826,767 research outputs found

    Concepts of Human Physiology in Ayurveda

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    ‘Human Physiology’, or the study of functional aspects of human body, is designated by the term ‘Śarīra Vicaya’ in Ayurvedic literature. The word ‘Vicaya’ means the special or detailed knowledge. Detailed knowledge of normal human body i.e., ‘Śarīra’, is considered helpful in understanding the factors influencing the health. Though most of the\ud basic concepts of human physiology explained in Ayurveda are strikingly similar to the concepts of modern physiology, some concepts like ‘Ātmā’, ‘Manas’ and ‘Prakrti’ are unique\ud to Ayurveda. Understanding of Physiology in Ayurveda should start with the understanding of innumerable minute individual living units called ‘Śarīra Paramānus’ or ‘Anu Srotāmsi’. These units are now known as cells. A group of such functionally and structurally similar units is called a ‘Dhātu’. These ‘Dhātus’ are almost equivalent to the tissues. Seven such ‘Dhātus’ have been enumerated. Similarly, the individual systems in the body have been\ud designated by the term ‘Sthūla Srotāmsi’ and thirteen such ‘Srotāmsi’ have been described by Caraka. ‘Annavaha Stotas’, for example, stands equivalent to the digestive system and ‘Rasavaha Srotas’ to the cardio vascular system. Apart from these, the functioning of individual systems has also been described in a considerably detailed manner. Cardiovascular system as a closed circuit, role of liver in the functioning of hemopoietic system, functional significance of brain in the neural mechanisms, basics of digestion and metabolism and basics of immunity ‐ are some such topics worth mentioning. Theory of ‘Tridosha’ is another important theory of physiology. This represents the various reciprocally\ud functioning homeostatic mechanisms at various levels of organization. The state of equilibrium among these ‘Doshas’ is responsible for maintenance of health. Three ‘Doshas’ –\ud i.e., ‘Vāta’, ‘Pitta’ and ‘Kapha’ in general, represent neural, endocrine and immune mechanisms respectively and form the basis of neuro‐ immuno‐ endocrinology

    Physiology of man and animals in the Tenth Five-Year Plan: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Congress of the I. P. Pavlov All-Union Physiological Society

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    Research in the field of animal and human physiology is reviewed. The following topics on problems of physiological science and related fields of knowledge are discussed: neurophysiology and higher nervous activity, physiology of sensory systems, physiology of visceral systems, evolutionary and ecological physiology, physiological cybernetics, computer application in physiology, information support of physiological research, history and theory of development of physiology. Also discussed were: artificial intelligence, physiological problems of reflex therapy, correlation of structure and function of the brain, adaptation and activity, microcirculation, and physiological studies in nerve and mental diseases

    Human Physiology

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    Навчально-методичний посібник побудований з урахуванням завдань навчального курсу «Фізіологія людини», передбачених програмою вищої школи для студентів небіологічних спеціальностей. До кожної теми курсу розроблено практичні роботи і завдання для самоконтролю. Посібник рекомендований для студентів небіологічних спеціальностей вищих навчальних закладів, викладачів, учителів.Учебно-методическое пособие построен с учетом задач учебного курса «Физиология человека», предусмотренных программой высшей школы для студентов небиологических специальностей. К каждой теме курса разработаны практические работы и задания для самоконтроля. Пособие рекомендовано для студентов небиологических специальностей высших учебных заведений, преподавателей, учителей.Instructor's Manual constructed based tasks course "Human Physiology" of the program of high school students for non-biological specialties. Each year the theme of the practical challenge to self-control. Handbook for students of non-biological specialties of higher educational institutions, teachers, teachers

    Investigating academic performance and perceptions of human physiology and exercise physiology courses among undergraduate students of physical education at a Brazilian public university

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    Purpose To compare the academic performance of undergraduate students in physical education who studied exercise physiology before and after studying human physiology and investigate students’ perceptions of human physiology and exercise physiology courses. Methods This study included 311 undergraduate students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in physical education. Participants were divided into two groups: those who had previously attended and completed the human physiology course (group 1, n = 212, 68.2%) and those who had not previously attended or had attended but failed the human physiology course (group 2, n = 99, 31.8%). The prevalence ratio (PR) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) were calculated using a Poisson regression model with a robust variance estimator. The second aim comprised 67 students with bachelor’s degrees in physical education who completed an electronic questionnaire about their perceptions of human physiology and exercise physiology curriculum. Results Compared with those who attended human physiology and passed, those who had not previously attended or had attended but failed the human physiology course have a higher PR of 2.37 (95% CI, 1.68–3.34) for failing exercise physiology. Regarding the students’ perceptions of human physiology and exercise physiology courses, most students reported that they were challenging (58.2% and 64.2%, respectively), but they also recognized the importance of these courses for professional practice (59.7% and 85.1%, respectively). Conclusion Human physiology should be considered a prerequisite for an undergraduate course leading to a bachelor’s degree in physical education. Furthermore, students considered human physiology and exercise physiology courses important yet challenging. Therefore, continuous student assessment is vital for improving the teaching–learning process

