148 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of financial ratios, firm age, firm size, and auditor's opinion on the timeliness of publication of banking financial statements listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The population in this study were 87 banking companies during the period 2010-2012. The number of sample companies in this study is 29 companies. Samples were taken based on purposive sampling method. Data were analyzed using logistic regression technique.The results showed that the variable financial ratios have a significant positive effect on the timeliness of the publication of financial statements. The variable of firm size has significant influence, but has negative direction to the timeliness of publication of financial report, while the variable of firm age and auditor’s opinion does not affect the timeliness of publication of financial report

    Do Audit Committee Competence and Firm Size Influence Audit Delay? (Empirical Study on Mining Sector Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange 2017-2019)

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    This study aimed to analyze the influence of audit committee competence and audit firm-size on audit delay. This research was conducted using quantitative approaches and utilized data from 43 mining sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2017-2019. The result of the study concluded that audit committee competence and audit firm size partially have a negative effect on audit delay. Audit committee competence and audit firm size simultaneously negatively and significantly affect audit delay. Keywords: Audit Delay, Audit Committee Competence, Audit Firm Size


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    One of the indicators of the quality of accounting information is timeliness, which indicates that the information in the financial statements is usable. In Indonesia, the industrial development of the consumer cyclical sector tends to fluctuate in tandem with economic growth. The economic growth rate will increase by 5.05% between 2019 and 2021; Indonesia’s economy will grow by 3.69% in 2021, down from 2.07% in 2020. The Indonesia Stock Exchange and the Financial Services Authority have established rules regarding the submission of financial reports. Nonetheless, many companies in the consumer cyclical sector on the Indonesia Stock Exchange are still delinquent in submitting their financial reports. This study seeks to determine how enterprise resource planning and extensible business implementation reporting language affect the timeliness of financial report submissions. This study employs a quantitative research methodology. This study’s population consists of cyclical consumer sector firms listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange between 2019 and 2021. This study employed a purposive sampling strategy to collect 115 research samples over a 3-year observation period for a total of 345 research samples. According to the study’s findings, enterprise resource planning and extensible business reporting language impact the timeliness of financial reporting simultaneously. Although partially, only the extensible business reporting language significantly impacts the timeliness of financial report submission. In the meantime, enterprise resource planning does not significantly impact the timeliness of financial report submission. In order to avoid sanctions from the Indonesia Stock Exchange and the Financial Services Authority, it is hoped that consumer cyclical sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange will always adhere to the deadline for submitting financial reports to the public

    Implementasi Program Pembinaan Kepribadian dan Kemandirian Narapidana Lanjut Usia di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan

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    Elderly inmates have different needs from other inmates. This study aims to analyze the implementation of coaching for the elderly in correctional institutions (prisons). Through normative legal research methods, research is produced that there are still prisons that do not provide coaching following applicable laws and regulations. Many of the obstacles faced by prisons are due to the age of the elderly and the incomplete facilities and infrastructure owned by prisons to support coaching activities for elderly prisoners.Peningkatan jumlah lansia di Indonesia memberikan pengaruh terjadinya peningkatan jumlah lansia di lembaga pemasyarakatan. Narapidana lansia memiliki kebutuhan yang berbeda dibandingkan dengan narapidana lain. Lansia memiliki kemunduran fisik dan kesehatan yang menyebabkan lansia membutuhkan perlakuan khusus pada lembaga pemasyarakatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengalanis implementasi pembinaan kepada lansia di lembaga pemasyarakatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masih terdapat lembaga pemasyarakatan yang tidak melakukan pembinaan sesuai dengan peraturan perundangan berlaku. Kendala yang banyak dihadapi oleh lembaga pemasyarakatan yaitu karena usia yang dimiliki oleh lansia serta tidak lengkapnya sarana dan prasarana yang dimiliki oleh lembaga pemasyarakatan untuk mendukung kegiatan pembinaan bagi narapidana lansia


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh ukuran kantor akuntan publik (KAP), ukuran perusahaan, likuiditas, profitabilitas, solvabilitas, dan audit tenure terhadap audit delay. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan sektor trade, service, and investment yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2019-2020. Berdasarkan hasil pemilihan sampel dengan menggunakan metode puposive sampling, diperoleh 62 perusahaan dengan periode pengamatan 2 tahun yaitu 2019-2020. Data tersebut kemudian dianalisis menggunakan regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ukuran KAP, profitabilitas, solvabilitas, dan audit tenure berpengaruh terhadap audit delay, sedangkan ukuran perusahaan dan likuiditas tidak berpengaruh terhadap audit delay. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah perusahaan salah satunya dapat mempertimbangkan ukuran kantor akuntan publik, khususnya ketika mengganti auditor untuk menghindari audit delay.ABSTRACTThis study aims to analyze the influence of public accountant firm size, firm size, liquidity, profitability, solvability, and audit tenure to audit delay. The population of this study are trade, service, and investment companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2019-2020. Sample selection method used is purposive sampling and obtained 62 companies in the 2019-2020 period. Data are analyzed using multiple linear regression. The results of the study show that public accounting firm size, profitability, solvency, and audit tenure have an effect on audit delay, while KAP size and liquidity have no effect on audit delay. The implication of this research is that one of the companies can consider the size of the public accounting firm, especially when changing auditors to avoid audit delay

