content, and structure of international environmental law. The course will first familiarize students with international environmental problems and basic principles of international law and environmental regulation. The course will then take up various specific topics, such as global warming, stratospheric ozone depletion, trade and environment, and biodiversity and biosafety. Throughout, the course will apply interdisciplinary tools to help understand the international environmental regulatory system. The course will explore the roles of different actors in that system, as well as the difficulties of negotiating and implementing agreements that form the rules of the system. In terms of the learning goals and student outcomes the School’s Faculty have identified as key for students, students will: • increase their knowledge and understanding of o key concepts, models, theories, and debates in international relations o the institutional backdrop underpinning international politics, including international organizations and international law o the normative aspect of international relations as reflected in international law, including human rights o the prevailing global issues, such as international conflict, global health, and environmental challenges. • develop skills to o collect, sort, and evaluate information o analyze complex situations and synthesize information o integrate different fields of study in analysis of a complex world o communicate effectively in oral and written form. • develop a sense of global citizenship and to employ a global perspective to: o recognize and understand differences among a diversity of cultures and viewpoints o employ a global perspective and self-awareness regarding their own culture and responsibility as world citizens o demonstrate leadership qualities and other essential skills of diplomacy

    International Environmental Policy

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    This course will address the nature, content, and structure of international environmental law. The course will first familiarize students with international environmental problems and basic principles of international law and environmental regulation. The course will then take up various specific topics, such as climate change, global warming, loss of biodiversity, stratospheric ozone depletion, trade and environment, and United Nations efforts to stimulate and monitor sustainable development and environmental and social protection. Throughout, the course will apply interdisciplinary tools to help understand the international environmental regulatory system. The course will explore the roles of different actors in that system, as well as the difficulties of negotiating and implementing agreements that form the rules of the system

    AGENDA: 2010 World Energy Justice Conference: Emerging Solutions for the Energy Poor: Technological, Entrepreneurial and Institutional Challenges

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    This conference is a sequel to the 2009 World Energy Justice Conference (WEJC 2009) which began examining ways of mainstreaming safe, clean, and efficient energy for the world\u27s Energy Poor (EP). The EP number two and a half billion people living on less than $1-2 a day who have no access to modern energy services. WEJC 2010 more fully develops these themes. WEJC 2010 will explore how the next round of global warming meetings in Cancun could design new flexibility mechanisms that give credits, for example, for the reduction of black carbon by the adoption of cookstoves, and embrace small scale projects by poor stakeholders. WEJC 2010 will traverse ways of generating more capital, and promoting manufacture of appropriate sustainable energy technologies (ASETs) by social entrepreneurs as well as large corporations. The conference will explore promising pathways for doing so

    AGENDA: 2010 World Energy Justice Conference: Emerging Solutions for the Energy Poor: Technological, Entrepreneurial and Institutional Challenges

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    This conference is a sequel to the 2009 World Energy Justice Conference (WEJC 2009) which began examining ways of mainstreaming safe, clean, and efficient energy for the world\u27s Energy Poor (EP). The EP number two and a half billion people living on less than $1-2 a day who have no access to modern energy services. WEJC 2010 more fully develops these themes. WEJC 2010 will explore how the next round of global warming meetings in Cancun could design new flexibility mechanisms that give credits, for example, for the reduction of black carbon by the adoption of cookstoves, and embrace small scale projects by poor stakeholders. WEJC 2010 will traverse ways of generating more capital, and promoting manufacture of appropriate sustainable energy technologies (ASETs) by social entrepreneurs as well as large corporations. The conference will explore promising pathways for doing so

    Environmental Management Policy under International Carbon Leakage

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    This paper studies environmental management policy when two fossil-fuel-consuming countries non-cooperatively regulate greenhouse- gas emissions through emission taxes or quotas. The presence of carbon leakage caused by fuel-price changes a.ects the tax-quota equivalence. We explore each country.s incentive to choose an environment regula- tion instrument within a framework of a two-stage policy choice game and .nd subgame-perfect Nash equilibria. This sheds a new light on the question of why adopted policy instruments could be di.erent among countries. We also analyze the welfare e.ect of creating an interna- tional market for emission permits. International trade in emission permits may not bene.t the fuel-consuming countries.global warming, carbon leakage, emission tax, emission quota, tax-quota equivalence, emission trading

    Environmental Management Policy under International Carbon Leakage

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    This paper studies environmental management policy when two fossil-fuel-consuming countries non-cooperatively regulate greenhouse-gas emissions through emission taxes or quotas. The presence of carbon leakage caused by fuel-price changes affects the tax-quota equivalence. We explore each country's incentive to choose an environment regulation instrument within a framework of a two-stage policy choice game and find subgame-perfect Nash equilibria. This sheds a new light on the question of why adopted policy instruments could be different among countries. We also analyze the welfare effect of creating an international market for emission permits. International trade in emission permits may not benefit the fuel-consuming countries.Global Warming, Carbon Leakage, Emission Tax, Emission Quota, Tax-quota Equivalence, Emission Trading

    International Environmental Law & Policy

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    International Transmission of Environmental Policy: A New Keynesian Perspective

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    In this paper we examine the international transmission of environmental policy using a New Keynesian model of the global economy. We first consider the case in which the quality of the environment affects utility, but not productivity. This allows us to look at the trade-off between environmental quality and output. We then consider the case in which the quality of the environment increases productivity but does not affect utility. Our main results show that in both cases a unilateral implementation of a more stringent environmental policy by the domestic country raises foreign welfare under a benchmark parameterization. However, since this policy can have a negative impact on domestic utility but a positive one on world utility, an international coordination problem can arise in the implementation of environmental policy: no country will have an incentive to implement environmental reforms if there is a possibility that its trading partners will do so.Environmental Economics, Environmental Policy, International Policy Coordination, Open Economy Macroeconomics