5,147 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Homo- and Heterobimetallic Ni\u3csup\u3eII\u3c/sup\u3e–M\u3csup\u3eII\u3c/sup\u3e (M = Fe, Co, Ni, Zn) Complexes Based on an Unsymmetric Ligand Framework: Structures, Spectroscopic Features, and Redox Properties

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    Several homo- and heterobimetallic NiII–MII complexes (MII = Fe, Co, Ni, Zn) supported by an unsymmetric polydentate ligand (L13−) are reported (L13− is the trianion of 2-[bis(2-hydroxy-3,5-tert-butylphenyl)aminomethyl]-4-methyl-6-[(2-pyridylmethyl)iminomethyl]phenol). The L13− chelate provides two distinct coordination environments: a planar tridentate {N2O} site (A) and a tetradentate {NO3} site (B). Reaction of L13− with equimolar amounts of NiII and MII salts provides bimetallic complexes in which the NiII ion exclusively occupies the tetragonal A-site and the MII ion is found in the tripodal B-site. X-ray crystal structures revealed that the two metal centers are bridged by the central phenolate donor of L13− and an anionic X-ligand, where X = ÎŒ-1,1-acetate, hydroxide, or methoxide. The metal ions are separated by 3.0–3.1 Å in the MAMBX structures, where MA and MB indicate the ion located in the A and B sites, respectively, and X represents the second bridging ligand. Analysis of magnetic data and UV–Vis–NIR spectra indicate that, in all cases, the two metal ions adopt high-spin states in solution. The NiAII centers undergo one-electron reduction at −1.17 V vs. SCE, while the NiII and CoII ions in the phenolate-rich B-site are reduced at lower potentials. Significantly, the NiAII center possesses three open or labile coordination sites in a meridional geometry, which are generally occupied by solvent-derived ligands in the crystal structures. The NiMBX complexes serve as structural mimics of heterometallic Ni-containing sites in biology, such as the C-cluster of carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (CODH)

    Bioinspired catalysts: Synthesis, characterisation and some applications

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    Our recent work concerning the synthesis, characterisation and some applications of bioinspired electron-transfer catalysts is reviewed in this contribution. The catalysts were various mono- or heterobimetallic complexes having either Cu(II) or Cu(II) and Zn(II) as central ions and amino acids, their derivatives or various N-containing organic molecules as ligands. Emphasis was based upon the solid support immobilised versions of these complexes. They were built or anchored onto various kinds of supports (silica gel, montmorillonite, Merrifield’s resin) with different methods (adsorption, ion exchange, covalent grafting). The resulting materials were characterised by a variety of instrumental (FT-IR, Raman, EPR [electron paramagnetic resonance] and atomic absorption spectroscopies, thermogravimetry) as well as computational methods. Their superoxide dismutase, catecholase and catalase activities were tested and some of them were found to be promising candidates as durable electron-transfer catalysts being close to the efficiency of the mimicking enzymes

    Dihydrogen and Acetylene Activation by a Gold(I)/Platinum(0) Transition Metal Only Frustrated Lewis Pair

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    The first example of a Frustrated Lewis Pair (FLP) solely constructed around transition metal centers is described in this work. We have focused on the established capacity of Au(I) and Pt(0) complexes to act as Lewis acidic and basic frag-ments, respectively, while employing sufficiently bulky PtBu3 and terphenyl phosphine ligands. This avoids formation of metallic Lewis adducts and confers the Au(I)/Pt(0) pair a remarkable capacity to activate dihydrogen and acetylene molecules in a fash-ion that closely resembles that of traditional main group FLP systems. As a consequence, unusual heterobimetallic Au(I)/Pt(II) complexes containing hydride (-H), acetylide (-C≡CH) and vinylene (-HC=CH-) bridges have been isolate

    The modular synthesis of rare earth-transition metal heterobimetallic complexes utilizing a redox-active ligand

