2,391 research outputs found
Socio-psychological features and legal norms of the life of adolescents from distant families of labor migrants
The article considers the distant family as a social institution of education, formation and development of personality. The current state of solving the problem of socio-psychological and legal work with children from distant families is analyzed.
The sample of the study is described in detail by family type, sex, absence of father / mother and duration of absence. The peculiarities of the functioning of the emotional sphere of adolescents from distant families (anxiety, aggression, hostility), low level of socio-psychological adaptation, low level of emotional well-being in the family have been experimentally determined. The relationship between the degree of socio-psychological adaptation of the adolescent’s personality and emotional states is proved. The dependence of gender differences in the functioning of the family and the emotional sphere of adolescents has been established. The types of groups of adolescents from distant families are determined, in particular: anxious, aggressive-anxious, hostile-anxious, aggressive-hostile, absence of manifestation of negative signs.
A structural and functional model of social and psychological support of remote families has been developed, which provides for work with adolescents and their parents with the use of special technologies to ensure the effectiveness of conditions that form harmonious family relationships
Features of social and psychological adaptation of the individual in crisis situations
The events of the last three years in Ukraine are of great interest to both psychologists and practitioners. Ukrainians are going through a long-term crisis and collective trauma now. The issue of various aspects of personal adaptation during the war is intensively studied by psychologists. Thus, the problem of socio-psychological adaptation from the point of view of socialization of the personality, social adaptation was studied by such scientists as T. Kabachenko, V. Kyslyy in the process of socio-psychological adaptation distinguish the stages and inherent factors, Y. Bokhonkova, N. Zavatska studied the indicators of its success
COVID-19 Booster Vaccine Acceptance in Ethnic Minority Individuals in the United Kingdom: a mixed-methods study using Protection Motivation Theory
Background: Uptake of the COVID-19 booster vaccine among ethnic minority individuals has been lower than in the general population. However, there is little research examining the psychosocial factors that contribute to COVID-19 booster vaccine hesitancy in this population.Aim: Our study aimed to determine which factors predicted COVID-19 vaccination intention in minority ethnic individuals in Middlesbrough, using Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) and COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs, in addition to demographic variables.Method: We used a mixed-methods approach. Quantitative data were collected using an online survey. Qualitative data were collected using semi-structured interviews. 64 minority ethnic individuals (33 females, 31 males; mage = 31.06, SD = 8.36) completed the survey assessing PMT constructs, COVID-19conspiracy beliefs and demographic factors. 42.2% had received the booster vaccine, 57.6% had not. 16 survey respondents were interviewed online to gain further insight into factors affecting booster vaccineacceptance.Results: Multiple regression analysis showed that perceived susceptibility to COVID-19 was a significant predictor of booster vaccination intention, with higher perceived susceptibility being associated with higher intention to get the booster. Additionally, COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs significantly predictedintention to get the booster vaccine, with higher conspiracy beliefs being associated with lower intention to get the booster dose. Thematic analysis of the interview data showed that barriers to COVID-19 booster vaccination included time constraints and a perceived lack of practical support in the event ofexperiencing side effects. Furthermore, there was a lack of confidence in the vaccine, with individuals seeing it as lacking sufficient research. Participants also spoke of medical mistrust due to historical events involving medical experimentation on minority ethnic individuals.Conclusion: PMT and conspiracy beliefs predict COVID-19 booster vaccination in minority ethnic individuals. To help increase vaccine uptake, community leaders need to be involved in addressing people’s concerns, misassumptions, and lack of confidence in COVID-19 vaccination
The peculiarities of Adaptation of First-Year Students to the University during COVID-19Pandemic in Russia
The speed and efficiency of student adaptation largely determines the success of the educational process. This is especially true for university
freshmen, as the older adolescent organism, with its specific neurophysiological characteristics, is very sensitive to changes in the environment. The
situation with SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19) pandemic has added to the problem of adaptation. The present study aims to examine the influence of
the COVID-19 pandemic on the first-year students’ adaptation to university studies in Russia. The study involves 692 freshmen with an average age
of 18.7, majority of women (80.6%), from three Russian universities: Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan Federal University and
Kazan Aviation University. The results show that during the COVID-19 period statistically significant changes occurred in almost all the adaptation
components: physiological adaptation (p < .0001), socio-psychological adaptation (p < .05), academic adaptation (p < .05). There was a decrease
in the level of physiological adaptation, while socio-psychological adaptation and academic adaptation increased. Comparison by gender during
the COVID-19 period shows differences between adaptation processes of men and women. Comparison of foreign students with Russian citizens
during the COVID-19 period demonstrates that foreign students stand out in socio-cultural adaptation (4.94 - foreigners, 4.64 - citizens of Russia, p
