2,311 research outputs found

    Multiple tumor suppressors regulate a HIF-dependent negative feedback loop via ISGF3 in human clear cell renal cancer.

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    Whereas VHL inactivation is a primary event in clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC), the precise mechanism(s) of how this interacts with the secondary mutations in tumor suppressor genes, including PBRM1, KDM5C/JARID1C, SETD2, and/or BAP1, remains unclear. Gene expression analyses reveal that VHL, PBRM1, or KDM5C share a common regulation of interferon response expression signature. Loss of HIF2α, PBRM1, or KDM5C in VHL-/-cells reduces the expression of interferon stimulated gene factor 3 (ISGF3), a transcription factor that regulates the interferon signature. Moreover, loss of SETD2 or BAP1 also reduces the ISGF3 level. Finally, ISGF3 is strongly tumor-suppressive in a xenograft model as its loss significantly enhances tumor growth. Conversely, reactivation of ISGF3 retards tumor growth by PBRM1-deficient ccRCC cells. Thus after VHL inactivation, HIF induces ISGF3, which is reversed by the loss of secondary tumor suppressors, suggesting that this is a key negative feedback loop in ccRCC. © 2018, Liao et al

    Viral modulation of interferon (IFN) responses to african swine fever virus (ASFV)

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    Tese de mestrado. Biologia (Biologia Humana e Ambiente). Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiĂȘncias, 2011A imunidade inata constitui a primeira resposta dada por um hospedeiro quando atacado por agentes patogĂ©nicos. A resposta imune baseia-se em genes codificados na linha germinativa, chamados receptores de reconhecimento de padrĂ”es (PRRs). Estes conseguem distinguir o “Eu” do “nĂŁo-Eu”, reconhecendo padrĂ”es moleculares conservados ao longo da evolução dos vĂĄrios agentes patogĂ©nicos, chamados padrĂ”es moleculares associados a agentes patogĂ©nicos (PAMPs). No caso dos vĂ­rus, um parasita intracelular obrigatĂłrio, os PAMPs mais importantes e mais estudados sĂŁo o seu material genĂ©tico, tal como o DNA genĂłmico viral, RNA de cadeia dupla (ds) ou simples (ss) ou a estrutura RNA viral, 5’- trisfosfato-RNA. Existem vĂĄrios PRRs, que podem ser agrupados em classes: os receptores transmembranares do tipo Toll (TLRs), os receptores citoplasmĂĄticos do tipo RIG-I (RLRs), os receptores do tipo Nod (NLRs) e os receptores do tipo AIM2 (ALRs). Os PRRs iniciam uma sinalização em cascata que culmina com a activação de factores de transcrição, que entre outros, vĂŁo induzir a produção e excreção duma citoquina, o interferĂŁo (IFN). Este grupo de citoquinas Ă© composto por trĂȘs classes, IFN tipo I (p.e IFN-α/ÎČ) , tipo II (p.e IFN-Îł) ou do tipo III (p.e. IFN-λ). O IFN pode despoletar variados efeitos anti-virais. A cascata de sinalização estimulada pelo IFN inicia-se com a ligação do IFN ao seu respectivo receptor extra celular que ,atravĂ©s de fosforilaçÔes, permite a activação de receptores intracelulares. JĂĄ no interior da cĂ©lula, sinalizadores de transdução e ativadores da transcrição (STATs) sĂŁo recrutados e fosforilados, o que permite a formação de homo ou heterodĂ­meros que migram para o nĂșcleo. No nĂșcleo, as STATs ligam-se a zonas promotoras de genes estimulados pelo IFN (ISGs), para promover a transcrição de mais de 300 ISGs com propriedades anti-virais. No caso do estĂ­mulo causado por IFN do tipo I, os complexos formados pelas STATs vĂŁo ligar-se ao elemento de resposta estimulado pelo IFN (ISRE). No caso do IFNs do tipo II, os complexos ligam-se Ă  sequĂȘncia activada pelo IFN-λ (GAS). Os ISGs facultam ao hospedeiro diversas estratĂ©gias para combater a infeção viral. Apesar de os mamĂ­feros possuĂ­rem um sistema imune bastante evoluĂ­do, os vĂ­rus