26,273 research outputs found
New Trends in Development of Services in the Modern Economy
The services sector strategic development unites a multitude of economic and managerial aspects and is one of the most important problems of economic management. Many researches devoted to this industry study are available. Most of them are performed in the traditional aspect of the voluminous calendar approach to strategic management, characteristic of the national scientific school. Such an approach seems archaic, forming false strategic benchmarks.
The services sector is of special scientific interest in this context due to the fact that the social production structure to the services development model attraction in many countries suggests transition to postindustrial economy type where the services sector is a system-supporting sector of the economy. Actively influencing the economy, the services sector in the developed countries dominates in the GDP formation, primary capital accumulation, labor, households final consumption and, finally, citizens comfort of living.
However, a clear understanding of the services sector as a hyper-sector permeating all spheres of human activity has not yet been fully developed, although interest in this issue continues to grow among many authors.
Target of strategic management of the industry development setting requires substantive content and the services sector target value assessment
Adaptation of domestic state governance to international governance models
The purpose of the article is to provide the evolving international trends of modern management models and authorial vision of model of state governance system in Ukraine, its subsystems, in particular, the system of provision of administrative services that is appropriate for the contemporary times. Methodology. On the basis of scientific and theoretical approaches to the definitions of terms “state governance” and “public governance”, there was an explanation of considerable difference between them and, taking into consideration, the mentality of Ukrainian society and peculiar weak side in self-organization, the authors offered to form authorial model of governance on the basis of historically traditional for Ukraine model of state governance and to add some elements of management concepts that proved their significance, efficiency and priority in practice. Results. The authors emphasized the following two prevailing modern management models in the international practice: “new state management” and “good governance”. The first concept offered for consideration served as a basis for the semantic content of state activity that reflects more the state of administrative reformation. Practical meaning. A practical introduction of management to the domestic model of governance creates the range of contradictions that do not allow implementing herein concept. Pursuant to authors, the second one allows in considerable measure to reform state governance, considering historically developed peculiarities of this model. Moreover, the involvement of concept herein into introduction of informational and communicational technologies in the process of governance eliminates the necessity of power decentralization, it allows to form real net structure and, at the same, to keep vertical power structure, to involve citizens for formation and taking of management decisions, to form electronic communicational channel of feedback, to provide citizens with electronic administrative services. All indicated advantages of the concept certify about the necessity to reform state governance exactly in this field. Meaning/ Distinction. This article raises a question about the significance of formation and sequence of state policy in Ukraine aimed at creating an information-oriented society, space, as well as informational and technological infrastructure
Net structure of subject-to-subject relations in the management of the system of administrative services provision
The purpose of the work is to form the net structure of management of the system of administrative services provision on the basis of implementation of subject-to-subject interactions between state sector and civil society. Methodology. The methodology basis for the investigation is the abstract-logical analysis of theoretical and methodological backgrounds for management of relations and interactions. For the theoretical generalization and formation of net structure, there are used scientific recommendations of Ukrainian scientists regarding the necessity to implement subject-to-subject relations in the system of administrative services provision. Results. The investigations allowed confirming that the hierarchical structure of the state governance system does not give an opportunity to implement equal interaction between a subject of provision and a subject of an appeal as these relations have one – way communication and the feedback channel has a formal character. Moreover, the civil society is not considered by state sector to be a source of methods and ways to develop the system of state governance, in particular, the management system of administrative services provision. Practical meaning. The net structure of management will allow implementing the subject-subject relations in the system, under which the actions of the subject of provision – that means state sector – will be directed to the realization of rights and interests of the subjects of appeal. In their turn, apart from the performance of all legislative responsibilities that they should perform, they can carry out activities directed to the development of management activity in the system of administrative services provision and the whole system of state governance as an integral system of management. Meaning/Distinction. The provided model of the net structure will allow involving citizens in the processes of state governance and increasing the impact of the civil sector during the making of state and management decisions and, as a result, to confirm subject-to-subject positions in the relations
New quality of financial institutions and business management
Economic processes in the world are characterized by a high level of dynamism, change and innovative approaches to addressing key issues in nowadays. In a context of globalization and European integration of Ukraine into a high-tech competitive environment in order to financing innovative projects, it is necessary to use Blockchain technology as an effective tool for digital economy. Purpose of scientific research is to find out key priorities and functionalities of Blockchain’s application for solving business and government tasks. The object of scientific research is the latest financial technology Blockchain and a system of cult-technologies: crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, crowdinvesting. Methodology. In the process of re-search, the following methods are used: generalization – in studying the nature, pre-conditions and principles of Blockchain technologies; formalization – when compar-ing characteristics of the latest forms of financing, such as crowdsourcing, crowd-funding, crowdinvesting. In the course of scientific research, key qualitative charac-teristics of digital economy are described and the dominant components of its devel-opment are investigated. The result of the article. The priorities, new principles of business management and possibilities of Blockchain technology as an effective digi-tal economy tool for solving business and government tasks are revealed. Future pro-spects from the implementation of crowd-technologies as an