623 research outputs found

    Importance of Sustainability Indicators in Construction SSCM

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    For ongoing review in the strategic planning of the construction industry, numerous complex categories such as ecological, social, and economic are necessary. The present research and analysis look at sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) in the construction industry from a holistic viewpoint, focusing on the construction company's long-term sustainable decision-making tools rather than only SCM for building projects. This article specifies a number of sustainability measures for assessing supplier networks of construction companies. By analyzing their use in prior literature and agreeing to the explanation, those indicators were grouped and assigned to the categories which better reflect the SSCM principle of their application in the construction sphere. For sustainable policymakers and construction business managers, the use of indicators can aid in the development of policies for the construction sector

    Sustainable supply chain management trends in world regions: A data-driven analysis

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    This study proposes a data-driven analysis that describes the overall situation and reveals the factors hindering improvement in the sustainable supply chain management field. The literature has presented a summary of the evolution of sustainable supply chain management across attributes. Prior studies have evaluated different parts of the supply chain as independent entities. An integrated systematic assessment is absent in the extant literature and makes it necessary to identify potential opportunities for research direction. A hybrid of data-driven analysis, the fuzzy Delphi method, the entropy weight method and fuzzy decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory is adopted to address uncertainty and complexity. This study contributes to locating the boundary of fundamental knowledge to advance future research and support practical execution. Valuable direction is provided by reviewing the existing literature to identify the critical indicators that need further examination. The results show that big data, closed-loop supply chains, industry 4.0, policy, remanufacturing, and supply chain network design are the most important indicators of future trends and disputes. The challenges and gaps among different geographical regions is offered that provides both a local viewpoint and a state-of-the-art advanced sustainable supply chain management assessment

    La cadena de suministro sostenible: conceptos, modelos de optimizaci´on y de simulaci´on y tendencias

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    Context: The environmental and social dimensions of performance are of great importance, given that they must be incorporated into strategic, tactical, and operational objectives in companies and supply chains to minimize negative impacts on the environment and society. Method: After reviewing the Scopus, Web of Science, and ScienceDirect databases for the topics of sustainability and supply chain management, a state of the art of green and sustainable supply chain management is presented, aiming to guide readers towards a synthesis of related concepts and future lines of research. Results: The reader is introduced to concepts and trends around the field of green and sustainable supply chain management to raise interest in new research and practices to guide the implementation of sustainability in organizations and their supply chains. Conclusions: Sustainable supply chain management still faces several academic and practical challenges in terms of implementation, performance measurement, and how models can capture a dynamic and uncertain social and environmental context. There are latent research issues such as management of the circular supply chain, applications in emerging economies, or the application of 4.0 technologies.Contexto: Las dimensiones ambiental y social del desempeño son de gran importancia, puesto que deben ser incorporadas a los objetivos estratégicos, tácticos y operativos de las empresas y cadenas de suministro para minimizar los impactos negativos sobre el medio ambiente y la sociedad. Método: Tras haber consultado los temas de sostenibilidad y gestión de la cadena de suministro en las bases de datos Scopus, Web of Science y ScienceDirect, se presenta el estado del arte en gestión de la cadena de suministro verde y sostenible, esperando guiar a los lectores hacia una síntesis de conceptos relacionados y futuras líneas de investigación. Resultados: Se introduce al lector a conceptos y tendencias en el campo de gestión de la cadena de suministro verde y sostenible para despertar el interés en nuevas investigaciones y prácticas para guiar la implementación de la sostenibilidad en organizaciones y sus cadenas de suministro. Conclusiones: La gestión sostenible de la cadena de suministro aún enfrenta varios retos académicos y prácticos, desafíos en términos de implementación, medición del desempeño y la manera en que los modelos pueden capturar un contexto social y ambiental dinámico e incierto. Hay cuestiones de investigación latentes como la gestión de la cadena de suministro circular, las aplicaciones en economías emergentes o la aplicación de tecnologías 4.0

    Sustainable Assessment in Supply Chain and Infrastructure Management

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    In the competitive business environment or public domain, the sustainability assessment in supply chain and infrastructure management are important for any organization. Organizations are currently striving to improve their sustainable strategies through preparedness, response, and recovery because of increasing competitiveness, community, and regulatory pressure. Thus, it is necessary to develop a meaningful and more focused understanding of sustainability in supply chain management and infrastructure management practices. In the context of a supply chain, sustainability implies that companies identify, assess, and manage impacts and risks in all the echelons of the supply chain, considering downstream and upstream activities. Similarly, the sustainable infrastructure management indicates the ability of infrastructure to meet the requirements of the present without sacrificing the ability of future generations to address their needs. The complexities regarding sustainable supply chain and infrastructure management have driven managers and professionals to seek different solutions. This Special Issue aims to provide readers with the most recent research results on the aforementioned subjects. In addition, it offers some solutions and also raises some questions for further research and development toward sustainable supply chain and infrastructure management

    Sustainable supply chain management: Decision models for transformation and maturity

