245,673 research outputs found

    Health behaviour counselling in primary care : general practitioner : reported rate and confidence

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    Aims: The study aimed to identify variables associated with General Practitioners’ (GPs’) self-reported rate of health behaviour change counselling and confidence in counselling abilities. Methodology: This study was a repeat of a similar study carried out at the Mayo Clinic in 2007. The same tool and methodology were used with the permission of the authors. Variables measured by the questionnaire included: participants’ characteristics, physical activity, smoking status, healthy eating behaviour, self-reported rate of counselling behaviour, extent of training in counselling, perceived importance of counselling, confidence for health behaviour change counselling. A comparative analysis of the results was made.peer-reviewe

    Practice-based Qualitative Research: Participant Experiences of Walk-in Counselling and Traditional Counselling

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    Walk-in single session counselling is becoming a more widely used model for delivering mental health services across Ontario. This paper reports findings from the qualitative phase of a mixed method study, exploring the experiences of those attending walk-in counselling (WIC) model compared to the traditional service delivery model employing a wait list. We used a comparative case study design for the qualitative phase. Findings reveal that participant outcomes of the walk-in counselling model is influenced by accessibility, how a participant makes sense of the service, and the degree to which a participant is motivated and able to engage in counselling. WIC supports the mental health system by reducing wait lists associated with traditional service delivery models, and meeting the needs many people identify for immediate consultation. Other participants still perceive themselves as requiring ongoing counselling over time and involving in-depth exploration. This research supports health systems providing access to both models

    Promotion of healthy nutrition in clinical practice: a cross-sectional survey of practices and barriers among physiotherapists in southeast Nigeria

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    AbstractBackgroundHealthy diet counselling is an important concept in health promotion. Physiotherapists are well positioned to initiate or support healthy nutrition in addition to physical activity counselling, in routine patient consultation.ObjectiveTo determine the practices about and barriers to diet counselling practices among physiotherapists in Southeast Nigeria.MethodsIn this cross-sectional survey, a total of 140 questionnaires were distributed among physiotherapists.ResultsOverall, 103 physiotherapists responded. Physiotherapists are confident and consider the incorporation of dietary counselling very important and of high priority in their daily clinical work. They, however, assessed and counselled on dietary status opportunistically in patients. Notwithstanding, physiotherapists believed that the diet counselling they give could be effective in helping patients change their unhealthy dieting practices. Patients were also amenable to physiotherapists advocating on diet issues as part of their consultation. Several barriers to incorporating diet counselling into physiotherapy practice were identified, including lack of access to a dietician/health promotion staff/counsellors, lack of proper patient education materials, lack of expertise in relation to dietary risk factors' assessment and management, and uncertainty about what dietary services to provide.ConclusionAlthough physiotherapists consider it important to incorporate diet counselling in their daily clinical practice, development and implementation of strategies to improve physiotherapists' diet counselling knowledge, competence, skills, and practice are warranted

    Research on embedded counselling:an emerging topic of potential importance for the future of counselling psychology

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    A significant proportion of the counselling that people receive takes place within informal, situated encounters between service users and practitioners in fields such as nursing, medicine, teaching and social work. However, almost all of the research that has been carried out into the process and outcomes of counselling consists of studies of formal, contracted counselling and psychotherapy based in therapy clinics and offices. The competent and effective delivery of counselling that is embedded in a primary professional role, such as that of nurse, teacher or social worker, presents considerable challenges for practitioners. Research evidence around the process and outcomes of embedded counselling represents a valuable resource that has the potential to enhance the quality of counselling conversations enacted by practitioners in health, education, social work and other professions. An overview is provided of different types of research that has been carried out into informal and embedded counselling, and of the main themes that have emerged from these studies. Suggestions are made for the further development of this field

    A comparison of walk-in counselling and the wait list model for delivering counselling services

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    Background: Walk-in counselling has been used to reduce wait times but there are few controlled studies to compare outcomes between walk-in and the traditional model of service delivery. Aims: To compare change in psychological distress by clients receiving services from two models of service delivery, a walk-in counselling model and a traditional counselling model involving a wait list Method: Mixed methods sequential explanatory design including quantitative comparison of groups with one pre-test and two follow ups, and qualitative analysis of interviews with a subsample. 524 participants 16 years and older were recruited from two Family Counselling Agencies; the General Health Questionnaire assessed change in psychological distress; prior use of other mental health and instrumental services was also reported. Results: Hierarchical linear modelling revealed clients of the walk-in model improved faster and were less distressed at the 4-week follow-up compared to the traditional service delivery model. At the 10-week follow-up, both groups had improved and were similar. Participants receiving instrumental services prior to baseline improved more slowly. Qualitative interviews confirmed participants valued the accessibility of the walk-in model. Conclusions: This study improves methodologically on previous studies of walk-in counselling, an approach to service delivery that is not conducive to randomized controlled trials

