365 research outputs found
The South African Air Force in Korea: an evaluation of 2 Squadron’s first combat engagement, 19 November until 2 December 1950
South African participation in the Korean War (1950–1953) in direct support of an international military offensive led by the United States of America demonstrated the National Party administration’s commitment to opposing Communism. This article details how the deployment of South African Air Force 2 Squadron achieved the strategic objectives of the South African government in supporting the anti-communist United States-led United Nations coalition in the Korean War. It evaluates the performance of South Africa’s Air Force in their first operational test since the Second World War. The combat operations discussed under the scope of this article include the first tactical engagement of 2 Squadron in support of the initial advance (19 November to 21 December) 1950 and then later, the retreat of the United Nations force.
Suid-Afrika se deelname aan die Koreaanse Oorlog (1950–1953), in direkte ondersteuning van ’n internasionale militêre offensief onder leiding van die Verenigde State van Amerika, het die Nasionale Party-regering se verbintenis tot die teenstand van Kommunisme getoon. Hierdie artikel beskryf hoe die ontplooiing van 2 Eskader van die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugmag die Suid-Afrikaanse regering se strategiese doelwitte bereik het deur die anti-kommunistiese Verenigde Nasies-koalisie, onder leiding van die Verenigde State, in die Koreaanse Oorlog te ondersteun. Dit beoordeel die optrede van Suid-Afrika se lugmag in hulle eerste operasionele toets sedert die Tweede Wêreldoorlog. Die gevegsoperasies wat onder die bestek van hierdie artikel bespreek word sluit die eerste taktiese optrede van 2 Eskader, ter ondersteuning van die oorspronklike opmars (19 November–21 Desember) van 1950, en die latere terugtrek van die Verenigde Nasies-mag.
University of Montana Commencement Program, 1955
Commencement program from the University of Montana.https://scholarworks.umt.edu/um_commencement_programs/1057/thumbnail.jp
2012 Commencement - Graduate - College of Osteopathic Medicine, College of Pharmacy, College of Optometry, College of Health Care Sciences, College of Medical Sciences, and College of Dental Medicine
2013 Commencement - Graduate - College of Health Care Sciences, College of Medical Sciences, College of Optometry, College of Pharmacy, College of Dental Medicine and College of Osteopathic Medicine
On the way: a historical narrative of the Two-thirtieth Field Artillery Battalion, Thirtieth Infantry Division, 16 February 1942 to 8 May 1945
This is the history of our record as Artillerymen in the 230th Field Artillery Battalion. In its pages we will march together again as comrades-in-arms, with quiet pride in the job we have done, and with the hope that Saint Barbara, the patron of all artillerymen, will look upon our record and find it worthy of the Field Artillery tradition.
It would be ideal if each of us were mentioned by name in this history. But this is the story of our Battalion, and we were and are the Battalion. There was a story to tell; and it had to march along without too much regard for the individual and what he had done. You will find yourself in these pages, because you were there, or you had a friend who was there. You know what the situation was -- this may keep your memories fresh.
We were CROW --and our black wings covered a continent. When peace comes, the rustle of wings of a crow will remind us again of what we did.https://digicom.bpl.lib.me.us/ww_reg_his/1138/thumbnail.jp
University of Montana Commencement Program, 1951
Commencement program from the University of Montana.https://scholarworks.umt.edu/um_commencement_programs/1053/thumbnail.jp
Memphis State University commencement, 1978 May. Program
Program for the Spring convocation of the 66th commencement of Memphis State University at Memphis, Tennessee, held at the Mid-South Coliseum on May 6, 1978. Digitized by the Internet Archive.https://digitalcommons.memphis.edu/speccoll-ua-pub-commencements/1075/thumbnail.jp
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