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    We report a robust and modular synthetic route to heterometallic rare earth-transition metal complexes. We have used the redox-active bridging ligand 1,10-phenathroline-5,6-dione (pd), which has selective N,Nâ€Č or O,Oâ€Č binding sites as the template for this synthetic route. The coordination complexes [Ln(hfac)3(N,N’-pd)] (Ln = Y [1], Gd [2]; hfac = hexafluoroacetylacetonate) were synthesised in high yield. These complexes have been fully characterised using a range of spectroscopic techniques. Solid state molecular structures of 1 and 2 have been determined by X-ray crystallography and display different pd binding modes in coordinating and non-coordinating solvents. Complexes 1 and 2 are unusually highly coloured in coordinating solvents, for example the vis-NIR spectrum of 1 in acetonitrile displays an electronic transition centred at 587 nm with an extinction coefficient consistent with significant charge transfer. The reaction between 1 and 2 and VCp2 or VCpt2 (Cpt = tetramethylcyclopentadienyl) resulted in the isolation of the heterobimetallic complexes, [Ln(hfac)3(N,Nâ€Č-O,Oâ€Č-pd)VCp2] (Ln = Y [3], Gd [4]) or [Ln(hfac)3(N,Nâ€Č-O,Oâ€Č-pd)VCpt2] (Ln = Y [5], Gd [6]). The solid state molecular structures of 3, 5 and 6 have been determined by X-ray crystallography. The spectroscopic data on 3–6 are consistent with oxidation of V(II) to V(IV) and reduction of pd to pd2− in the heterobimetallic complexes. The spin-Hamiltonian parameters from low temperature X-band EPR spectroscopy of 3 and 5 describe a 2A1 ground state, with a V(IV) centre. DFT calculations on 3 are in good agreement with experimental data and confirm the SOMO as the dx2−y2 orbital localised on vanadium

    Synthesis and structure of the inclusion complex {NdQ[5]K@Q[10](H₂O)4}·4NO₃·20H₂O

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    Heating a mixture of Nd(NO₃)₃·6H₂O, KCl, Q[10] and Q[5] in HCl for 10 min affords the inclusion complex {NdQ[5]K@Q[10](H₂O)₄}·4NO₃·20H₂O. The structure of the inclusion complex has been investigated by single crystal X-ray diffraction and by X-ray Photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)

    Imposing high-symmetry and tuneable geometry on lanthanide centres with chelating Pt and Pd metalloligands

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    Exploitation of HSAB preferences allows for high-yield, one-pot syntheses of lanthanide complexes chelated by two Pd or Pt metalloligands, [MII(SAc)4]2− (SAc− = thioacetate, M = Pd, Pt). The resulting complexes with 8 oxygen donors surrounding the lanthanides can be isolated in crystallographically tetragonal environments as either [NEt4]+ (space group: P4/mcc) or [PPh4]+ (space group: P4/n) salts. In the case of M = Pt, the complete series of lanthanide complexes has been structurally characterized as the [NEt4]+ salts (except for Ln = Pm), while the [PPh4]+ salts have been structurally characterized for Ln = Gd–Er, Y. For M = Pd, selected lanthanide complexes have been structurally characterized as both salts. The only significant structural difference between salts of the two counter ions is the resulting twist angle connecting tetragonal prismatic and tetragonal anti-prismatic configurations, with the [PPh4]+ salts approaching ideal D4d symmetry very closely (φ = 44.52–44.61°) while the [NEt4]+ salts exhibit intermediate twist angles in the interval φ = 17.28–27.41°, the twist increasing as the complete 4f series is traversed. Static magnetic properties for the latter half of the lanthanide series are found to agree well in the high temperature limit with the expected Curie behavior. Perpendicular and parallel mode EPR spectroscopy on randomly oriented powder samples and single crystals of the Gd complexes with respectively Pd- and Pt-based metalloligands demonstrate the nature of the platinum metal to strongly affect the spectra. Consistent parametrization of all of the EPR spectra reveals the main difference to stem from a large difference in the magnitude of the leading axial term, B02, this being almost four times larger for the Pt-based complexes as compared to the Pd analogues, indicating a direct Pt(5dz2)–Ln interaction and an arguable coordination number of 10 rather than 8. The parametrization of the EPR spectra also confirms that off-diagonal operators are associated with non-zero parameters for the [NEt4]+ salts, while only contributing minimally for the [PPh4]+ salts in which lanthanide coordination approximates D4d point group symmetry closely.LHD acknowledges support from NSF-CCT EMT 08-517. (08-517 - NSF-CCT EMT

