4 research outputs found

    The Impact of Harness Impedance on Hall Thruster Discharge Oscillations

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    Hall thrusters exhibit characteristic discharge voltage and current oscillations during steady-state operation. The lower frequency breathing-mode current oscillations are inherent to each thruster and could impact thruster operation and power processing unit (PPU) design. The design of the discharge output filter, in particular, the output capacitor is important because it supplies the high peak current oscillations that the thruster demands. However, space-rated, high-voltage capacitors are not readily available and can have significant mass and volume. So, it is important for a PPU designer to know what is the minimum amount of capacitance required to operate a thruster. Through Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis modeling and electrical measurements on the Hall Effect Rocket with Magnetic Shielding thruster, it was shown that the harness impedance between the power supply and the thruster is the main contributor towards generating voltage ripple at the thruster. Also, increasing the size of the discharge filter capacitor, as previously implemented during thruster tests, does not reduce the voltage oscillations. The electrical characteristics of the electrical harness between the discharge supply and the thruster is crucial to system performance and could have a negative impact on performance, life and operation

    Overview of the Development and Mission Application of the Advanced Electric Propulsion System (AEPS)

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    NASA remains committed to the development and demonstration of a high-power solar electric propulsion capability for the Agency. NASA is continuing to develop the 14 kilowatt Advanced Electric Propulsion System (AEPS), which has recently completed an Early Integrated System Test and System Preliminary Design Review. NASA continues to pursue Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP) Technology Demonstration Mission partners and mature high-power SEP mission concepts. The recent announcement of the development of a Power and Propulsion Element (PPE) as the first element of an evolvable human architecture to Mars has replaced the Asteroid Redirect Robotic Mission as the most probable first application of the AEPS Hall thruster system. This high-power SEP capability, or an extensible derivative of it, has been identified as a critical part of an affordable, beyond-low-Earth-orbit, manned-exploration architecture. This paper presents the status of the combined NASA and Aerojet AEPS development activities and updated mission concept for implementation of the AEPS hardware as part of the ion propulsion system for a PPE

    The Effects of Background Pressure on SPT-140 Thruster Performance at Multiple Power Levels

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    NASA's planned Psyche mission is scheduled to launch in 2022 and begin a 3.5-year cruise to the metallic asteroid Psyche, where it would examine this unique body. The baseline spacecraft design is a hybrid of JPL's deep-space heritage subsystems with commercial partner SSL's power, structure, and SPT-140 electric propulsion subsystems. Since the deep-space implementation of the SPT-140 differs from the commercial implementation, primarily in the need for deep power throttling, characterization of the system at lower powers is necessary. One specific area of interest is the sensitivity of thruster performance to background pressure in ground-based test facilities, which can have an impact on the prediction of in-space performance. Measurements of this pressure dependence were performed on a qualification-model SPT-140 thruster over the 0.9-4.5 kW range of interest for the Psyche mission. Thrust sensitivity to pressure, in an absolute sense, was largest at 4.5 kW and decreased with power until there was little-to-no measurable effect at 0.9 kW. In a relative sense, thrust sensitivity was similar at all powers above 0.9 kW with about 2-4% higher thrust measured at 10 Torr than at the lowest operating pressure. Thruster stability margin, examined as a function of magnet current, did not have a strong dependence on facility pressure. Finally, an investigation of low-power operation at the lowest facility pressure showed that a combination of added cathode keeper current and additional cathode propellant flow significantly mitigated the larger negative cathode-to-ground voltages that were observed. These test results, combined with thruster life test results, inform the selection of proper low-power operating conditions for Psyche