effective management tool in progress for solving the problems of innovative business are substantiated. Interconnection in the latest financial institution of creative initiatives realization is presented. The comparative analysis of management of new institutes of innovative development for Ukrainian economy in the course of doing business is carried out. The result of the research is presentation of the relationship in the latest financial in-stitution implementing creative initiatives and a comparative analysis of new insti-tutes of innovative development in the sphere of finance for the Ukrainian economy. Practical implications. The components of digital economy identified by the authors in the article are accelerators of the socio-economic life of Ukrainian society in the modern world and are capable of rapidly increasing Ukraine’s GDP. The described new forms of financing of Ukrainian start-ups (crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, crowdsourcing) are today quite interesting and effective tool for solving business problems in the financial, economic, innovative, marketing and marketing spheres. Value/originality. Blockchain technology, as an effective tool for Ukraine’s digital economy, is able to address the challenges of business and government, uncover the relationship between crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, and explain the content of innovative financial institutions for Ukraine’s economy
Narrativization of Religious Conversion Experience in the Environment of Evangelical Protestantism in Ukraine
In the context of this article and in the perspective of interpretational approach we have considered possibilities of sociological analysis of a religious
conversion. Based on examples of Evangelical Protestantism communities functioning
on the territory of Ukraine the author analyzes peculiarities of building and structuring
conversion narratives, a strategy of representation of the religious experience, linguistic
means and tools used in this process. A religious conversion is considered as a particular
discursive practice or a religious communication related to producing a narrative, which
on the one hand reflects changes occurring to a person who passed through a conversion experience, and on the other hand the narrative itself preconditions such changes
by means of adaptation of a canonic language of the religious group. Conversion cases
considered by the author allow making a conclusion about existence of steady communicative conversion models at the level of Evangelical Protestantism which determinative
distinction is reconstruction of the biographical experience in compliance with the “plot”
predetermined by a canonic discourse of the considered communities
Marketing aspects of image formation and investment attractiveness of territories and enterprises
Purpose: The article identifies the differences between Ukraine and Poland in the image formation of the territory and investment attractiveness. Design/Methodology/Approach: A territorial-oriented approach is being introduced in Poland (an approach taking into account local conditions), which implies emphasis on a combination of investments and an integrated territorial approach, providing emphasis on activities that contribute to development. Findings: The regions of Ukraine are characterized by different levels of investment volume due to the differences in competitive advantages. In contradistinction from Ukraine, the competitive advantages of the territories provide a high level of investment attractiveness in Poland; they are integrated, and are generally based on advanced infrastructure (digital, business, transport), high-tech industries, advanced business services, economic zones, academic centers. Practical Implications: The conducted research makes it possible to identify several basic features of image formation and investment attractiveness of territories. Originality/Value: The basic key difference concerns the competence of countries’ integration of formed competitive advantages of the territory. The specified competence is traced in Poland, while in Ukraine the absence of this competence leads to underutilization of the regions’ potential.peer-reviewe
The effectiveness of the system of pharmaceutical supply to the population depends on the proper interaction of the state and market mechanisms for regulating the interests of all subjects of the pharmaceutical market for the implementation of the social policy of the state regarding the availability of quality and effective medicines for the population. In the context of healthcare reform, the issues of assessing the main stages of the development of the pharmaceutical supply system of the population become especially relevant.
Aim. Determination of key, from organizational, economic and social points of view, stages of formation of the domestic system of pharmaceutical supply of the population, analysis of the main tendencies of its development in retrospect years.
Materials and methods. The materials of the research were selected by the regulatory acts, the data of the specialized literature, certain aspects of activity of subjects of the pharmaceutical market, etc. Methods such as historical, informational-analytical, analytical-comparative, systemic, logical, hypothetical-deductive and generalization were used.
Results. Based on the conducted research, five stages of the formation of the pharmaceutical supply system have been identified and outlined, which differ fundamentally across the range of criteria for analyzing effectiveness in building relationships between the state, civil society and the professional community. These stages were elaborated in accordance with the results of the analysis of the nature of relations between the authorities and society under the conditions of gradual transition from paternalistic to the elements of the patient-oriented model of medical and pharmaceutical services to the population: 1) 1990–1993; 2) 1994–2000; 3) 2001–2007; 4) 2008–2013; 5) from 2014 to the present. It has been proved that the stages of development of the domestic pharmaceutical supply system depend to a large extent on the nature of the influence of external environmental factors: changes of political elites in the country, global and internal financial crises, changes of priorities of the state development, breaking of social consciousness of the population against the background of political crisis, etc. It should be noted that the most important in terms of positive, first of all socio-economic, development characteristics is the fourth stage of formation (2008-2013) of the domestic system of pharmaceutical supply of the population. The last period (since 2014) is characterized by the existence of a crisis of relations between all subjects in the system of pharmaceutical provision of the population against the background of systemic transformations in the state, strengthening of the role of public professional associations and critical raising of public expectations from the state regarding the organization of providing affordable medical care to the population. and pharmaceutical assistance in the face of mass impoverishment.
Conclusion. The basic stages of the formation of the domestic pharmaceutical supply system are defined and their characteristics are envisaged, which allow to form in the future fundamentally new approaches to building rational, economically speaking, and simultaneously socially responsible relations between different subjects in the pharmaceutical market
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