82,703 research outputs found

    Palabra: a Night of Spoken Word and Poetry

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    Latinos Unidos, a student organization, and the Nu Chapter of the Phi Iota Alpha fraternity, hosted a night of spoken word and poetry.Phi Iota Alpha fraternityLatinos Unido

    On the Chow groups of some hyperk\"ahler fourfolds with a non-symplectic involution

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    This note concerns hyperk\"ahler fourfolds XX having a non-symplectic involution ι\iota. The Bloch-Beilinson conjectures predict the way ι\iota should act on certain pieces of the Chow groups of XX. The main result is a verification of this prediction for Fano varieties of lines on certain cubic fourfolds. This has consequences for the Chow ring of the quotient X/ιX/\iota.Comment: To appear in International Journal of Math., 18 pages, comments welcome ! arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1703.0399