5,295 research outputs found


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    Abstract: The study was based on concerns about the personality of the students in the school environment, especially regarding introvert (closed). The research goal is to overcome the introverted personalities of students in SMK Negeri 1 Padangsidimpuan through Guidance Services Group. The method used is a pre-experimental research with the shape of The One Group Pretest - Post Test Design. With a sample of experimental class is class XI Administration 1 as many as 10 students were 5 girls and 5 boys, so as the total sample of 10 students. Tutoring Services Group dilakukakan three meetings and one-time meeting information services, namely in the first meeting perform pretest and posttest perform all treatments. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon rank test signesd and Kolmogorov Smirnov 2 with the help SPSS version 20.00. From the results of operations to be carried, a decline in student introverted personalities are quite large, especially the second and third meetings. The findings in the experimental group there is a significant drop between the results of the posttest. to test the hypothesis used by the formula Wilcoxon signed rank test using SPSS version 20 o'clock Wilcoxon test was used to analyze the results of observations of the two data are different or not. On average variable introverted personalities of 142.6000 (posttest experiment) this looks very significant difference. The conclusion of this study the data processing, shows that the implementation of group counseling services can overcome introvert personalities. It is recommended for teachers to approach through group counseling, especially guidance to help shape the personality of students, both in learning, implementation and evaluation of learning. For further research, is expected to make a research on the introverted personalities through other method

    Effectiveness Problem Solving Techniques Through Group Guidance Services to Prevent Self-Injury Behavior in Adolescents

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    This research aims to determine the effectiveness of problem-solving techniques through group guidance services in preventing self-injury in adolescents. The research method used is quantitative with a pre-experiment, one-group pretest, and posttest design. The data used in this research are primary and secondary. Secondary data was obtained from documentation, while primary data was obtained through a questionnaire with a Likert scale. The population of this study was class VII at MTs Islamiyah Hessa Air Genting, with as many as 63 people. The number of samples was eight people who had self-injury in the very high and high categories. The sampling technique uses a purposive sampling technique. The data analysis technique for testing the hypothesis uses the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test with an asymp significance value, Sig (2-tailed) of 0.012 (<), from a significance level of 0.05. This means that problem-solving techniques through group guidance services effectively prevent self-injury behavior in teenagers


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    Teenager consider themselves based on the perception others and one of the element which affecting the maturation in self concept is how the assessment and social environment revenue toward it self .This study purpose to describe the self concept of teens and the implications in guidance and counseling .The research type descriptive quantitative methods. The Research was done to teenagers of simple  orphanage in  bengkulu with a population about 103 teenagers .The total of the  research about 82 survey youth to the sample used purposive sampling techniqul  instrument was used  the closed of  scale likert model  with validity 0.873 , reliability ( 0,931 self concept ) .The findings of this research shows that: ( 1 ) self concept as of teens tend to be low category. (2)  implications finding for service counseling guidance the basic of arranging the guidance counseling program service which can formed  and improved the self concept of teens positively

    An application of a psychometric personality type inventory to improve team development and performance

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    The issue of individual type preferences and how they relate to learning and human resource management are explored. Team learning, knowledge transfer, characteristics of leadership and trust and trusting in the context of team development and performance, are analyzed through the use of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. The research is conducted with a semi professional Australian Rules football team. The team consists of a culturally diverse group. Predominantly, Australian men between the ages of 18 and 35 years. The men are university educated, trades professionals or blue collar workers, who volunteered to complete the Myers Briggs Type Indicator with the expectation of enhancing team functioning and performance. The authors’ experiences of sports coaching and the use of psychological type theory are described when applied at a pre season training camp. Critical team performance factors are compared and contrasted with individual personality type preferences over a period of several weeks. The implications, for more extensive use of type theory in sporting team development, is discussed in the context of team learning, knowledge transfer, trust and trusting and leadership

    Navigating the Noise: an Examination of the Relationship Between Introversion, Family Communication Patterns, Family Satisfaction, and Social Self-efficacy

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    This study examines how introversion, family communication patterns (FCP), and modified communication behaviors relate to perceived levels of social self-efficacy and family satisfaction. Participants (N = 359) were undergraduate students at a large Midwestern urban university. The proposed causal model suggests conversation and conformity levels within a FCP impact whether families employ facilitative or inhibitive communication modification behaviors in interactions with an introverted family member. An Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method of estimation was used to test the causal model through a comparison of the expected and actual correlation matrix. The results indicated the data were consistent with the proposed theoretical model. The coefficients were all statistically significant at the p \u3c .05 level. Tests based on the procedures outlined by Sobel (1982) were conducted to consider the possible impact of mediating effects for each sequence path represented within the model. The Sobel test demonstrated that each of the mediating variables act as significant (p \u3c .05) sources of mediation between the variables represented within the model. Within the hypothesized path configurations, family satisfaction and social self-efficacy were used as the outcome measures. However, the results of the analysis indicate a significant path also exists between introversion and social self-efficacy. Findings suggest the implementation of modification behaviors do impact perceived levels of social self-efficacy and family satisfaction. Additionally, study results suggest introversion positively impacts levels of social self-efficacy. The findings of the research study have implications for family communication and interpersonal communication research

    A Fish Out of Water: An Examination of Self-Identified Introverted Business Students\u27 Perceptions of their Leadership Ability

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    Current American cultural and societal ideals favor personalities that are outgoing, positive, and talkative in nature, due to the rise of the Culture of Personality (Wilmot, 2019; Kim, 2012; Cain, 2013). Beginning with the industrial revolution and expanding rapidly midcentury, parents began to view children who are quiet as less favorable than those who are more gregarious, thus children and parents began forced socialization at an earlier age (Wilmot, 2019; Cain, 2013). Very little, if any, research has been conducted to understand the impact that the cultural ideal of favoring extraversion has upon undergraduate students seeking a degree in business, which focuses primarily on training future professionals to sell themselves as well as products, work in teams, and effectively lead others in an outgoing, vocal manner (Shahzad et al., 2015; Morgan et al., 2008). The purpose of this qualitative study was to begin to understand the experiences of undergraduate business students who identify as introverts and examine their self-perceptions of their own leadership ability. The findings demonstrated that undergraduate business students overall have negative perceptions of their introversion and do not feel equipped to lead others as a result. However, the participants indicated that they also have developed appreciation for the strengths they have as a result of their introverted natures and are seeking ways to develop their leadership abilities for the future
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