< .05), physiological adaptation (5.36 - foreigners, 4.36 - citizens of Russia, p < .00001) and academic adaptation (5.28 - foreigners, 4.99 - citizens
of Russia, p < .05).Las peculiaridades de la adaptación de los estudiantes de primer año a la universidad durante la pandemia COVID-19 en Rusia. La velocidad
y eficiencia de la adaptación de los estudiantes determina en gran medida el éxito del proceso educativo. Esto es especialmente cierto para los
estudiantes de primer año de universidad, ya que el organismo de los adolescentes mayores, con sus características neurofisiológicas específicas,
es muy sensible a los cambios en el entorno. A las habituales dificultades de adaptación se ha sumado la problemática generada por la pandemia
del virus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). El presente estudio tiene como objetivo examinar la influencia de la pandemia COVID-19 en la adaptación de
los estudiantes de primer año a los estudios universitarios en Rusia. El estudio involucra a 692 estudiantes de primer año con una edad promedio
de 18,7 años, la mayoría mujeres (80,6%), de tres universidades rusas: Universidad Tecnológica de Investigación Nacional de Kazán, Universidad
Federal de Kazán y Universidad de Aviación de Kazán. Los resultados demuestran que durante el período COVID-19 ocurrieron cambios estadísticamente
significativos en casi todos los componentes de la adaptación: adaptación fisiológica (p <.0001), adaptación socio-psicológica (p <.05),
adaptación académica (p <.05). La comparación por género durante el período COVID-19 muestra diferencias entre los procesos de adaptación de
hombres y mujeres. La comparación de estudiantes extranjeros con ciudadanos rusos durante el período COVID-19 demuestra que los estudiantes
extranjeros destacan en adaptación sociocultural (4.94 - extranjeros, 4.64 - ciudadanos de Rusia, p <.05), adaptación fisiológica (5.36 - extranjeros,
4.36 - ciudadanos de Rusia, p <.00001) y adaptación académica (5,28 - extranjeros, 4,99 - ciudadanos de Rusia, p <.05)
Psycho-Emotional State of Students with Special Educational Learning Needs
This article is devoted to the study of the psycho-emotional state of students with special educational needs in education. The primary objective of the study was to study the theoretical views of domestic and foreign researchers on the psycho-emotional state and manifestation of anxiety; to conduct a theoretical analysis of the relationship of stress and the learning process; to clarify the manifestation of anxiety among students with special educational needs of our University in the learning process. The hypothesis of the study was as follows: for students with special educational needs, the learning process is accompanied by a manifestation of anxiety and harms their psycho-emotional state. The results obtained in the course of the study led to the conclusion that students with special educational needs in the learning process involve a range of factors that determine the behavioural reactions of frustrating nature. And that is why, because of the mismatch of opportunities, priorities, there is an increase in the normative level of anxiety, which affects their overall psycho-emotional state
Read the reality of family resilience in facing pandemics Covid-19 in Indonesia
Two months of co-epidemic 19 hit Indonesia, triggering the occurrence of individual and family psychological vulnerabilities. This study aims to describe the picture of family resilience including socio-psychological resilience, economic resilience, and health resilience that occurs in the course of a 2-month outbreak and coping efforts undertaken. Data was dug out to non-positive provides 19 positive families through direct but limited interviews, observations, and more on analysis of discussions, complaints from several families in social media formed long before covidation19. Data analysis follows the framework of Miles & Huberman (1992), from data reduction, presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of the study illustrate that socio-psychological resilience experiences a struggle for self-conflict because it conflicts with the idea of being able to maintain economic and health
The role of Cultural Distance in the Adaptation of Arab Students to the Educational Environment of Russian Universities
In the 21st century, many universities seek to internationalize their educational activities. The number of foreign students is one of the indicators of the university’s success in the market of global educational services. The success of education, in its turn, depends on the students’ socio-cultural adaptation in the host country. In this study, we used cultural distance as a predictor of socio-cultural adaptation for students from Arab countries. When cultural distance is high, immigrants find it more difficult to adapt to the new environment. We conducted a socio-psychological survey among first-, second-, and third-year students from Morocco, Syria, and Egypt receiving education at the universities of Perm, Moscow, Astrakhan, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, and St. Petersburg. Our study showed that cultural distance affects socio-cultural adaptation. It was the differences between Russian and Arab cultures in values, traditions, and appearance that affected the adaptation of Arab students in the Russian cultural environment. Our results can contribute to further research into the predictors of adaptation for foreign students. They can also be used to develop adaptation programs for Arab students studying not only in Russian universities, but worldwide
Socio-Psychological Factors in the Development of Emotional Intelligence of Drug Addicts
Drug addiction is a current global problem, which causes significant damage to the individual and society as a whole. Drug addicts have numerous disorders, among which the emotional sphere occupies an important place. Identification of social and psychological factors affecting the development of emotional intelligence of drug addicts will make it possible to optimize their psychological rehabilitation programmes.