    Accounting in Indonesia - a study of the ideological influences on western and Islamic accounting thought and practices

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    This study tries to document and review the ideological-environmental factors surrounding the conventional accounting concepts in the Western, with reference to the US, UK and the IASC's conceptual framework, and to examine the influence of such factors on accounting concepts. It is found that the conventional accounting concepts find their justification from the Western ideological-environmental system, including ideological, political, economic, legal, social, and cultural systems. Therefore, it is argued that the conventional accounting system would not be suitable for a different ideological-environmental system, such as an Islamic or Indonesian system.The study then examines ideological-environmental systems and concepts according to Islamic teaching (the Shari'ah) and according to the Indonesian ideology of Pancasila. Examining the conventional accounting concepts from the Islamic point of view, it is found that it is difficult to justify the adoption of the conventional accounting concepts. The study then suggests accounting concepts which better reflect Islamic values.The study also reveals that the environmental system and concepts according to Pancasila ideology are closer to the Islamic system and concepts, rather than to the Western ideological system and concepts. Therefore, it is suggested that Indonesia should reconsider the adoption of the Western (i.e. IASC) accounting system as the ideological logic underlying it is not appropriate in the Indonesian context. For this reason, and the increased demand for 'Islamic' accounting due to the blossoming of Islamic banks, financial institutions and insurance (takafol) as a result of the re-assertion of Islam in the political, economic and social spheres in Muslim societies, it is suggested that the development of accounting standards and knowledge in Indonesia be directed to the adoption of an 'Islamic' accounting system.A small survey has been conducted to find out the perceptions of Muslim 'accounting lecturers', as they are so far the main actors in the Indonesian accounting standards development, regarding the above issues. It was revealed that most of them believed that the accounting system is strongly influenced by its surrounding ideological-environmental systems. Most of them also believed that an Islamic ideological system and concepts would be significantly different from the Western ideological system and concepts, so that 'Islamic' accounting would also be different from the Western conventional accounting system and concepts. However, contrary to the belief that the Indonesian ideological systems and concepts are different from the Western, most of them still believed that the IASC's accounting concepts are acceptable.Recommendations are proposed to the authorities responsible for accounting education and accounting standards setters in order to increase the awareness among academicians, policy makers, and the society as a whole regarding the importance of having an accounting system which reflects the national ideology and philosophy

    Financial Reporting Quality and Share Values of the Quoted Non-Financial Firms in Nigeria

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    The study examined the level of compliance with financial reporting standards of quoted non-financial firms in Nigeria and investigated the impact of financial reporting quality on share values of the quoted non-financial firms in Nigeria. These were with a view to determining the effect of financial reporting quality on the firms’ value of quoted non-financial firms between 2004 and 2021.The study employed secondary data.  The population of this study was 176 quoted non-financial firms listed on the Nigeria Stock Exchange. Fifty firms were purposively selected based on the availability of complete financial information for the sampled period. Data on cashflow accrual ratio, statements of financial position accrual ratio as proxies of financial reporting quality, firms’ size, auditors’ type, share values, board size, leverage, audit committee size, age and firms’ liquidity were sourced from the audited annual financial report of the firms and factbook of Nigeria Stock Exchange. Data collected were analysed using percentages fixed effect model, random effect model and pooled OLS method.The results showed that the cashflow accrual ratio as a proxy of financial reporting quality has no significant effect on the value of shares but negative relationship with share values confirmed that lower cashflow accrual ratio is an indication of good financial reporting quality.  Also, the result showed that all the independently variables are good predictors of share values with adjusted R-square of 76%. The study concluded that financial reporting quality has a positive impact on the market value of quoted non-financial firms in Nigeria. Keywords: Cashflow Accrual Ratio, Financial Reporting Quality, Balance Sheet Accrual Ratio, Share Values DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/13-14-06 Publication date:August 31st 202

    Perceptions on the usefulness of published financial information to the Egyptian capital marker

