26,251 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Pengungkapan Laporan Keuangan Daerah di Situs Internet: Studi pada Pemerintah Daerah Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of financial statement disclosure displayed on the website of local government in the years 2009-2010. The research method used is bibliography study and field study through the Internet. We found 2 types of financial information presented in the website, namely the information of financial statements and other financial information. There are 57 local governments that provide financial information from 392 local governments\u27 website. The 57 local government web sites, only nine local governments that provide information on its financial statements in accordance to SAP (Government Accounting Standards), while 40 local governments provide information on local government budgets (APBD) and 8 present the financial information other than financial statements according to SAP and budget information (APBD). These findings suggest that transparency and accountability of local governments related to the financial statements and other financial information on the website is still lacking

    Pengaruh Internet Financial Reporting, Ketepatan Waktu Penyampaian Informasi Keuangan Website, Ukuran Perusahaan, dan Profitabilitas terhadap Abnormal Return (Studi Empiri Spada Perusahaan Pertambangan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2012-2014)

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    The research examines the effect ofinternet financial reporting, timeliness submission of financial information website, firm size, and profitability on abnormal return of mining company listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012-2014.Secondary data were sourced from the financial statements, published by the capital market reference center at the Indonesia Stock Exchange and list of daily stock price in Yahoo Finance. The research type used in this research is hypothesis testing, by using simple random sampling method. There are 90 samples of the data that become the object to be researched. This research uses multiple linear regression analysis to test the hypothesis.The results of this research show that simultaneous of internet financial reporting, timeliness submission of financial information website, firm size, and profitability have effect on abnormal return. Partially the research shows that (1) internet financial reporting have positive effect on abnormal return, (2) timeliness submission of financial information website have positive effect on abnormal return, (3) firm size have positive effect on abnormal return, and (4) profitability have no effect on abnormal return


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    The major financial statements are designed to provide a picture of theoverall financial position and performance of the business. In order to provide thisoverall picture, the accounting system will normally produce five major financialreports on a regular recurring basis. These financial statements, taken together,provide on overall picture of the financial health of the business. It says that who hasthe information has the power, and the way that it gets from the receiver iscommunication. From an accounting point of view, the communication is representedby financial statements, witch are regulated by IASB through IAS 1. Its objective is toprescribe the basis for presentation of general purpose financial statements, to ensurecomparability both with the entity’s financial statements of previous periods and withthe financial statements of other entities.financial statements, IASB, IAS/IFRS financial reporting

    The Information Limit to Honest Managerial Behavior

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    In the last years of the Internet bubble, many managers provided fraudulent financial statements with the aim at inflating the market value of their firms. Is this shortage of honesty an accident or a buit-in feature of shareholder capitalism? This paper argues that in an economy hosting publicly traded companies where investors have only imperfect information about a firm’s type and where a honest financial report may be wrong, at least some bad firms managers will provide false statements. Furthermore, in equilibrium some good firm managers may also resort to corrupt auditors which will issue a favorable report without carrying out any investigation. The frequency of dishonest managers is analysed in keeping with the precision of the report and the total number of firms.Corporate fraud; Accounting information; Manager behavior; Honesty; Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium

    Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - 2001 Annual Report

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    Contains President's message, program information, grants list, and financial statements

    Government Financial Reporting - Good Practices from sub-Saharan Africa

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    open access journalThis study attempts to codify good practices in financial reporting by sub-Saharan African governments. The study identifies, analyses and documents existing good practices from annual financial reports by central governments in sub-Saharan Africa. As such it provides a guide to governments wishing to improve the quality of their annual financial statements based on the approaches adopted by their peers. The financial statements of a dozen governments of sub-Saharan Africa were reviewed to identify examples of good practice which were then analysed against the four broad indicative criteria which were developed for the study. Visits were made to Burkina Faso, Namibia and Tanzania to obtain further information and to discuss the needs of the key uses of government financial information. Keywords: Accountability

    The Expectation Gap in Internet Financial Reporting: Evidence from an Emerging Capital Market

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    The development of the internet as a global medium has significantly impacted financial reporting environment of the companies. Recently, companies have started reporting their financial results and other information relating to business on their web pages. The internet offers the facility to provide all interested groups with information to make well-informed, timely investment decision thus reducing the information advantages of institutional investors and information intermediaries. This study examines the level of internet financial reporting in Turkey. Furthermore, it tries to find out whether there is an expectation gap in internet financial reporting. In this study, “expectation gap” refers to the difference between (1) what financial statement users perceive important in decision making process to be and (2) what companies actually disclose or present in their web pages. Our findings indicate that an expectation gap exists; financial statement users have higher expectations for various facets than what companies actually report in the areas such as; reports of analysts, phone number to investor relations, segmental reporting, financial data in processable format, and summary of financial data. Our findings serve as evidence that the companies should engage in appropriate actions to reduce this expectation gap.Internet, Financial Reporting, Turkey

    Joyce Foundation - 2006 Annual Report: What's the Big Idea?

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    Contains president's message, program information, project summaries, grantee profiles, grants list, financial statements, and list of board members and staff

    Rockefeller Foundation - 1999 Annual Report

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    Contains statement of mission and vision, president's message, program information, grants list, financial statements, and list of board members and staff

    Aspects of the motivation for voluntary disclosures: evidence from the publication of value added statements in an emerging economy

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    This paper investigates the motivation for the voluntary disclosure of financial information by companies in their annual financial statements, by examining aspects of the usefulness of the value added statement. The value added statement is published voluntarily with the annual financial statements and is currently experiencing high levels of publication in South Africa, which is evidently brought about by the high political costs and significant legitimacy threats that companies operating in South Africa are facing. It was found from the literature and from a survey among management that the value added statement was primarily aimed at the employees. Employees have also been regarded as users of financial information in the literature. However, a survey among trade unions in South Africa found that almost no use is made of the value added statement even though the unions make use of other financial information. This indicates that voluntary disclosures do not necessarily satisfy the information needs of their intended audience. The research also indicates that the trade unions might not use the value added statement because they suspect that the statement is being used to reduce political costs and legitimacy threats, and is therefore not reliable. This is a major shortcoming of voluntary disclosures