tambĂ©m tĂȘm evoluĂ­do estratĂ©gias para evitar e/ou manipular as defesas do hospedeiro, dedicando uma parte substancial do seu genoma a estas estratĂ©gias. Estas podem ir desde uma interferĂȘncia global na expressĂŁo e/ou sĂ­ntese de proteĂ­nas das cĂ©lulas do hospedeiro, ou serem mais especĂ­ficas, diminuindo o impacto dos IFNs. O estudo destas interaçÔes, pode nĂŁo sĂł ser Ăștil para conhecer os mecanismos de infecção do vĂ­rus, mas tambĂ©m para perceber melhor os mecanismos de defesa do hospedeiro. Estes conhecimentos podem permitir o desenvolvimento de terapias e tratamentos anti-virais ou mesmo anticancerĂ­genos. A peste suĂ­na africana (ASF) Ă© uma doença que nos porcos domĂ©sticos (Sus sacrofa) Ă© tipicamente hemorrĂĄgica e leva normalmente Ă  morte do hospedeiro. Contudo, as infecçÔes sĂŁo assintomĂĄticas nos hospedeiros naturais, o javali, o porco selvagem e a carraça, sendo esta Ășltima, um dos principais vectores de transmissĂŁo do vĂ­rus da peste suĂ­na africana (ASFV), tornando o seu controlo difĂ­cil sem uma vacina. Nos Ășltimos anos, devido ao grande desenvolvimento urbano e consumo de carne de porco, tĂȘm havido surtos de ASF em África, causando perdas devastadoras. O ASFV Ă© um virus de DNA de cadeia dupla, o Ășnico arbovĂ­rus de DNA e o Ășnico membro da familia Asfaviridae, infectando principalmente macrĂłfagos e monĂłcitos. Tal como todos os vĂ­rus, o ASFV contĂ©m genes que manipulam a biologia da cĂ©lula do hospedeiro, como por exemplo, genes que inibem a apoptose e respostas imunes controladas pelo factor nuclear kappa B (NFÎșB), entre outros. Contudo, ainda nĂŁo foi demonstrado que algum gene do ASFV consiga inibir a resposta do IFN. Isto Ă© surpreendente, pois o ASFV infecta macrĂłfagos, um tipo de cĂ©lula sensĂ­vel ao IFN e porque a sua infecção persistente, Ă© incompatĂ­vel com uma resposta efectiva mediada por IFN. O K205R Ă© um gene do ASFV sem função definida, mas ensaios preliminares de luciferase mostraram que este gene consegue inibir a resposta do IFN. Contudo, os mecanismos utilizados pelo K205R nesta inibição sĂŁo desconhecidos. O objectivo desta dissertação de mestrado Ă© tentar perceber melhor estes mecanismos e determinar a sequĂȘncia mĂ­nima necessĂĄria para que o K205R tenha o efeito observado. O K205R foi isolado atravĂ©s de PCR, utilizando como molde o DNA genĂłmico da estirpe do AFSV, BA71. Subsequentemente, foiclonado no plasmĂ­deo pcDNA3, que contĂ©m um marcador molecular, a hemaglutinina (HA), a montante da zona de inserção do gene. Para determinar a extensĂŁo da ação do K205R, foram feitos ensaios de luciferase utilizando cĂ©lulas transfectadas com repĂłrteres de luciferase sobre o controlo dos promotores de IFN- ÎČ, ISRE e GAS. O K205R mostrou inibição para todos os reporteres. Para tentar definir a zona do K205R responsĂĄvel pelo efeito observado, fez-se uma previsĂŁo da estrutura secundĂĄria da proteĂ­na do K205R, recorrendo Ă  bioinformĂĄtica, que permitiu identificar uma sequĂȘncia “coiled-coil” putativa, uma estrutura secundĂĄria associada a interaçÔes entre proteĂ­nas. TambĂ©m Ă© sugerida uma sequĂȘncia putativa para um sinal de exportação nuclear (NES). Com base nesta anĂĄlise foram construĂ­dos quatro fragmentos do K205R e posteriormente clonados no pcDNA3. Depois de se verificar a sequencia correcta de DNA de cada um dos clones e expressĂŁo das suas proteinas em cĂ©lulas vero transfectadas , o passo seguinte foi verificar a localização celular destes fragmentos atravĂ©s de imunofluorescĂȘncia nestas mesmas cĂ©lulas. Esta experiĂȘncia permitiu verificar que de facto, os fragmentos que nĂŁo tinham a sequĂȘncia putativa NES, em comparação com cĂ©lulas transfectadas com o K205R inteiro, tinham uma maior acumulação nuclear. Para estudar o mecanismo, e a que nivel o K205R actua para inibir a via de sinalização do ISRE, foi feito um “western blot” utilizando extractos proteicos de cĂ©lulas VERO transfectadas com os diferentes fragmentos do K205R e posteriormente estimuladas com IFN-ÎČ durante 15 minutos e durante 45 minutos. Esta experiĂȘncia permitiu verificar que a fosforilação da STAT1 diminui na presença do K205R, contudo, apenas um fragmento reproduziu este efeito. Este fragmento de 75 aminoĂĄcidos nĂŁo contĂ©m a sequĂȘncia, nem para a sequĂȘncia “coiled-coil”, nem para NES. Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta resultados consistentes com a existĂȘncia de um NES funcional na sequĂȘncia do K205R, uma inibição da fosforilação da STAT1 mediada pelo K205R, mas tambĂ©m apresenta uma abordagem para determinar os mecanismos utilizados pelo K205R para inibir a indução e o impacto do IFN-ÎČ. Contudo, mais experiĂȘncias tĂȘm de ser feitas para realmente se comprovar a existĂȘncia de um NES, como por exemplo, ensaios de imunofluorescĂȘncia de cĂ©lulas transfectadas com K205R na presença de Leptomicina B, um inibidor da exportação nuclear. TambĂ©m serĂĄ necessĂĄrio estudar as vias de sinalização inibidas pelo K205R que nĂŁo foram abordadas neste trabalho, tal como a via de indução de IFN-ÎČ e a via do GAS.A key part of the innate response to virus infections is the interferon (IFN) response. This can limit virus replication and dissemination and is a critical factor in controlling virus infections, particularly persistent viruses. Many viruses encode proteins which interfere with induction of IFN and IFN-activated pathways and these can have important roles in virus pathogenesis and persistence. African Swine Fever (ASF) causes major economic losses in many African countries and is a threat to pig farming worldwide. There is no vaccine and therefore options for disease control are limited. In Europe, there is always the danger of accidental introduction of the virus, as indeed occurred in Portugal in 1957, causing severe financial losses. Thus, defining the mechanism of proteins involved in evasion of the host’s defense response and in virus virulence is of extreme interest, so we can understand the virus and try to develop strategies to reduce ASF impact. ASFV is a large cytoplasmic DNA virus which encodes between 160 to 175 open reading frames. Many of its genes are not essential for replication in vitro, but are host evasion strategies facilitating virus replication and transmission in vivo. These include proteins which inhibit host defence systems. Surprisingly, since ASFV can survive as a persistent virus, no ASFV proteins have been described which inhibit the IFN response. However, the early gene K205R, might have an impact on IFN response. Luciferase assays, shown inhibitions of IFN induction (IFN-ÎČ) and IFN-signalling (ISRE, GAS) pathways. Using a bioinformatics tool (Jpred), we got a predication of K205R protein secondary structure. Based on this prediction, deletion mutant fragments of K205R were constructed and used in immunofluorescence and western blot assays. The immunofluorescence results suggest the presence of a functional nuclear export signal (NES) motif in the K205R protein sequence. Western blot experiments suggested that K205R is affecting the phosphorylation status of STAT1, in cells stimulated with IFN-ÎČ (ISRE pathway). Although it was not possible to clearly determine the minimum sequence needed for all the functions of K205R, the results suggest that K205R inhibition of the impact of IFN type I, depends on a sequence within amino acids 130 and 205, which affects STAT1 phosphorylation. Further experiments should be done to investigate the mechanism of K205R inhibition in the pathways not covered on this thesis (IFN-ÎČ induction pathway and GAS pathway). The existence of functional NES also needs confirmation