    Mass spectrometry-directed synthesis of early–late sulfide-bridged heterobimetallic complexes from the metalloligand [Pt₂(PPh₃)₄(ÎŒ-S)₂] and oxo compounds of vanadium(V), molybdenum(VI) and uranium(VI)

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    The metalloligand [Pt₂(PPh₃)₄(ÎŒ-S)₂] has been found to react with the transition metal oxo compounds, ammonium metavanadate, sodium molybdate, and the actinide complex uranyl nitrate to give sulfide-bridged heterobimetallic complexes [Pt₂(PPh₃)₄(Ό₃-S)₂VO(OMe)₂]âș, [Pt₂(PPh₃)₄(Ό₃-S)₂MoO₂(OMe)]âș, and [Pt₂(PPh₃)₄(Ό₃-S)₂UO₂( ₂-NO₃)₂], respectively. Electrospray mass spectrometry (ESMS) was used to probe the reactivity of [Pt₂(PPh₃)₄(ÎŒ-S)₂] and thus identify likely targets for isolation and characterization. ESMS has also been used to investigate fragmentation pathways of the new species. No bimetallic species were detected with hydrated La(NO₃)₃or Th(NO₃)₄, or with the lanthanide shift reagent Eu(fod)₃ (fod = 6,6,7,7,8,8,8-heptafluoro-2,2-dimethyl-3,5-octanedionate). X-Ray crystal structure determinations have been carried out on [Pt₂(PPh₃)₄(Ό₃-S)₂VO(OMe)₂]âș, 2, (as its hexafluorophosphate salt) and [Pt₂(PPh₃)₄(Ό₃-S)₂UO₂( ₂-NO₃)₂], 4. The vanadium atom of 2 has a distorted square pyramidal geometry, while the uranium in 4 has the expected linear dioxo coordination geometry, with two bidentate nitrates and a bidentate {Pt₂S₂} moiety

    Multistep self-assembly of heteroleptic magnesium and sodium-magnesium benzamidinate complexes

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    Reaction of the magnesium bis-alkyl Mg(CH2SiMe3)(2) and the sodium amide NaHMDS (where HMDS = N(SiMe3)(2)) with benzonitrile yields the homometallic heteroleptic complex [PhC(NSiMe3)(2)Mg{mu-NC(CH2SiMe3)Ph}](2) (1). It appears that at least six independent reactions must have occurred in this one-pot reaction to arrive at this mixed benzamidinate ketimido product. Two benzonitrile solvated derivatives of Mg(CH2SiMe3)(2) (5a and 5b) have been synthesized, with 5a crystallographically characterized as a centrosymmetric (MgC)(2) cyclodimer. When, the components of 5a are allowed to react for longer, partial addition of the Mg-alkyl unit across the C N triple bond occurs to yield the trimeric species (Me3SiCH2)(2)Mg-3[mu-N=C(CH2SiMe3)Ph](4)center dot 2N CPh (6), with bridging ketimido groups and terminal alkyl groups. Finally, using the same starting materials as that which produced 1, but altering their order of addition, a magnesium bis-alkyl unit is inserted into the Na-N bonds of a benzamidinate species to yield a new sodium magnesiate complex, PhC(NSiMe3)(2)Mg(mu-CH2SiMe3)(2)Na center dot 2TMEDA (7). The formation of 7 represents a novel (insertion) route to mixed-metal species of this kind and is the first Such example to contain a bidentate terminal anion attached to the divalent metal center. All new species are characterized by H-1 and C-13 NMR spectroscopy and where appropriate by IR spectroscopy. The solid-state structures of complexes 1, 5a, and 7 have also been determined and are disclosed within