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    Academics and practitioners have realized that supply chains with their many interactions and impacts have to be investigated in order to meet corporate sustainability imperatives. Research has thus far offered only limited theoretical guidance while practical applications often lack a systematic approach. The realization of sustainability goals is impeded by disconnects between supply chain vision, strategy, and execution. This research bridges this gap and offers guidance through the identification and description of influential factors and decision models. An exploratory Delphi study involved supply chain and sustainability experts with the goal to explore and propose factors and decision processes for sustainable supply chain management. This study builds upon the insights offered by seminal models and leverages the Delphi mechanisms of exploration and controlled feedback in order to design, refine, and validate decision models through three consecutive rounds. This Delphi facilitated the identification and assessment of vital relationships and influential factors for sustainable supply chain management. The study culminates in the design and validation of models specifically targeted at the transformation and on-going maturity development of sustainable supply chains. The combination of research outcomes provides targeted decision support to supply chain managers which is desperately needed in order to drive sustainability development and implementation. The main contributions of the study thus are (1) the design of prescriptive artefacts that describe relationships in SSCM, (2) to offer targeted and evaluated decision support functionalities for sustainable supply chains, and (3) to provide fertile ground for future research enquiries

    Key themes and research opportunities in sustainable supply chain management - identification and evaluation

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    Supply chains play an integral role in today's globalised economy. Hence, in order to truly pursue sustainable business development, the underlying dynamics and influential themes for sustainability in supply chains have to be understood. However, this area remains characterized by limited theoretical knowledge and practical application. A literature review was conducted first in order to gain an overview of available theory and to develop initial categorisations. In the next step, the insights of supply chain and sustainability experts were gathered via an exploratory Delphi study conducted online over three rounds. A set of key themes (planning, execution, coordination, and collaboration) and associated research opportunities (within the categories of governance, risk, compliance, performance management, and the sustainability dimensions) were synthesised and evaluated according to their relative importance based on the experts' opinions. By relating these results to existing literature, this study confirms, questions and extends knowledge on sustainable supply chain management. The identified themes are integral for the management and performance of sustainable supply chains. They provide structure to the field and offer a prioritisation of sustainability initiatives that can be applied prescriptively by the practitioner. The future research opportunities are further enfolded in a categorised research agenda, driving the theoretical as well as practical development of the field

    A composite index to measure sustainability of supply chain management in construction companies

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    Companies in the construction sector are increasingly aware of the importance and challenges of sustainability. In recent years, construction companies have introduced some sustainability initiatives and have embraced the concept of sustainability indicators. However, measuring a company’s performance on a wide range of sustainability indicators is challenging. Integration of supply chain sustainability indicators is required. This article presents a methodology for easily consolidating existing supply chain indicators into a single analysis that requires minimal resources. First, the list of 38 sustainability indicators of the supply chain was defined and divided into 7 sustainability groups. The experts were then asked to rank the sustainability groups and the supply chain sustainability indicators within each group according to their importance using the rank sum weighting method. The survey questionnaire was distributed to the respondents via paper or email to 24 academics and top/middle managers of construction companies. Global normalized weights were employed to determine the final indicator rankings. For normalization, target values were suggested for each indicator. Finally, a composite sustainability index for a construction company’s supply chain was developed. The developed composite sustainability index provides a global view of sustainable supply chain management in construction companies, allowing supply chain indicators to be related to their objectives. The developed composite index can be used by supply chain managers in construction companies to assess their organization’s contribution to supply chain sustainability

    Research developments in Sustainable Supply Chain Management considering Optimization and Industry 4.0 Techniques: A Systematic Review

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    Purpose – The literature that is presently available on sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) combining Optimization and Industry 4.0 techniques falls short in its depictions of the recent developments, budding pertinent areas, and the importance of SSCM in the growth of industrial economies around the world. This article's main objective is to analyze current trends, highlight the latest initiatives, and perform a meta-analysis of the literature that is currently accessible in the SSCM area with a special focus on optimization and Industry 4.0 techniques. The paper also proposes a conceptual framework that will assist in illuminating how the ideas of optimization and Industry 4.0 may contribute to realizing sustainability in supply chains. Design/methodology/approach – The proposed study systematically reviews 85 research publications published between 2010 and 2022 in referenced peer-reviewed journals in diverse fields, including engineering, business and management, services, and healthcare. Numerous categories are considered throughout the examination of the literature, including year-wise publications, prominent journals, type of research design, concerned industry, and research technique used. Findings – The study demonstrates a deeper comprehension of the literature in the field and its evolution throughout numerous industry sectors, which is helpful for both practitioners and academics. The results from the content analysis highlight various future research opportunities in the domain. Originality/value – This is one of the first research articles that have attempted to establish, analyse, and highlight the current trends and initiatives in the SSCM domain from an optimization and Industry 4.0 techniques viewpoint. The cluster-based future research propositions also enhance the novelty of the study

    Sustainable supply chain management towards disruption and organizational ambidexterity:A data driven analysis

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    Balancing sustainability and disruption of supply chains requires organizational ambidexterity. Sustainable supply chains prioritize efficiency and economies of scale and may not have sufficient redundancy to withstand disruptive events. There is a developing body of literature that attempts to reconcile these two aspects. This study gives a data-driven literature review of sustainable supply chain management trends toward ambidexterity and disruption. The critical review reveals temporal trends and geographic distribution of literature. A hybrid of data-driven analysis approach based on content and bibliometric analyses, fuzzy Delphi method, entropy weight method, and fuzzy decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory is used on 273 keywords and 22 indicators obtained based on the experts’ evaluation. The most important indicators are identified as supply chain agility, supply chain coordination, supply chain finance, supply chain flexibility, supply chain resilience, and sustainability. The regions show different tendencies compared with others. Asia and Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Africa are the regions needs improvement, while Europe and North America show distinct apprehensions on supply chain network design. The main contribution of this review is the identification of the knowledge frontier, which then leads to a discussion of prospects for future studies and practical industry implementation
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