    TYK2-induced phosphorylation of Y640 suppresses STAT3 transcriptional activity

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    STAT3 is a pleiotropic transcription factor involved in homeostatic and host defense processes in the human body. It is activated by numerous cytokines and growth factors and generates a series of cellular effects. Of the STAT-mediated signal transduction pathways, STAT3 transcriptional control is best understood. Jak kinase dependent activation of STAT3 relies on Y705 phosphorylation triggering a conformational switch that is stabilized by intermolecular interactions between SH2 domains and the pY705 motif. We here show that a second tyrosine phosphorylation within the SH2 domain at position Y640, induced by Tyk2, negatively controls STAT3 activity. The Y640F mutation leads to stabilization of activated STAT3 homodimers, accelerated nuclear translocation and superior transcriptional activity following IL-6 and LIF stimulation. Moreover, it unlocks type I IFN-dependent STAT3 signalling in cells that are normally refractory to STAT3 transcriptional activation

    Carbopol/Chitosan Based pH Triggered In Situ Gelling System for Ocular Delivery of Timolol Maleate

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    The poor bioavailability and therapeutic response exhibited by conventional ophthalmic preparations due to rapid precorneal elimination, dilution and nasolacrimal drainage of the drug may be vanquished by the use of in situ gelling systems that are instilled as drops in to the eye and undergo a sol-gel transition in the cul-de-sac. Timolol eye drops may cause systemic side effects in glaucoma patients due to absorption of the drug into systemic circulation. In situ gelling system of this drug can provide localized effect with reduced contraindications, improved patient compliance and better therapeutic index. The present work describes the formulation and evaluation of an ophthalmic delivery system of an antiglaucoma drug, timolol maleate (TM) based on the concept of pH-triggered in situ gelation. Polyacrylic acid (carbopol) was used as the gelling agent in combination with chitosan (amine polysaccharide), which was acted as a viscosity-enhancing agent. Formulations were evaluated for pH, viscosity, gelling capacity and drug content. The 0.4% w/v carbopol/0.5% w/v chitosan based in situ gelling system was in liquid state at room temperature and at the pH formulated (pH 6.0) and underwent rapid transition into the viscous gel phase at the pH of the tear fluid (lacrimal fluid) (pH 7.4). The in vitro drug release and in vivo effects of the developed in situ gelling system were compared with that of GlucomolÂź (a 0.25% TM ophthalmic solution), 0.4% w/v carbopol solution as well as liposomal formulation. The results clearly demonstrated that developed carbopol-chitosan based formulation was therapeutically efficacious and showed a fickian (diffusion controlled) type of release behaviour over 24 h periods. The developed system is thus a viable alternative to conventional eye drops and can also prevent the rapid drainage as in case of liposomes

    Inhibition of type I interferon induction and signalling by mosquito-borne flaviviruses

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    The Flavivirus genus (Flaviviridae family) contains a number of important human pathogens, including dengue and Zika viruses, which have the potential to cause severe disease. In order to efficiently establish a productive infection in mammalian cells, flaviviruses have developed key strategies to counteract host immune defences, including the type I interferon response. They employ different mechanisms to control interferon signal transduction and effector pathways, and key research generated over the past couple of decades has uncovered new insights into their abilities to actively decrease interferon antiviral activity. Given the lack of antivirals or prophylactic treatments for many flaviviral infections, it is important to fully understand how these viruses affect cellular processes to influence pathogenesis and disease outcome. This review will discuss the strategies mosquito-borne flaviviruses have evolved to antagonise type I interferon mediated immune responses

    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 may exploit human transcription factors involved in retinoic acid and interferon-mediated response: a hypothesis supported by an in silico analysis

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    The pandemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), resulting in acute respiratory disease, is a worldwide emergency. Because recently it has been found that SARS-CoV is dependent on host transcription factors (TF) to express the viral genes, efforts are required to understand the molecular interplay between virus and host response. By bioinformatic analysis, we investigated human TF that can bind the SARS-CoV-2 sequence and can be involved in viral transcription. In particular, we analysed the key role of TF involved in interferon (IFN) response. We found that several TF could be induced by the IFN antiviral response, specifically some induced by IFN-stimulated gene factor 3 (ISGF3) and by unphosphorylated ISGF3, which were found to promote the transcription of several viral open reading frame. Moreover, we found 22 TF binding sites present only in the sequence of virus infecting humans but not bat coronavirus RaTG13. The 22 TF are involved in IFN, retinoic acid signalling and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II, thus facilitating its own replication cycle. This mechanism, by competition, may steal the human TF involved in these processes, explaining SARS-CoV-2's disruption of IFN-I signalling in host cells and the mechanism of the SARS retinoic acid depletion syndrome leading to the cytokine storm. We identified three TF binding sites present exclusively in the Brazilian SARS-CoV-2 P.1 variant that may explain the higher severity of the respiratory syndrome. These data shed light on SARS-CoV-2 dependence from the host transcription machinery associated with IFN response and strengthen our knowledge of the virus's transcription and replicative activity, thus paving the way for new targets for drug design and therapeutic approaches

    Positive feedback regulation of type I IFN genes by the IFN-inducible transcription factor IRF-7

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    AbstractThe interferon regulatory factor (IRF) family of transcription factors regulate the interferon (IFN) system, among which IRF-3 is involved in the virus-induced IFN-ÎČ gene expression. Here we show that another member IRF-7 is critical for the IFN-α gene induction. Unlike the IRF-3 gene, the IRF-7 gene is induced by IFNs through activation of the ISGF3 transcription factor, and IRF-7 undergoes virus-induced nuclear translocation. In cells lacking p48, an essential component of IFN stimulated gene factor 3 (ISGF3), ectopic expression of IRF-7 but not IRF-3 can rescue the deficiency to induce IFN-α genes. These results indicate that IRF-7 is a key factor in the positive feedback regulation of IFN-α/ÎČ production