    An evaluation of a school counselling service with direct links to Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) services

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    An evaluation of a Scottish secondary school-based counselling service for students aged 11 to 18 is presented. Improvement in student emotional well-being was measured using the Young Persons Clinical Outcomes for Routine Evaluation (YP CORE) questionnaire and participant questionnaires which were developed for the study. Significant improvements were found, following counselling, for functioning, problems and well-being, with all three showing a large effect size. The counselling service was rated as helpful by the majority of the participating students, referrers and guidance staff. These findings are analysed with reference to the unique structure of this school counselling service with its governance framework integrated into the local Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) service

    Motivation as a predictor of outcomes in school-based humanistic counselling

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    Recent years have seen a growth in the provision of counselling within UK secondary schools, and research indicates that it is associated with significant reductions in psychological distress. However, little is known about the moderators and mediators of positive therapeutic benefit. In the field of adult mental health, motivation has been found to be one of the strongest predictors of therapeutic outcomes, and it was hypothesised that this may also be a predictor of outcomes for young people in school-based counselling services. To assess the relationship between young people’s motivation for counselling and its effectiveness within a secondary school setting. Eighty-one young people (12 - 17 years old) who attended school-based humanistic counselling services in Scotland. Clients completed a measure of motivation for counselling at the commencement of their therapeutic work and a measure of psychological wellbeing at the commencement and termination of counselling. Motivation for counselling was not found to be significantly related to outcomes. The results indicate that the association between motivation and outcomes may be weaker in young people as compared with adults. However, a number of design factors may also account for the non-significant findings: insufficient participants, marginal reliability of the motivation measure and social desirability effects

    The effectiveness of counselling with older people: results of a systematic review

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    In 2003 the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) commissioned a systematic review of the research evidence relating to counselling older people. This paper reports on some of the findings of this review, particularly those which address the effectiveness of counselling with this population. Electronic searches of the research literature spanned six databases and were supplemented by hand-searches of reference lists and key journals, along with an extensive search of the “grey” literature. The location of papers testing interventions which fall within a definition of counselling set out by the BACP, with samples aged 50 years of age or above resulted in the inclusion of 47 relevant studies. Studies investigated a variety of mental health problems in older people, particularly depression, anxiety, dementia and the psychological impact of physical conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Of the 47 studies, eight tested counselling as a generic treatment, 15 tested cognitive behavioural therapy, 13 tested reminiscence therapy, and 11 tested various other specific approaches. The review concluded that counselling is efficacious with older people, particularly in the treatment of anxiety and depression and outcomes are consistent with those found in younger populations. Evidence as to the efficacy of counselling interventions in the treatment of dementia is weak


