44,604 research outputs found
Splitting Extended Supersymmetry
We show how splitting supersymmetry reconciles a class of intersecting brane
models with unification. The gauge sector in these models arises in multiplets
of extended supersymmetry while matter states are in N=1 representations. A
deformation of the angles between the branes gives large masses to squarks and
sleptons, as well as supersymmetry breaking contributions to other string
states. The latter generate at one-loop heavy Dirac masses for Winos and
gluinos and can induce a mass term for the Higgsino doublets. We find that this
scenario is compatible with gauge coupling unification at high scale for both
cases where the gauge sector is N=2 and N=4 supersymmetric. Moreover a
neutralino, combination of neutral Higgsinos and Binos, is a natural candidate
for dark matter.Comment: 10 pages, minor chages, version to be published in PL
Extended supersymmetry and its reduction on a circle with point singularities
We investigate -extended supersymmetry in one-dimensional quantum
mechanics on a circle with point singularities. For any integer ,
supercharges are explicitly constructed in terms of discrete transformations,
and a class of singularities compatible with supersymmetry is clarified. In our
formulation, the supersymmetry can be reduced to -extended supersymmetry for
any integer . The degeneracy of the spectrum and spontaneous supersymmetry
breaking are also studied.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figures, 2 table
Worldsheets with Extended Supersymmetry
We determine the equations which govern the gauge symmetries of worldsheets
with local supersymmetry of arbitrary rank , and their possible
anomalies. Both classical and ghost conformally invariant multiplets of the
left or right sector are assembled into the components of a single
-superfield. The component with ghost number zero of this superfield is
the -supersymmetric generalization of the Beltrami differential. In a
Lagrangian approach, and after gauge-fixing, it becomes the super-moduli of
Riemann surfaces coupled to local supersymmetry of rank . It is also the
source of all linear superconformal currents derived from ordinary operator
product techniques. The interconnection between BRST invariant actions with
different values of , and their possible link to topological
2D-gravity coupled to topological sigma models, are shown by straightforward
algebraic considerations.Comment: 15 pages, Latex. A section on the connection to topological action is
Exact Extended Supersymmetry on a Lattice: Twisted N=2 Super Yang-Mills in Two Dimensions
We propose a lattice action for two dimensional super Yang-Mills theory with
a twisted N=2 supersymmetry. The extended supersymmetry is fully and exactly
realized on the lattice. The method employed is quite general and its extension
to the N=4 supersymmetry in four dimensions is briefly presented. The lattice
has a new type of ``fermionic'' links, where odd Grassmann variables,
supercharges and fermionic connections sit. The Leibniz rule is preserved on
the lattice, although in a modified ``shifted'' form that takes into account
the link nature of both derivatives and supercharges. Superfields are
semi-local objects and superfield expansion is naturally embedded in the
lattice structure. The Dirac-K\"ahler twist generates the extended twisted
supersymmetry, turning the multiplicity of species doublers into the
multiplicity due to the extended supersymmetry. In this way the balance between
bosonic and fermionic degrees of freedom is preserved.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure
Homology of Lie algebra of supersymmetries and of super Poincare Lie algebra
We study the homology and cohomology groups of super Lie algebra of
supersymmetries and of super Poincare Lie algebra in various dimensions. We
give complete answers for (non-extended) supersymmetry in all dimensions . For dimensions we describe also the cohomology of reduction of
supersymmetry Lie algebra to lower dimensions. Our methods can be applied to
extended supersymmetry algebra.Comment: New version with some additions and correction
Extended Supersymmetry on Curved Spaces
We study N=2 superconformal theories on Euclidean and Lorentzian
four-manifolds with a view toward applications to holography and localization.
The conditions for supersymmetry are equivalent to a set of differential
constraints including a "generalised" conformal Killing spinor equation
depending on various background fields. We solve these equations in the general
case and give very explicit expressions for the auxiliary fields that we need
to turn on to preserve some supersymmetry. As opposed to what has been observed
for the N=1 case, the conditions for unbroken supersymmetry turn out to be
almost independent of the signature of spacetime, with the exception of few
degenerate cases including the topological twist. Generically, the only
geometrical constraint coming from supersymmetry is the existence of a
conformal Killing vector on the manifold, all other constraints determine the
background auxiliary fields.Comment: 31 pages, v2: minor changes and important references adde
Extended supersymmetry in AdS_3 higher spin theories
We determine the asymptotic symmetry algebra (for fields of low spin) of the
matrix extended Vasiliev theories on AdS and find that it
agrees with the -algebra of their proposed coset duals. Previously
it was noticed that for the supersymmetry increases from
to . We study more systematically this type of supersymmetry
enhancements and find that, although the higher spin algebra has extended
supersymmetry for all , the corresponding asymptotic symmetry algebra
fails to be superconformal except for , when it has large
superconformal symmetry. Moreover, we find that the Vasiliev theories based on
are special cases of
the matrix extended higher spin theories, and hence have the same supersymmetry
properties.Comment: 23 page
Higgs alignment from extended supersymmetry
We consider the effective type-II Two-Higgs doublet model originating from
Dirac gaugino models with extended supersymmetry in the gauge sector, which is
automatically aligned in the simplest realisations. We show that raising the
scale at which the extended supersymmetry is manifest and including quantum
corrections actually improves the alignment. Using an effective field theory
approach including new threshold corrections and two-loop RGEs, plus two-loop
corrections to the Higgs mass in the low-energy theory, we study the
implications from the Higgs mass and other experimental constraints on the
scale of superpartners. We contrast the results of the minimal Dirac gaugino
model, where alignment is automatic, with the hMSSM and the MRSSM, where it is
not, also providing an hMSSM-inspired analysis for the new models.Comment: 37 pages, 13 figures. References added. Published versio
Superconformal Invariants and Extended Supersymmetry
The superconformal invariants in analytic superspace are found.
Superconformal invariance is shown to imply that the Green's functions of
analytic operators are invariant holomorphic sections of a line bundle on a
product of certain harmonic superspaces. It is argued that the correlation
functions for a class of sufficiently low dimension gauge invariant operators
in N=2 and N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory can be evaluated up to
constants.Comment: 10p, late
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