16,995,476 research outputs found

    Block-Recursiveness of the Household Production Model Under Risk

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    This article has been presented at the Workshop on Methods for Agricultural Policy Analysis held at the UP Los Baños on August 13-14, 1985. It considers block-recursiveness in a simple household model under different market regimes. Analysis shows conservatism of farm households with respect to input use when homemade insurance through input use is devised.agriculture sector, econometric modeling

    Block-Recursiveness of the Household Production Model Under Risk

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    This article has been presented at the Workshop on Methods for Agricultural Policy Analysis held at the UP Los Baños on August 13-14, 1985. It considers block-recursiveness in a simple household model under different market regimes. Analysis shows conservatism of farm households with respect to input use when homemade insurance through input use is devised.agriculture sector, econometric modeling

    The simplicial volume of closed manifolds covered by H^2 x H^2

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    We compute the value of the simplicial volume for closed, oriented Riemannian manifolds covered by H2×H2\mathbb{H}^{2}\times\mathbb{H}^{2} explicitly, thus in particular for products of closed hyperbolic surfaces. This gives the first exact value of a nonvanishing simplicial volume for a manifold of nonconstant curvature.Comment: 19 pages; added consequences: Milnor-Wood type inequality, nonexistence of affine structur

    h-deformation of Gr(2)

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    The hh-deformation of functions on the Grassmann matrix group Gr(2)Gr(2) is presented via a contraction of Grq(2)Gr_q(2). As an interesting point, we have seen that, in the case of the hh-deformation, both R-matrices of GLh(2)GL_h(2) and Grh(2)Gr_h(2) are the same

    Lippia nodiflora (L.) Michx.

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    An Example of Utilizing Stochastic Approach for Investigating Network Constraints (Congestions) on Horizontally Operated Power Systems with Distributed Generation

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    This paper shows an example of a stochastic approach to study the impact of distributed generation (DG) on the network constraints (congestions) in power systems. We assume the DG units to be customer-owned, so that they can be connected to or disconnected from the power system by their owners at random. Therefore, the DG units generate power in a stochastic way. The load in the system shows a random behavior too, and the probability distribution of the aggregated generated power and load demand of the distribution system are calculated using Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS).The network constraints (congestions) are evaluated based on the probability distributions of the power flows that result from the simulations. The method that is applied in this paper, shows that looking at the network constraints with a stochastic approach gives a more complete picture of the network than applying a deterministic method, especially when non-dispatchable DG units play a dominant role

    H(2)-Unknotting Operation Related to 2-Bridge Links

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    This paper concerns the H(2)-unknotting numbers of links related to 2-bridge links. It consists of three parts. In the first part, we consider a necessary and sufficient condition for a 2-bridge link to have H(2)-unknotting number one. The second part concerns an explicit form of composite links with H(2)-unknotting number one. In the last part, we develop a method of studying the H(2)-unknotting numbers of some tangle unknotting number one knots via 2-bridge knots.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure
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