311,699 research outputs found

    Project Portfolio Management Prototype Application Design

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    The management of project portfolio in a company requires the use of specific software, especially when the number of projects is significant. This paper is based on the Methodology for the development of IT projects portfolio management applications research project. This paper presents some of the results of a project portfolio application design.project management, project portfolio management, applications development.

    Asymmetric Correlation in IT Project Portfolio Management

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    Real Option Analysis (ROA) has been a focus of the MIS literature for the last ten years. Much of this literature has focused on (1) the suitability of using ROA in IS/IT; (2) case studies examining single projects; (3) real options embedded in projects; (4) the Black Scholes or Binomial option models; and (5) developing models to account for sources of variability. In this paper we investigate (5) above by taking a portfolio view of an organization’s IT/IS projects. We assume that both costs and revenues behave stochastically. We use the concept of an IT Project Portfolio Map to divide the portfolio into different sections by the relative size of project costs and revenues. Finally, we introduce the idea of asymmetric correlation in these different areas of the portfolio. The importance of asymmetric correlation and the dependence structure of a portfolio in general stems from the idea that projects that have uncorrelated costs and revenues are more valuable then projects with highly correlated costs and revenues


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    Although recently a lot of attention has been devoted to IT project portfolio management in theory as well as in practice, research in this area is particularly focused on approaches for project selection. Related tasks and especially the organizational environment in which IT project portfolio management is embedded are often excluded. This paper relates existing findings from the field of IT governance to the field of IT project portfolio management. Based on a qualitative study, different fields of activities in IT project portfolio management are identified. Furthermore, governance issues in IT project portfolio management are illustrated and a category schema for the assessment of governance structures in the different fields of activities is introduced. In contrast to existing publications in this field of research, which usually employ a maturity level perspective, the paper focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of centralized, decentralized and federal structures in different fields of activities of IT project portfolio management. The paper is intended to highlight why different degrees of centralization in IT project portfolio management can be observed in practice

    Optimal Portfolio Management in Alaska: A Case Study on Risk Characteristics of Environmental Consulting Companies

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    A Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Project ManagementSharp declines in global oil prices have led to a marked contraction in Alaska’s natural resource dependent economy. This, coupled with record the State’s budgetary shortfalls and a decrease in incoming federal dollars, has created a climate where environmental consulting companies must accept riskier projects to balance portfolio growth and security. As a result, companies must adopt a risk-based portfolio management approach as both a high level strategy and a core management practice. It is important to specifically identify projects best suited for an organization’s tolerance for risk based off of the supply and demand of the industry in rapidly changing economic conditions. Therefore, the aims of this project report are to help environmental consulting companies identify risk characteristics and manage their portfolio, as well as develop a tool to guide decision-making and selecting projects best suited for a companies’ portfolio strategy. The results of this research may provide Alaska based environmental companies with a clear understanding of the types of projects that offer both development and financial security for an organization. This research paper will present the methodology, results, and an environmental consulting portfolio management tool.Title Page / Table of Contents / List of Exhibits / Abstract / Introduction / Background / Literature Review / Project Methodology / Research Methodology / Presentation and Analysis of Data from Survey / Data Validation From Survey / Conclusion / Recommendation / Project Conclusion / Recommendations for Further Research / References / Appendi

    Strategic Planning and Project Selection for IT Portfolio Management

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    Software project proposals, solicited from various sources across an organization, could significantly vary in strategic value, overlap in functionality, and assume conflicting technical infrastructure. Without a holistic approach toward project selection and planning, the resulting project portfolio will likely incur undue risk while delivering poor return on investment. We propose a two-stage optimization procedure. In the first stage, project characteristics such as strategic alignment, perceived benefits, cost, and risk are considered to maximize portfolio value. In the second stage, inter-project dependencies and team expertise are used to determine how projects are assigned to programs and in what sequence they should be carried out. Future extension on the proposed optimization procedure is also discussed

