2,647,750 research outputs found

    AHSRI 2021 Annual Report

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    The Public Health PBRN Program: A Summative Report

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    This program seeks to expand the volume and quality of evidence on how best to organize, finance, and deliver public health services by: (1) helping to organize and develop practice-based research networks (PBRNs) comprised of public health agencies and skilled research institutions; (2) selecting grantees to receive funding and technical assistance for PBRN research projects; and (3) facilitating the successful development, implementation, and translation of research projects through PBRNs by providing technical assistance, fostering peer learning, and leading selected multi-network research activities

    Defining Comprehensive Public Health Delivery Systems

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    This brief describes the methodology for defining Comprehensive Public Health Delivery Systems using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Public Health Systems. The systems meeting this definition have been shown to deliver a broader range of recommended public health services, using fewer resources, than the more prevalent types of U.S. public health systems that do not meet this definition. Over time, comprehensive systems are associated with larger gains in population health status than are their counterparts

    Stakeholder views on publication bias in health services research

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    Objectives: While the presence of publication bias in clinical research is well documented, little is known about its role in the reporting of health services research. This paper explores stakeholder perceptions and experiences with regard to the role of publication and related biases in quantitative research relating to the quality, accessibility and organization of health services. Methods: We present findings from semi-structured interviews with those responsible for the funding, publishing and/or conduct of quantitative health services research, primarily in the UK. Additional data collection includes interviews with health care decision makers as ‘end users’ of health services research, and a focus group with patient and service user representatives. The final sample comprised 24 interviews and eight focus group participants. Results: Many study participants felt unable to say with any degree of certainty whether publication bias represents a significant problem in quantitative health services research. Participants drew broad contrasts between externally funded and peer reviewed research on the one hand, and end user funded quality improvement projects on the other, with the latter perceived as more vulnerable to selective publication and author over-claiming. Multiple study objectives, and a general acceptance of ‘mess and noise’ in the data and its interpretation was seen to reduce the importance attached to replicable estimates of effect sizes in health services research. The relative absence of external scrutiny, either from manufacturers of interventions or health system decision makers, added to this general sense of ‘low stakes’ of health services research. As a result, while many participants advocated study pre-registration and using protocols to pre-identify outcomes, others saw this as an unwarranted imposition. Conclusions: This study finds that incentives towards publication and related bias are likely to be present, but not to the same degree as in clinical research. In health services research, these were seen as being offset by other forms of ‘novelty’ bias in the reporting and publishing of research findings

    Access to health services in Western Newfoundland, Canada: Issues, barriers and recommendations emerging from a community-engaged research project

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    Research indicates that people living in rural and remote areas of Canada face challenges to accessing health services. This article reports on a community-engaged research project conducted by investigators at Memorial University of Newfoundland in collaboration with the Rural Secretariat Regional Councils and Regional Partnership Planners for the Corner Brook–Rocky Harbour and Stephenville–Port aux Basques Rural Secretariat Regions of Newfoundland and Labrador. The aim of this research was to gather information on barriers to accessing health services, to identify solutions to health services’ access issues and to inform policy advice to government on enhancing access to health services. Data was collected through: (1) targeted distribution of a survey to communities throughout the region, and (2) informal ‘kitchen table’ discussions to discuss health services’ access issues. A total of 1049 surveys were collected and 10 kitchen table discussions were held. Overall, the main barriers to care listed in the survey included long wait times, services not available in the area and services not available at time required. Other barriers noted by survey respondents included transportation problems, financial concerns, no medical insurance coverage, distance to travel and weather conditions. Some respondents reported poorer access to maternal/child health and breast and cervical screening services and a lack of access to general practitioners, pharmacy services, dentists and nurse practitioners. Recommendations that emerged from this research included improving the recruitment of rural physicians, exploring the use of nurse practitioners, assisting individuals with travel costs,  developing specialist outreach services, increasing use of telehealth services and initiating additional rural and remote health research.Keywords: rural, remote, healthcare, health services, social determinants of healt

    ORI 2015 Annual Report

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    Office of Research Integrity Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service Institutional Assurance and Annual Report on Possible Research Misconduct for the period January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015. Each institution which receives or applies for a PHS research, research-training or research-related grant or cooperative agreement must have established an administrative policy for responding to allegations of research misconduct that complies with the PHS regulation (42 CFR Part 93) and certify that it will comply with that policy. This regulation does not cover regulated research under the jurisdiction of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

    ORI 2014 Annual Report

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    Office of Research Integrity Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service Institutional Assurance and Annual Report on Possible Research Misconduct for the period January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014. Each institution which receives or applies for a PHS research, research-training or research-related grant or cooperative agreement must have established an administrative policy for responding to allegations of research misconduct that complies with the PHS regulation (42 CFR Part 93) and certify that it will comply with that policy. This regulation does not cover regulated research under the jurisdiction of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
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