120,281 research outputs found
An ADMM Based Framework for AutoML Pipeline Configuration
We study the AutoML problem of automatically configuring machine learning
pipelines by jointly selecting algorithms and their appropriate
hyper-parameters for all steps in supervised learning pipelines. This black-box
(gradient-free) optimization with mixed integer & continuous variables is a
challenging problem. We propose a novel AutoML scheme by leveraging the
alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). The proposed framework is
able to (i) decompose the optimization problem into easier sub-problems that
have a reduced number of variables and circumvent the challenge of mixed
variable categories, and (ii) incorporate black-box constraints along-side the
black-box optimization objective. We empirically evaluate the flexibility (in
utilizing existing AutoML techniques), effectiveness (against open source
AutoML toolkits),and unique capability (of executing AutoML with practically
motivated black-box constraints) of our proposed scheme on a collection of
binary classification data sets from UCI ML& OpenML repositories. We observe
that on an average our framework provides significant gains in comparison to
other AutoML frameworks (Auto-sklearn & TPOT), highlighting the practical
advantages of this framework
Influences on children’s attainment and progress in Key Stage 2: cognitive outcomes in Year 6
These reports forms part of a set of two reports that examine key influences on children’s Maths, English and social behavioural outcomes (self-regulation, pro-social behaviour, hyperactivity and anti-social behaviour) in Year 6 and on their progress across Key Stage 2. The sister report describes the results of analyses on children’s social/behavioural outcomes (ref: DCSF-RR049).
The report is from the effective pre-school and primary education 3 to 11 project (EPPE 3 to 11) which is longitudinal study using multi-level modelling investigating the effects of home background, pre-school and primary education on pupils’ attainment and social / behavioural development.
Around 3,000 children were recruited from 141 pre-school settings in 6 English LEAs at the age of 3+ between 1996 and 1999. The study followed these children through pre-school and into more than 900 primary schools in 100 local authorities
Evaluating Connection Resilience for the Overlay Network Kademlia
Kademlia is a decentralized overlay network, up to now mainly used for highly
scalable file sharing applications. Due to its distributed nature, it is free
from single points of failure. Communication can happen over redundant network
paths, which makes information distribution with Kademlia resilient against
failing nodes and attacks. This makes it applicable to more scenarios than
Internet file sharing. In this paper, we simulate Kademlia networks with
varying parameters and analyze the number of node-disjoint paths in the
network, and thereby the network connectivity. A high network connectivity is
required for communication and system-wide adaptation even when some nodes or
communication channels fail or get compromised by an attacker. With our
results, we show the influence of these parameters on the connectivity and,
therefore, the resilience against failing nodes and communication channels.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, accepted to ICDCS2017. arXiv admin note:
substantial text overlap with arXiv:1605.0800
Community detection for networks with unipartite and bipartite structure
Finding community structures in networks is important in network science,
technology, and applications. To date, most algorithms that aim to find
community structures only focus either on unipartite or bipartite networks. A
unipartite network consists of one set of nodes and a bipartite network
consists of two nonoverlapping sets of nodes with only links joining the nodes
in different sets. However, a third type of network exists, defined here as the
mixture network. Just like a bipartite network, a mixture network also consists
of two sets of nodes, but some nodes may simultaneously belong to two sets,
which breaks the nonoverlapping restriction of a bipartite network. The mixture
network can be considered as a general case, with unipartite and bipartite
networks viewed as its limiting cases. A mixture network can represent not only
all the unipartite and bipartite networks, but also a wide range of real-world
networks that cannot be properly represented as either unipartite or bipartite
networks in fields such as biology and social science. Based on this
observation, we first propose a probabilistic model that can find modules in
unipartite, bipartite, and mixture networks in a unified framework based on the
link community model for a unipartite undirected network [B Ball et al (2011
Phys. Rev. E 84 036103)]. We test our algorithm on synthetic networks (both
overlapping and nonoverlapping communities) and apply it to two real-world
networks: a southern women bipartite network and a human transcriptional
regulatory mixture network. The results suggest that our model performs well
for all three types of networks, is competitive with other algorithms for
unipartite or bipartite networks, and is applicable to real-world networks.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures.
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