1,177 research outputs found
Analisis Kondisi Atmosfer Saat Kejadian Hujan Es (Studi Kasus: Kejadian Hujan Es Tanggal 29 November 2023 di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan)
Hail is an extreme weather phenomenon that rarely occurs in Indonesia. On November 26, 2023, there was heavy rain accompanied by hail in the Kapan area, South Central Timor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara at around 13:30 WITA. Further research on extreme events is needed to anticipate future extreme weather events. This study aims to analyze atmospheric conditions when hail occurs in the Kapan area on November 26, 2023. Research methods include analysis of field observation data, ECMWF ERA5 numerical modeling data, and Himawari-9 weather satellite image data. Based on observational data, hail occurs under unstable atmospheric conditions, such as a significant decrease in surface temperature, high humidity, and a significant decrease in atmospheric pressure before the event. Analysis of the vertical profile of the atmosphere based on model data showed that divergence, vertical velocity and relative humidity favored the formation of convective clouds. Satellite images showed that the temperature at the top of the cumulonimbus clouds during the ice storm was very low (-75.8°C). In addition, convective cloud cover (CCO) analysis confirmed the presence of cumulonimbus clouds covering the Kapan region during the hail period. All three methods can well describe the atmospheric conditions during hail events, these results are expected to provide insight into the atmospheric factors that contribute to the occurrence of hail in tropical regions such as Indonesia and can be used to better understand and mitigate the negative impacts of these extreme weather events.Hujan es merupakan fenomena cuaca ekstrem yang jarang terjadi di Indonesia. Pada tanggal 29 November 2023, terjadi hujan lebat disertai es di wilayah Kapan, Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan, Nusa Tenggara Timur sekitar pukul 13.30 WITA. Penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai kejadian ekstream diperlukan untuk antisipasi kejadian cuaca ekstream kedepannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kondisi atmosfer saat terjadi hujan es di wilayah Kapan pada 29 November 2023. Metode penelitian meliputi analisis data observasi lapangan, data pemodelan numerik ECMWF ERA5, dan data citra satelit cuaca Himawari-9. Berdasarkan data observasi, hujan es terjadi dalam kondisi atmosfer yang tidak stabil, seperti penurunan suhu permukaan yang signifikan, kelembapan yang tinggi, dan penurunan tekanan atmosfer yang signifikan sebelum kejadian. Analisis profil vertikal atmosfer berdasarkan data model menunjukkan bahwa divergensi, kecepatan vertikal, dan kelembapan relatif mendukung pembentukan awan-awan konvektif. Citra satelit menunjukkan bahwa suhu di puncak awan kumulonimbus saat terjadi badai es sangat rendah (-75,8°C). Selain itu, analisis tutupan awan konvektif (CCO) mengkonfirmasi keberadaan awan kumulonimbus yang menutupi wilayah Kapan selama periode hujan es. Ketiga metode dapat dengan baik menggambarkan kondisi atmosfer saat kejadian hujan es, hasil ini diharapkan dapat memberikan wawasan mengenai faktor-faktor atmosfer yang berkontribusi terhadap terjadinya hujan es di wilayah tropis seperti Indonesia dan bisa digunakan untuk lebih memahami serta memitigasi dampak negatif dari peristiwa cuaca ekstrem ini
This study aims to determine the effect of thickness variations on the sound absorption coefficient of acoustic material from corn stalks. The study was conducted by making acoustic board samples from corn stems with Polyester Resin adhesive. In this study the thickness of the acoustic boards used were 0.7 cm, 1 cm, and 1.5 cm. The amount of frequency used is 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz. Based on the results of the research, the absorption coefficient value is proportional to the thickness, where the greater the thickness of a material, the lower the coefficient value produced. In the thickest sample with a thickness of 1.5 cm for a frequency of 250 Hz, the absorption coefficient value is 0.177, while at the frequency of 2000 Hz the absorption coefficient value is 0.084