The aim of the study is based on establishing the influence of social and psychological factors on the development of the emotional intelligence level in drug addicts.
Methods: The research programme uses standardized psychometric diagnostic methods (MSPSS, Self-Monitoring Scale, EQ-test, Self-esteem test). Descriptive statistics, the Kruskal-Wallace H test, and Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient were used.
The Results: The study showed that a low level of emotional intelligence prevails among the surveyed drug addicts (M=37.63±13.38). At the same time, people with a low level have pronounced signs of low social self-control (Н=67.64, р≤0.001), social support (Н=67.76, р≤0.001), and self-esteem (Н=89.12, р≤0.001). Correlation analysis revealed a close direct relationship between emotional intelligence and social self-control (r=0.681, p≤0.001), social support (r=0.632, p≤0.001), and self-esteem (r=0.726, p≤0.001).
Conclusions: The study found that the development of emotional intelligence of drug addicts is influenced by such social and psychological factors as social self-control, social support, and self-esteem. These factors determine the ability to manage emotions, adequately perceive them and objectively express them.
Prospects: The identified results can be used when building a system of psychological rehabilitation for persons with drug addiction. In particular, to develop emotional intelligence, and improving general emotional well-being
Cyber-addiction psychoprophylaxis program for young generation of Ukraine
In the work the authors provides a statistical analysis of the problem, considers possible measures for the prevention and correction of cyber addictions among the younger generation. Proposed: a scheme of interaction in the formation of media culture; a preventive cyber addiction prophylaxis scheme; a number of practical recommendations on the peculiarities of socialization of adolescents with cyber-addiction are described; the basic principles of working with cyber-addicts are highlighted. It is emphasized that the ways of overcoming cyber-addictions should have a socio-psychological direction aimed at: correction of behavioral deficiencies; changing the life program so that a person has the opportunity to satisfy his needs focusing not on the virtual environment, but on the surrounding reality; developing the ability to establish constructive relationships with people around; displacing being in cyberspace from leading activities; normalization of emotional response to difficult life situations
The Interrelationship between Coping Strategies and Socio-Psychological Competency of University Students’ Personality
In contemporary society characterized by socio-economic and political instability, the problem of studying the factors and mechanisms that contribute to the constructive resolution of life difficulties and counteracting their negative consequences is very important. This paper contains the results of an empirical study of the characteristics and relationships of students’ coping behavior with different levels of their socio-psychological competency. The research methods comprised the following: theoretical analysis, empirical research (testing), qualitative analysis of the obtained data, mathematical and statistical data processing (SPSS Statistics, Excel). The characteristics of indicators of socio-psychological competency were determined with the use of the technique for assessing socio-communicative competency, as well as a questionnaire that reveals the possibility of using socio-psychological skills by a person in difficult life situations. To study coping behavior, the following were used: “The ways of coping questionnaire” and “The youth coping scale”. The validity and reliability of the research results was ensured by the initial methodological positions, the use of tested tools, representativeness of the research sample, as well as mathematical processing of data with the help of software package for statistical analysis. The conclusions have been drawn that the basis of constructive mechanisms to overcome difficult life situations is a high level of formation of professional skills and abilities, introversion, motivation to achieve success, high intellectual development, moral standards, a high level of development of communication skills. It is these mechanisms that make it possible to resolve problem situations and tasks at work in a productive way. Their absence or a low level of development contributes to the dominance of situational methods of overcoming difficult life situations that impede professional formation and personal development
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