56 research outputs found

    The Quarterly of the Central Washington College of Education Ellensburg, Washington. Announcement of Correspndence Courses 1939-1940

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    A simple axiomatization of the median procedure on median graphs

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    A profile = (x1, ..., xk), of length k, in a finite connected graph G is a sequence of vertices of G, with repetitions allowed. A median x of is a vertex for which the sum of the distances from x to the vertices in the profile is minimum. The median function finds the set of all medians of a profile. Medians are important in location theory and consensus theory. A median graph is a graph for which every profile of length 3 has a unique median. Median graphs are well studied. They arise in many arenas, and have many applications. We establish a succinct axiomatic characterization of the median procedure on median graphs. This is a simplification of the characterization given by McMorris, Mulder and Roberts [17] in 1998. We show that the median procedure can be characterized on the class of all median graphs with only three simple and intuitively appealing axioms: anonymity, betweenness and consistency. We also extend a key result of the same paper, characterizing the median function for profiles of even length on median graphs

    Geometry and architecture : Parametricism, Morphology, Design Methodology

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    The Montana Kaimin, October 13, 1944

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    Student newspaper of the University of Montana, Missoula.https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper/3110/thumbnail.jp

    115th University of Notre Dame Commencement and Mass Program

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    115th University of Notre Dame Commencement and Mass Progra

    Celebrating Student and Faculty / Staff Collaborations 2013

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    Celebrating Student and Faculty/Staff Collaborations focuses on the valued tradition at St. Norbert College of collaborations taking place in labs, studios, and other scholarly or creative settings, resulting in a rich array of scholarly research and creative works. This celebration features collaborative projects that evolved out of independent studies, class assignments, and casual interactions, as well as those formal collaborations supported through the Office of Faculty Development, the Collaborative, and the Research Fellows Program

    June 20, 1968

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    June 20, 1968, edition of The Dakota Student