94,717 research outputs found

    Estimation of LHC and ILC Capabilities for Precision Higgs Boson Coupling Measurements

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    This paper discusses some aspects of the estimates of Higgs boson coupling sensitivities for LHC and ILC presented at the Snowmass 2013 meeting. I estimate the measurement accuracies underlying the CMS presentation to Snowmass. I present new fits for the ILC capabilities. I present some joints fits to prospective LHC and ILC data that demonstrates the synergy of the High-Luminosity LHC and ILC programs. Contributed to the proceedings of the Snowmass 2013 Community Summer Study.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures; v3 - minor clarifications adde

    Study of the heavy CP-even Higgs with mass 125 GeV in two-Higgs-doublet models at the LHC and ILC

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    We assume that the 125 GeV Higgs discovered at the LHC is the heavy CP-even Higgs of the two-Higgs-doublet models, and examine the parameter space in the Type-I, Type-II, Lepton-specific and Flipped models allowed by the latest Higgs signal data, the relevant experimental and theoretical constraints. Further, we show the projected limits on tanβ\tan\beta, sin(βα)\sin(\beta-\alpha), HffˉHf\bar{f} and HVVHVV couplings from the future measurements of the 125 GeV Higgs at the LHC and ILC, including the LHC with integrated luminosity of 300 fb1^{-1} (LHC-300 fb1^{-1}) and 3000 fb1^{-1} (LHC-3000 fb1^{-1}) as well as the ILC at s=250\sqrt{s}=250 GeV (ILC-250 GeV), s=500\sqrt{s}=500 GeV (ILC-500 GeV) and s=1000\sqrt{s}=1000 GeV (ILC-1000 GeV). Assuming that the future Higgs signal data have no deviation from the SM expectation, the LHC-300 fb1^{-1}, LHC-3000 fb1^{-1} and ILC-1000 GeV can exclude the wrong-sign Yukawa coupling regions of the Type-II, Flipped and Lepton-specific models at the 2σ2\sigma level, respectively. The future experiments at the LHC and ILC will constrain the Higgs couplings to be very close to SM values, especially for the HVVHVV coupling.Comment: 22 pages, 3 tables, 6 figures. Version accepted for publication in JHE

    Physics Case for the International Linear Collider

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    We summarize the physics case for the International Linear Collider (ILC). We review the key motivations for the ILC presented in the literature, updating the projected measurement uncertainties for the ILC experiments in accord with the expected schedule of operation of the accelerator and the results of the most recent simulation studies.Comment: 37 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables; v2 - updates of reference

    Illuminating Dark Matter at the ILC

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    The WIMP (weakly interacting massive particle) paradigm for dark matter is currently being probed via many different experiments. Direct detection, indirect detection and collider searches are all hoping to catch a glimpse of these elusive particles. Here, we examine the potential of the ILC (International Linear Collider) to shed light on the origin of dark matter. By using an effective field theory approach we are also able to compare the reach of the ILC with that of the other searches. We find that for low mass dark matter (< 10 GeV), the ILC offers a unique opportunity to search for WIMPS beyond any other experiment. In addition, if dark matter happens to only couple to leptons or via a spin dependent interaction, the ILC can give an unrivalled window to these models. We improve on previous ILC studies by constructing a comprehensive list of effective theories that allows us to move beyond the non-relativistic approximation.Comment: 26 page

    CMB and SZ effect separation with Constrained Internal Linear Combinations

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    The `Internal Linear Combination' (ILC) component separation method has been extensively used on the data of the WMAP space mission, to extract a single component, the CMB, from the WMAP multifrequency data. We extend the ILC approach for reconstructing millimeter astrophysical emissions beyond the CMB alone. In particular, we construct a Constrained ILC to extract clean maps of both the CMB or the thermal Sunyaev Zeldovich (SZ) effect, with vanishing contamination from the other. The performance of the Constrained ILC is tested on simulations of Planck mission observations, for which we successfully reconstruct independent estimates of the CMB and of the thermal SZ.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, submitted to MNRA

    On equivalence classes in iterative learning control

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    This paper advocates a new approach to study the relation between causal iterative learning control (ILC) and conventional feedback control. Central to this approach is the introduction of the set of admissible pairs (of operators) defined with respect to a family of iterations. Considered are two problem settings: standard ILC, which does not include a current cycle feedback (CCF) term and CCF-ILC, which does. By defining an equivalence relation on the set of admissible pairs, it is shown that in the standard ILC problem there exists a bijective map between the induced equivalence classes and the set of all stabilizing controllers. This yields the well-known Youla parameterization as a corollary. These results do not extend in full generality to the case of CCF-ILC; though gain every admissible pair defines a stabilizing equivalent controller, the converse is no longer true in general