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    The main objective of this study is to investigate empirically users' perceptions of the usefulness of financial information that could be provided in corporate annual reports presented by listed companies in Egypt. This investigation is carried out, in the light of the requirements of the Egyptian Accounting Standards (EASs) issued in 1997, the new listing rules of the Cairo and Alexandria Stock Exchange (CASE) adopted in 2000 and the Capital Market Law (CML) No. 95/1992, using a set of eleven qualitative characteristics of accounting information (QCOAI) in a hierarchy, which should be possessed by financial information if it is to be useful to its users. Those characteristics are: understandability, relevance, reliability, comparability, predictive value, timeliness, faithful representation, neutrality, verifiability, consistency and materiality. A survey was carried out, based on a questionnaire, which was designed and pre-tested in two stages, as a basic data collection instrument supported by some semi-structured personal interviews. 320 questionnaires were personally distributed, and a total of 232 questionnaires were collected. Of them 222 were usable and analysable, representing about 69.38%. The survey was conducted to examine the perceptions of five groups of users of corporate annual reports, namely, financial analysts, decision makers, academics, stock brokers, and staff of the regulatory and observatory bodies, regarding the importance they attach to corporate annual reports and different sources of financial information, sections of corporate annual reports, each of the QCOAI selected earlier in the study, and some financial information items. The collected data were largely quantifiable and based on a five-point scale. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences — SPSS was used in analysing the collected data and the analysis was carried out for the overall sample and for the various sub-groups using the descriptive statistics and the statistical analysis (the non-parametric tests such as the Chi-square Test, the Kruskal-Wallis H Test and the Mann-Whitney U Test). A major finding is that "corporate annual reports" were perceived as the most important source of financial information by users in Egypt, followed by "newspapers and magazines" and "the direct contact with the company management". Also, there was a clear finding that "income statement" was considered as the most important section among the various sections of corporate annual reports followed by "balance sheet" and "cash flow statement". It was found that users as a whole, and as occupation, education and experience groups, considered the selected set of QCOAI to be suitable for use in the evaluation of the usefulness of financial information provided in corporate annual reports. All selected characteristics were perceived to be important or very important characteristics, to slightly different degrees. Furthermore, the study found that "timeliness" was considered as the most important characteristic. Lastly, the majority of financial information items that were perceived as the most important items, whether or not mandatorily required, are not disclosed by listed companies

    Perceptions on the usefulness of published financial information to the Egyptian capital marker

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    The main objective of this study is to investigate empirically users' perceptions of the usefulness of financial information that could be provided in corporate annual reports presented by listed companies in Egypt. This investigation is carried out, in the light of the requirements of the Egyptian Accounting Standards (EASs) issued in 1997, the new listing rules of the Cairo and Alexandria Stock Exchange (CASE) adopted in 2000 and the Capital Market Law (CML) No. 95/1992, using a set of eleven qualitative characteristics of accounting information (QCOAI) in a hierarchy, which should be possessed by financial information if it is to be useful to its users. Those characteristics are: understandability, relevance, reliability, comparability, predictive value, timeliness, faithful representation, neutrality, verifiability, consistency and materiality. A survey was carried out, based on a questionnaire, which was designed and pre-tested in two stages, as a basic data collection instrument supported by some semi-structured personal interviews. 320 questionnaires were personally distributed, and a total of 232 questionnaires were collected. Of them 222 were usable and analysable, representing about 69.38%. The survey was conducted to examine the perceptions of five groups of users of corporate annual reports, namely, financial analysts, decision makers, academics, stock brokers, and staff of the regulatory and observatory bodies, regarding the importance they attach to corporate annual reports and different sources of financial information, sections of corporate annual reports, each of the QCOAI selected earlier in the study, and some financial information items.The collected data were largely quantifiable and based on a five-point scale. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences — SPSS was used in analysing the collected data and the analysis was carried out for the overall sample and for the various sub-groups using the descriptive statistics and the statistical analysis (the non-parametric tests such as the Chi-square Test, the Kruskal-Wallis H Test and the Mann-Whitney U Test).A major finding is that "corporate annual reports" were perceived as the most important source of financial information by users in Egypt, followed by "newspapers and magazines" and "the direct contact with the company management". Also, there was a clear finding that "income statement" was considered as the most important section among the various sections of corporate annual reports followed by "balance sheet" and "cash flow statement". It was found that users as a whole, and as occupation, education and experience groups, considered the selected set of QCOAI to be suitable for use in the evaluation of the usefulness of financial information provided in corporate annual reports. All selected characteristics were perceived to be important or very important characteristics, to slightly different degrees. Furthermore, the study found that "timeliness" was considered as the most important characteristic. Lastly, the majority of financial information items that were perceived as the most important items, whether or not mandatorily required, are not disclosed by listed companies

    External financial reporting in Indonesia and its implications for accounting development

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    The objective of this research is to explore the area of financial accounting, international accounting, and accounting technology transfer, with emphasis on accounting for developingcountries, specifically Indonesia.Confining itself to external financial reporting, the study explores the influence of environmental aspects on accounting standards and practices, institutionally and technically. Analysis of the role and needs of preparers, users, auditors and government agencies, and of the interaction between institutional and technical aspects, conducted to ascertain their implications for accounting development in Indonesia.The empirical research was conducted using hypotheses as catalysts, to test the characteristics, general opinions and attitudes of the interested parties toward accounting standards and practices, accounting education and development of the accounting profession.The findings of the research suggest that accounting technology cannot be successfully transferred from a developed to a developing country without considering the influence of environment, particularly the role of government. Indonesia, heavily influenced by the US accounting, needs to improve its accounting system in order to make it appropriate for its own environment. Many deficiencies were found in the areas of accounting theory, accounting standards and practice, accounting rules and regulations, accounting education, professional accounting and the role of government.In order to improve the existing conditions, it must be recognised that those aspects are closely related, and that the only way to develop the role of accounting is to adopt an integrated approach.The study provides a series of recommendations, based upon the findings of the empirical research, which should provide a useful starting point towards such an approach
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