    Food is our medicine

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    The paper describes the role of foods and nutrition in the promotion of human health. The relationship between foods, metabolism, homeostasis and metabolic disorder are briefly described. The aim of the paper is to highlight a simple strategy based on biochemistry, process engineering, human physiology and foods to achieve cellular homeostasis and health

    Mammary stem cell research in veterinary science : an update

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    The mammary gland is an organ with a remarkable regenerative capacity that can undergo multiple cycles of proliferation, lactation, and involution. Growing evidence suggests that these changes are driven by the coordinated division and differentiation of mammary stem cell populations (MaSC). Whereas information regarding MaSC and their role in comparative mammary gland physiology is readily available in human and mice, such information remains scarce in most veterinary mammal species such as cows, horses, sheep, goats, pigs, and dogs. We believe that a better knowledge on the MaSC in these species will not only help to gain more insights into mammary gland (patho) physiology in veterinary medicine, but will also be of value for human medicine. Therefore, this review summarizes the current knowledge on stem cell isolation and characterization in different mammals of veterinary importance

    Thermal environment

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    Human tolerance in thermal environment, thermal physiology of space clothing, and biothermal considerations in space cabin desig

    Human diving physiology

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    Ronjenje oblikuju mnogi važni fiziološki fenomeni. Zbog podvodnog okoliša kojeg odlikuju velike razlike tlakova i ljudske anatomije prilagođene kopnenom načinu života, ronjenje u svakom obliku donosi mnoge probleme i ograničenja roniocu. Udisanjem vode nastaju mnogobrojna oštećenja potencijalno velikih opsega, gdje razlikujemo posljedice udisanja slane od slatke vode. Sustavi održanja homeostaze neadekvatno funkcioniraju već pri ronjenju na dah, a posebno naglašeno pri ronjenju na RA, udisanjem zraka i drugih dišnih mješavina pri povećanim i promijenjivim tlakovima. Zbog naglih promjena tlaka, nastaju barotraumatske ozljede tkiva plinom punjenih prostora tijela. Problemi nastali zbog abnormalnih tlakova i koncentracija plinova u krvi uključuju hipoksiju, trovanje ugljičnim dioksidom, trovanje ugljikovim monoksidom, dušikovu narkozu, neurološki sindrom visokog tlaka i trovanje kisikom. Dekompresijska bolest nastaje zbog formiranja i rasta mjehurića inertnog plina u tkivima. Mehanizmi nastanka mnogih fizioloških fenomena u ronjenju i danas su nerazjašnjeni. Nova istraživanja, sa biofizičkog i imunološkog gledišta, otvaraju mogućnost boljeg razumjevanja fiziologije ronjenja. Poznavanje fiziologije ronjenja važno je roniocima i istraživačima, kako bi razumjeli ograničenja ronjenja i razvili nove tehnike, metode i tehnologije u ronjenju, hiperbaričnoj medicini i znanosti o ronjenju.Diving is restricted by many important physiological phenomena. The underwater environment is characterised by great pressure differences while terrestrial life conditions are relatively constant in that sense. Diving in any form brings the diver many new problems and restrictions. Inhalation of water causes damage on multiple structural levels. We differentiate between the consequences of salt water and fresh water inspiration. Homeostasis control functions inadequately in breathhold diving and more so in UBA diving. Barothraumatic injuries form as result of rapid pressure changes in gas-filled cavities of the body. Hypoxia, hypercapnia, carbon monoxide toxicity, nitrogen narcosis, high pressure neurological syndrome and oxygen toxicity all form due to abnormal gas pressures and concentrations in blood. Bubble formation from previously dissolved inert gas and growth to an untolerable level in body tissues is called decompression sickness. The mechanisms of many physiological phenomena in diving remain unclear. New research from a biophysical and imunological standpoint provides new insights into human diving physiology. Understanding the principles of diving physiology enables divers and scientists to better understand the limitations of diving, discover new techniques, methods and technologies in hyperbaric medicine and diving scienc