    Metal-only Lewis pairs between group 10 metals and Tl(I) or Ag(I): insights into the electronic consequences of Z-type ligand binding†

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    Complexes bearing electron rich transition metal centers, especially those displaying coordinative unsaturation, are well-suited to form reverse-dative σ-interactions with Lewis acids. Herein we demonstrate the generality of zerovalent, group 10 m-terphenyl isocyanide complexes to form reverse-dative σ-interactions to Tl(I) and Ag(I) centers. Structural and spectroscopic investigations of these metal-only Lewis pairs (MOLPs) has allowed insight into the electronic consequences of Lewis-acid ligation within the primary coordination sphere of a transition metal center. Treatment of the bis-isocyanide complex, Pt(CNArDipp2)2 (ArDipp2 = 2,6-(2,6-(i-Pr)2C6H3)2C6H3) with TlOTf (OTf = [O3SCF3]−) yields the Pt/Tl MOLP [TlPt(CNArDipp2)2]OTf (1). 1H NMR and IR spectroscopic studies on 1, and its Pd congener [TlPd(CNArDipp2)2]OTf (2), demonstrate that the M → Tl interaction is labile in solution. However, treatment of complexes 1 and 2 with Na[BArF4] (ArF = 3,5-(CF3)2C6H3) produces [TlPt(CNArDipp2)2]BArF4 (3) and [TlPd(CNArDipp2)2]BArF4 (4), in which Tl(I) binding is shown to be static by IR spectroscopy and, in the case of 3, 195Pt NMR spectroscopy as well. This result provides strong evidence that the M → Tl linkages can be attributed primarily to σ-donation from the group 10 metal to Tl, as loss of ionic stabilization of Tl by the triflate anion is compensated for by increasing the degree of M → Tl σ-donation. In addition, X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Spectroscopy (XANES) on the Pd/Tl and Ni/Tl MOLPs, [TlPd(CNArDipp2)2]OTf (2) and [TlNi(CNArMes2)3]OTf, respectively, is used to illustrate that the formation of a reverse-dative σ-interaction with Tl(I) does not alter the spectroscopic oxidation state of the group 10 metal. Also reported is the ability of M(CNArDipp2)2 (M = Pt, Pd) to form MOLPs with Ag(I), yielding the complexes [AgM(CNArDipp2)2]OTf (5, M = Pt; 6, M = Pd). As was determined for the Tl-containing MOLPs 1–4, it is shown that the spectroscopic oxidation states of the group 10 metal in 5 and 6 are essentially unchanged compared to the zerovalent precursors M(CNArDipp2)2. However, in the case of 5 and 6, the formation of a dative M → Ag σ-bonding interaction facilitates the binding of Lewis bases to the group 10 metal trans to Ag, illustrating the potential of acceptor fragments to open up new coordination sites on transition metal complexes without formal, two-electron oxidation

    Optically pure heterobimetallic helicates from self-assembly and click strategies

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    Single diastereomer, diamagnetic, octahedral Fe(II) tris chelate complexes are synthesised that contain three pendant pyridine proligands pre-organised for coordination to a second metal. They bind Cu(I) and Ag(I) with coordination geometry depending on the identity of the metal and the detail of the ligand structure, but for example homohelical (ΔFe,ΔCu) configured systems with unusual trigonal planar Cu cations are formed exclusively in solution as shown by VT-NMR and supported by DFT calculations. Similar heterobimetallic tris(triazole) complexes are synthesised via clean CuAAC reactions at a tris(alkynyl) complex, although here the configurations of the two metals differ (ΔFe,ΛCu), leading to the first optically pure heterohelicates. A second series of Fe complexes perform less well in either strategy as a result of lack of preorganisation