    IT Project Portfolio Management Tools: Towards Taxonomy-based Archetypes

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    To achieve organizational goals and remain competitive, evaluating, selecting, and managing IT projects and proposals to build a value-driven portfolio is a critical activity. IT project portfolio management (ITPPM) tools assist these portfolio-related activities, support strategic decision-makers, and help complete more IT projects successfully. Despite existing research on this topic, knowledge about the characteristics and design elements of ITPPM tools is still limited. We develop a taxonomy based on scientific literature and 60 real-word ITPPM tools with four perspectives, 20 dimensions, and 51 characteristics. Subsequently, we perform a cluster analysis and identify five ITPPM tool archetypes. Our results and findings contribute to the knowledge base and integrate scientific and practical knowledge to build the basis for further research on ITPPM tools. Further, we structure the ITPPM tool market, guide practitioners in selecting an appropriate ITPPM tool and support the development of new solutions or develop existing ones further

    IT Project Portfolio Management Tools: Towards Taxonomy-based Archetypes

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    To achieve organizational goals and remain competitive, evaluating, selecting, and managing IT projects and proposals to build a value-driven portfolio is a critical activity. IT project portfolio management (ITPPM) tools assist these portfolio-related activities, support strategic decision-makers, and help complete more IT projects successfully. Despite existing research on this topic, knowledge about the characteristics and design elements of ITPPM tools is still limited. We develop a taxonomy based on scientific literature and 60 real-word ITPPM tools with four perspectives, 20 dimensions, and 51 characteristics. Subsequently, we perform a cluster analysis and identify five ITPPM tool archetypes. Our results and findings contribute to the knowledge base and integrate scientific and practical knowledge to build the basis for further research on ITPPM tools. Further, we structure the ITPPM tool market, guide practitioners in selecting an appropriate ITPPM tool and support the development of new solutions or develop existing ones further

    IT Project Portfolio Management – A Matter of Organizational Culture?

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    In a qualitative research approach, an interpretive case study has been conducted. 26 experts from a large financial service provider of the cooperative banking sector were interviewed. The impact of organizational culture on the management of an organization’s IT project portfolio was subject to inquiry. We have identified three core dimensions of the organizational culture of the analyzed bank: ‘safeguarding culture’, ‘consensus orientation’, and ‘sustainability orientation’. These three central cultural elements influenced the company’s project portfolio management in a way that the portfolio of projects was oversized, resulting in a shortage of key IT resources in individual projects. As a cultural issue, the organization placed more emphasis on a sustainable, long-term oriented, effective project portfolio, rather than on efficient single IT project performance

    Best Practices and Methodologies for IT Project Portfolio Management

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    Abstract. In today's business environment, a key factor for decision making is the IT projects portfolio management (ITPPM). IT projects must be aligned with the objectives, goals and strategies, which is achieved through the appropriate application of a methodology for ITPPM. The experienced application of a methodology depends on the experience of the managers of ITPPM, considering that the application of methodologies generates best practices, it becomes necessary to study some of the more representative methodologies and obtain the best practices that allow novice administrators to initiate their portfolio management activities in information technology projects. In this article, three methodologies are studied, from which best practices are obtained, as results; a hierarchy of best practices is obtained so that project managers can be guided or introduced in their field

    Value-driven IT Project Portfolio Management: Process Model, Evaluation Framework, and Decision Support

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    Companies must optimize their information technology (IT) project portfolio to achieve goals. However, IT projects often exceed resources and do not create their promised value, for example, because of missing structured processes and evaluation methods. Continuous IT portfolio management is thus of importance and a critical business activity to reach value-driven goals. Guided by Design Science Research with literature reviews and expert interviews, we develop, evaluate, and adjust an IT project portfolio management process model, a holistic IT project evaluation framework, and implement a decision support system prototype. Our results and findings synthesize and extend previous research and expert opinions and guide decision-makers to make more informed and objective IT project portfolio management decisions aligned with optimal value creation. Furthermore, we deduce new research opportunities for IT project portfolio management process models, decision tools, and evaluation frameworks