Research on the synthesis of Carbon Dots using the laser ablation method has been carried out at a time duration of 1, 2, and 3 hours (energy 60 mJ, wavelength 1064 nm and frequency 10 Hz). This research uses organic material from Tea and Toluene as the carbon solvent. The characterization method uses a UV-Vis Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (UV-Vis DRS) spectrum to measure the reflectance value and uses the Kubelka-Munk equation to determine the relationship between the absorbance coefficient parameter (s) and the scattering reflectance coefficient (k). The size and morphological characterization methods used Particle Size Analyzer (PSA) and Transmission Electron Microscopy, while the functional group characteristics used the Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) tool. FTIR spectra show the O-H group which is a hydroxyl bond and N-H is a carboxylic acid. The results of measurement and analysis of bandgap energy at different time durations for direct transition (n=2) were 1 hour (3.62 eV, 342.49 nm), 2 hours (3.24 eV, 380.61 nm) and 3 hours (2.74, 451.82 nm). Indirect transitions (n=1/2) were 1 hour (3.17 eV, 391.02 nm), 2 hours (2.50 eV, 495.36 nm) and 3 hours (2.21 eV, 559.04).
Analisis Konsep Fisika Osilasi Terkopel pada Sistem Pegas Bermassa
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan frekuensi harmonik pada sistem pegas terkopel serta mengetahui pengaruh variasi massa terhadap frekuensi harmonik pada sistem pegas terkopel yang disusun seri dan paralel. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif eksperimental. Data yang diambil untuk dianalisis berdasarkan percobaan secara langsung di Laboratorium Fisika Dasar Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Frekuensi harmonik pada rangkaian seri berturut-turut adalah 1,29 Hz; 1,25 Hz; 1,05 Hz; 1,04 Hz; 0,94 Hz; 0,86 Hz; 0,81 Hz sedangkan pada rangkaian paralel 2,71 Hz; 2,50 Hz; 2,23 Hz; 1,92 Hz; 1,84 Hz; 1,75 Hz; 1,61 Hz. Massa mempengaruhi nilai frekuensi yang dihasilkan. Semakin besar massa, maka frekuensi yang dihasilkan semakin kecil.
Efektivitas Game Epic Skater 2 Sebagai Media Simulasi Bermain Skateboard Menggunakan Konsep Fisika Kinematika 2 Dimensi
Epic Skater 2 is a 3D skating game simulating skateboarding on various tracks by sliding and spinning to get maximum points. This study aims to analyze the concept of physics in kinematics material especially parabolic motion by analyzing the trajectory objects in the y direction in the Epic Skater game is it in accordance with the concept physics then concluded its effectiveness to be applied in skateboarding. The method used is an analysis using the tracker application. By using this software tracking data is represented in the graphical form y to t. Based on the research, the maximum height obtained in the epic skater game sequentially is 0,809 m ; 0,812 m ; 0,562 m ; 0,563 m, then averange height of 0,6865 m is obtained. The maximum height obtained on the skateboard game sequentially is 0,669 m ; 0,629 m ; 0,600 m ; 0,577 m, than an averange height of 0,61875 m is obtained.Epic Skater 2 is a 3D skating game simulating skateboarding on various tracks by sliding and spinning to get maximum points. This study aims to analyze the concept of physics in kinematics material especially parabolic motion by analyzing the trajectory objects in the y direction in the Epic Skater game is it in accordance with the concept physics then concluded its effectiveness to be applied in skateboarding. The method used is an analysis using the tracker application. By using this software tracking data is represented in the graphical form y to t. Based on the research, the maximum height obtained in the epic skater game sequentially is 0,809 m ; 0,812 m ; 0,562 m ; 0,563 m, then averange height of 0,6865 m is obtained. The maximum height obtained on the skateboard game sequentially is 0,669 m ; 0,629 m ; 0,600 m ; 0,577 m, than an averange height of 0,61875 m is obtained
Identifikasi Akuifer Air Tanah Di Kaki Gunung Api Gamalama Pulau Ternate Menggunakan Data Geolistrik Tahanan Jenis 2-Dimensi