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    Banyaknya kasus aborsi di Indonesia khususnya di kalangan remaja terjadi akibat adanya kesenjangan informasi tentang kesehatan reproduksi. Semakin berkembangnya teknologi informasi dan mudahnya akses informasi menjadikan para remaja semakin mudah mendapatkan informasi tentang kesehatan reproduksi yang belum tentu benar. Untuk itulah sangat mendesak untuk mamsukkan kesehatan reproduksi ke dalam kurikulum di sekolah. Penyuluhan kesehatan merupakan salah satu metode dalam pemdidikan kesehatan. Tujuan pemelitian ini adalah mgetetahui perbedaan pengetahuan dan sikap antara siswa yang mendapat dan tidak mendapat penyuluhan kesehatan reproduksi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian survey dan dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel terdiri dari 2 kelompok siswa yang mendapat penyuluhan kesehatan reproduksi dan kelompok siswa yang tidak mendapat penyuluhan kesehatan reproduksi. Masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 54 siswa sebagai responden penelitian, yang ditentukan secara acak dengan bantuan tabel random. Data skor pengetahuan dan sikap diuji dengan Mann Whitney U Test karena dari uji normalitas data didapatkan bahwa data pengetahuan dan data sikap merupakan data tidak normal. Untuk menguji ada tidaknya pengaruh variabel luar dilakukan uji homogenitas terhadap variabel umur, jenis kelamin dan sumber informasi. Hasil uji statistik terhadap skor pengetahuan dengan uji Mann Whitney U Test pada alfa=0,05 didapatkan nilai Mann Whitney U Test sebesar 1006,500 dan p-value sebesar 0,004 (p-value<0,05) sehingga dapat disimpulkan ada perbedaan pengetahuan mengenai aborsi antara siswa yang mendapat dan tidak mendapat penyuluhan kesehatan reproduksi. Sedangkan pada skor sikap melalui uji statistik dengan alfa=0,05 didapatkan nilai Mann Whitney U Test sebesar 1127,00 dan p-value sebesar 0,041 (p-value<0,05), sehingga dapat disimpulkan ada perbedaan sikap mengenai aborsi antara siswa yang mendapat dan tidak mendapat penyuluhan kesehatan reproduksi. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disarankan untuk meningkatkan kegiatan penyuluhan kespro pada remaja khususnya di sekolah-sekolah untuk mencegah perilaku aborsi dikalangan remaja. Kata Kunci: Aborsi, penyuluhan kesehatan reproduksi remaja, pengetahuan mengenai aborsi, sikap mengenai aborsi STUDI PADA MAN 3 YOGYAKARTA) THE DIFFERENCE OF KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDE CONCERNING ABORTION BETWEEN STUDENT WHICH GET AND NOT GET COUNSELLING OF HEALTH OF ADOLESCENT REPRODUCTION IN 2005 (STUDY IN MAN 3 YOGYAKARTA) To the number of cases of abortion in Indonesia specially among adolescent, happened effect of information difference corcerning health of reproduction. Progresively expand information technology him and easy to him access information make all adolescent progressively easy to get information corcerning health of reproduction which not yet of cource correctness. To that is imperative to pu into health of reproduction into curriculum in school. Counsellingof health are one of the methode in education health. Targwet of this research is to know difference of attitude and nowledge among /between student getting and do not get counselling of health of reproduction. Research type are research of survey and with approach af sectional cross. Sampel consist of 2 group that is student group getting counselling of health of student group and reproduction which do not get counselling of health of reproduction. Each group concist of 54 student as research responder, determined through randomitation. Score knowledge data and attitude tested with Mann Whitney U Test because from test of normalitas data got that knowledge data and attitude data are are data below par. To the there is him influence of variable not external to test homogeneity to of old age variable, information soaurce and gender. Result statisticzl test to knowledge score with test of Mann Whitney U at alfa=o,05got by value of Mann Whitney U test equal to 1006,500 and p-value equal to 0,004 (p-value < 0,005) so that can be concluded by there is difference of knowledge concerning abortion among student getting and do not get counselling of health of reproduction. While at attitude score pass statistical test with alfa=0,05 got by value of Mann Whitney U test equal to 1127,00 and p-value equal to 0,041 (p-value < 0,005), so that can be concluded by there is difference of knowledge concerning abortion among student getting and do not get counselling of health of reproduction. From the result can be suggested to improve activity of counselling of kespro at adolescent specially in schools to prevent behavior of abortion among aolescent. Keyword : Abortion,counselling of health of adolescent reproduction, knowledge concerning abortion, attitude concerning abortio

    Pre-service health and physical education teachers’ obesity-related nutrition knowledge and food habits

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    This study aimed to quantify the levels of nutrition knowledge of pre-service health and physical education teachers as well as their ability to provide suitable weight-based advice to overweight adolescents. The influence of degree progression, gender and their own food habits on knowledge and ability was also assessed. Pre-service health and physical educators (n=72) were surveyed at three consecutive points in their degree with a questionnaire designed to extract information on demographics, food habits, nutrition knowledge related to obesity and knowledge about obesity counselling. Degree progression resulted in improvements to nutrition knowledge, as expected. When surveyed just prior to degree completion, scores on repeated measures reflect inaccuracies in obesity related nutrition knowledge and the propensity to advocate inappropriate weight-control advice to future overweight students. Females had higher levels of obesity-related nutrition knowledge than males. Gender was also significantly associated with obesity counselling knowledge among students in their second and fourth years of study and with dieting behaviours in second- and third-year students, with female students more likely to diet for weight control than their male peers. These results identify the need for further research into methods of increasing nutrition knowledge and obesity counselling skills in pre-service health and physical education teachers
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