84,186 research outputs found
Opening up to open source: looking at how Moodle was adopted in higher education
The Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) has grown to become a piece of complex infrastructure that is now deemed to be critical to higher educational provision. This paper looks at Moodle and its adoption in higher education. Moodle’s origins, as an open source VLE, are investigated and its growth examined in the context of how higher educational institutions adopt VLEs
Serving higher education with technology – disrupting higher education with technology
Technology is increasingly serving higher education by enabling student-centred learning and concerted social learning, extended reach to content anytime and everywhere, insights for educators into progress tracking and learning trends, and cross-institutional academic collaboration. At the same time, technology is providing evidence of negative disruption to the core purpose of education, which is human development and individual preparation for the future. Technology is gradually diminishing the capacity of individuals to critically think and reason, to expand into unfamiliar knowledge domains, and to exploit the learning experience to fulfil the market needs after graduation. In this paper, a review is presented on how technology is disrupting higher education, both positively and negatively. Some recommendations are given with respect to these disruption
Opportunities and challenges in using AI Chatbots in Higher Education
Artificial intelligence (AI) conversational chatbots have gained popularity over time, and have been widely used in the fields of e-commerce, online banking, and digital healthcare and well-being, among others. The technology has the potential to provide personalised service to a range of consumers. However, the use of chatbots within educational settings is still limited. In this paper, we present three chatbot prototypes, the Warwick Manufacturing Group, University of Warwick, are currently developing, and discuss the potential opportunities and technical challenges we face when considering AI chatbots to support our daily activities within the department. Three AI virtual agents are under development: 1) to support the delivery of a taught Master's course simulation game; 2) to support the training and use of a newly introduced educational application; 3) to improve the processing of helpdesk requests within a university department. We hope this paper is informative to those interested in using chatbots in the educational domain. We also aim to improve awareness among those within the chatbot development industry, in particular the chatbot engine providers, about the educational and operational needs within educational institutes, which may differ from those in other domains
Democratic Education In The Egyptian Higher Education: Investigation Of Tutors’ Perception Of Democratic Education In The Egyptian Higher Education
Democratic education (DE) sees young people not as passive recipients of knowledge, but rather as active co-creators of their own learning and valued participants in a learning community. This study investigates tutors’ understanding and implementation of DE in the Egyptian Higher Education (HE). It investigates HE tutors’ conception about learners controlling their educational process by being fully embedded in it. Data for this qualitative paper was collected from 20 tutors from two Egyptian universities via one-to-one interviews and focus groups. This study highlighted the inference of political events in Egypt, since 2011, on HE students in their way of thinking and reflecting and addressed the need of DE to be a part of the educational paradigm. This paper concluded that DE is based on placing students in the centre of their learning and empowering them. Also, tutor-student dialogic approach and tutor-student trust are essential approaches to implement DE
SOA services in higher education
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a recent architectural framework for distributed software system development in which software components are packaged as Services. It has become increasingly popular in academia and in industry, but has been principally used in the business domain. However, in higher education, SOA has rarely been applied or investigated. In this paper, we propose the idea of applying SOA technologies in the education domain, to increase both interoperability and flexibility within the e-learning environment. We expect that both students and teachers in higher educational institutions can benefit from this approach. We also describe a number of possible SOA services, along with a high level service roadmap to support a university's learning and teaching activities
Open educational resources: shared solutions for higher education
Open Educational Resources (OERs) are a response to a need for more flexible licensing of educational materials. The OER Movement aims to create materials which can be exchanged and recombined for educational purposes. In the Higher Education sector, some universities (notably MIT) have led the way in putting their course material and lectures online. One of the effects of this has been a greater diversity in student access and recruitment[1]. However, there are many different approaches across the Higher Education sector, and most UK universities control access to some or all of their course content, licensing or selling the Intellectual Property to partner institutions
Higher technical education consultation: September 2019: Independent Higher Education Response
Disaster Management Education through Higher Education – Industry Collaboration in the Built Environment
Effectively responding to the current and dynamic construction labour market requirements is a major responsibility of higher education institutions (HEIs). HEIs aim to reduce the mismatch between what they deliver and what is required by the industry.
Built environment professionals require continuous update of knowledge and education in order to effectively contribute to disaster management. However, the complex and multidisciplinary nature of disaster management education pose a challenge to the higher education institutions to make them more responsive to the industrial needs and to prepare the students for careers in disaster resilience. Adopting a lifelong learning approach would be appropriate for HEIs to maintain a through-life studentship and to provide disaster related knowledge and education on a continuous basis to respond to the labour market requirements.
However, incorporating lifelong learning approach within the system of higher education is not easy and straightforward for HEIs. This is mainly because of the formal and bureaucratic nature of HEIs that acts as a barrier for providing effective lifelong learning education. In resolving this issue, HEIs are increasingly relying on the benefits associated with fostering close collaboration with external organisations such as industries, professional bodies and communities. In this context, this paper
discusses the role of HEIs in providing disaster management education, the challenges associated with it, and the way of addressing the challenges through the higher education industry collaboration
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