This study aimed to identify the distribution of groundwater aquifers and seawater intrusion at the foot of Mount Gamalama on Ternate Island using 2-dimensional electrical resistivity data. This island has experienced significant eruptions that have caused new deposits to form on its body and have caused the formation of an aquifer layer. Small in size but surrounded by seawater, Ternate Island experiences seawater intrusion at the aquifer zones. We researched using 2-dimensional electrical resistivity techniques on nine lines in the eastern and southern parts of the Island, namely the Bandara, FKIP, PDAM, Kayu Merah, Skep, Lapangan Fitu, Sasa, and Takome lines. Each line has a length of 75 meters to 230 meters. This measurement was carried out in the direction parallel to the shoreline using two electrode configurations: the Wenner and the Wenner-Schlumberger. Electrode spacing was 10m. The results showed that aquifer zones with a resistivity value of 10 – 150 Ohm.m exist in the eastern and southern parts of the island. We found seawater intrusion in the eastern part of the island on the PDAM lines with a resistivity value of 1 – 10 Ohm.m. The zones show high conductance values in the low resistivity range of 3.01 to 3.41 Ohms. Visual evidence reveals that this PDAM line locates at the beach, where Ternate inhabitants utilize groundwater excessively through dug wells.This study aimed to identify the distribution of groundwater aquifers and seawater intrusion at the foot of Mount Gamalama on Ternate Island using 2-dimensional electrical resistivity data. This island has experienced significant eruptions that have caused new deposits to form on its body and have caused the formation of an aquifer layer. Small in size but surrounded by seawater, Ternate Island experiences seawater intrusion at the aquifer zones. We researched using 2-dimensional electrical resistivity techniques on nine lines in the eastern and southern parts of the Island, namely the Bandara, FKIP, PDAM, Kayu Merah, Skep, Lapangan Fitu, Sasa, and Takome lines. Each line has a length of 75 meters to 230 meters. This measurement was carried out in the direction parallel to the shoreline using two electrode configurations: the Wenner and the Wenner-Schlumberger. Electrode spacing was 10m. The results showed that aquifer zones with a resistivity value of 10 – 150 Ohm.m exist in the eastern and southern parts of the island. We found seawater intrusion in the east part of the island on the PDAM lines with a resistivity value of 1 – 10 Ohm.m. The zones show high conductance values in the low resistivity range of 3.01 to 3.41 Ohms. Visual evidence reveals that this PDAM line locates at the beach, where Ternate inhabitants utilize groundwater excessively through dug wells
Analisis Suseptibilitas Magnetik Tanah Perkebunan Apel di Kecamatan Pujon Kabupaten Malang: Indonesia
This research aims to analyze the magnetic susceptibility value of apple plantation soil to determine the magnetic value as a representation of the heavy metal content on the soil surface due to pesticide residues. This research was carried out by taking samples at nine predetermined points. Each sample was taken from the ground surface at varying depths of 10 cm, 20 cm, and 30 cm. The total number of samples was as large as samples and tested for magnetic susceptibility values ​​at the central laboratory of the State University of Malang. The average value of low-frequency magnetic susceptibility per mass χ_LF is 673.642 x 10-8m^3/kg, and the average value of high-frequency magnetic susceptibility per mass χ_HF is 649.0473 x 10-8 m^3/kg. The average frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility value χ_FD per mass is 2.04%. The surface soil of plantations contains high concentrations of ferrimagnetic minerals in the form of magnetite and maghemite with grain properties in the form of multi-domain (MD) and superparamagnetic (SP).Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis nilai suseptibilitas magnetik tanah perkebunan apel guna mengetahui nilai magnetik sebagai representasi kandungan logam berat pada permukaan tanah akibat residu pestisida. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pengambilan sampel di sembilan titik yang sudah ditentukan. Setiap sampel diambil dari permukaan tanah dengan variasi kedalaman 10 cm, 20 cm dan 30 cm. Jumlah keseluruhan sampel sebanyak sampel dan diuji nilai suseptibilitas magnetik di lab central Universitas Negeri Malang. Nilai rata-rata suseptibilitas magnetik frekuensi rendah permassa sebesar 673,642 x 10-8 , nilai rata-rata suseptibilitas magnetik frekuensi tinggi permassa sebesar 649,0473 x 10-8 . Rata-rata nilai suseptibilitas magnetik bergantung frekuensi permassa sebesar 2,04%. Tanah permukaan perkebunan mengandung mineral ferimagnetik konsentrasi tinggi berupa magnetite dan manghemite dengan properti butir berupa multi domain (MD) dan super paramagnetik (SP)
Kampung Nambon is a village in Jayapura regency which has no access to clean water. Groundwater is an alternative water source for villages which are prone to surface water sources. Groundwater aquifers are porous and permeable subsurface layers which can hold and transmit groundwater. Geoelectric method is a common geophysical method for groundwater exploration due to direct relationship between resistivity and water content. The objective of this study is to characterize subsurface structure of Kampung Nambon and to estimate the depth of potential groundwater aquifer using Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) of Schlumberger array and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) of Wenner array. An ERT line of 100 metres whose midpoint is the sounding point of VES with maximum electrode spacing (AB/2) of 250 metres were performed. The results show that subsurface at Kampung Nambon is heterogeneous with significant lateral variation where karst formation was estimated at depth range of 5 – 15 meters. This karst formation might contain groundwater flow as indicated by relatively low resistivity values compared to high resistivity background of Limestone from Jayapura formation (Qpj)
Fever was a condition where the body temperature was above 37,5oC. Fever was also part of the immune process that was fighting infections due to viruses, bacteria and parasites. Fever was considered very high and potentially dangerous if the temperature reaches 39oC. This research used experimental of temperature Cobra3 method. The research showed  thermophysical values of kapok leaves, red betel leaves and hibiscus flower leaves as ingredients for fever compresses. The results of kapok leaves were the average specific heat value of 45.07 (J/groC), and heat capacity value of 901.30 (J/oC). For the sample of red betel leaves, the average specific heat value were 72.50 (J/groC) and heat capacity value 1,540 (J/oC). Sample of hibiscus flower leaves were the average specific heat value 96.30 (J/groC) and the heat capacity value 1,925.3 (J/oC)
Studi Klasifikasi Jenis Tanah Dan Analisis Kecepatan Gelombang Geser Menggunakan Metode Inversi HVSR Di Kota Serang, Banten
Serang City is a city that is prone to earthquakes. To minimize the disaster impact, the identification of dynamic and local soil conditions is needed. One of the methods that can be used is microtremor. Microtremor measurements have been carried out by the BMKG’s Seismotek Team in all areas of Serang City. Furthermore, the microtremor data was processed using the Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) method to analyze the predominant frequency curve and value. Then the inversion method is applied to the results to obtain the model of the shear wave velocity (Vs) values. The results of modeling are then used to calculate the distribution of Vs30 values and classification of soil types and also modeled in 3-D to identify sediment thickness in Serang City. Microtremor data processing shows that the predominant frequency values in Serang City vary. The predominant frequency value ranges from 0,57 to 14,27 Hz. Then the results of the HVSR inversion obtained Vs30 in Serang City around 190 – 1400 m/s. Based on the soil classification by SNI 1726:2019, the type of soil varies from soft soil (SE), medium soil (SD), hard soil, and soft rock (SC), and there is one 1 data with rock soil classification (SB). The value of the Vs tends to be low in the north and east areas and increases further in the south and west area
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