5,897 research outputs found

    Identification of heat exchange process in the evaporators of absorption refrigerating units under conditions of uncertainty

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    Проведено аналіз функціонування випарників абсорбційно-холодильних установок блоку вторинної конденсації типового для України агрегату синтезу аміаку. Обґрунтована необхідність мінімізації температури вторинної конденсації за рахунок створення автоматизованої адаптивної системи оптимального програмного управління. Встановлені рівняння для чисельної оцінки невизначеності теплового навантаження випарника та коефіцієнту теплопередачі. Розроблено алгоритмічне забезпечення щодо розв’язання задач ідентифікації та створення математичної моделі. Визначена технічна структура автоматизованої системи для їх реалізації

    TDAS: The Thermal Expert System (TEXSYS) data acquisition system

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    As part of the NASA Systems Autonomy Demonstration Project, a thermal expert system (TEXSYS) is being developed. TEXSYS combines a fast real time control system, a sophisticated human interface for the user and several distinct artificial intelligence techniques in one system. TEXSYS is to provide real time control, operations advice and fault detection, isolation and recovery capabilities for the space station Thermal Test Bed (TTB). TEXSYS will be integrated with the TTB and act as an intelligent assistant to thermal engineers conducting TTB tests and experiments. The results are presented from connecting the real time controller to the knowledge based system thereby creating an integrated system. Special attention will be paid to the problem of filtering and interpreting the raw, real time data and placing the important values into the knowledge base of the expert system

    Extruder for food product (otak–otak) with heater and roll cutter

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    Food extrusion is a form of extrusion used in food industries. It is a process by which a set of mixed ingredients are forced through an opening in a perforated plate or die with a design specific to the food, and is then cut to a specified size by blades [1]. Summary of the invention principal objects of the present invention are to provide a machine capable of continuously producing food products having an’ extruded filler material of meat or similarity and an extruded outer covering of a moldable food product, such as otak-otak, that completely envelopes the filler material

    Implementing a real time reasoning system for robust diagnosis

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    The objective of the Thermal Control System Automation Project (TCSAP) is to develop an advanced fault detection, isolation, and recovery (FDIR) capability for use on the Space Station Freedom (SSF) External Active Thermal Control System (EATCS). Real-time monitoring, control, and diagnosis of the EATCS will be performed with a knowledge based system (KBS). Implementation issues for the current version of the KBS are discussed

    A solar cooling plant: a benchmark for hybrid systems control

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    This paper describes the hybrid model of a solar cooling plant. This modelconsiders all possible operating modes of the process, which are modelled as a nitestate machine whose transition conditions are given by the discrete variables. Thediscrete variables are the electrovalves and pumps. The model has been written as amixed logical dynamical system and is simulated using State ow/Simulink Matlab.The model has been validated using real data from the plant. This plant is being usedas a benchmark for hybrid control experiences by many European researchers in theframework of the HYCON Network of ExcellenceUnión Europea HYCON(FP6-511368

    Design of LTCC-based Ceramic Structure for Chemical Microreactor

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    The design of ceramic chemical microreactor for the production of hydrogen needed in portable polymer-electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells is presented. The microreactor was developed for the steam reforming of liquid fuels with water into hydrogen. The complex three-dimensional ceramic structure of the microreactor includes evaporator(s), mixer(s), reformer and combustor. Low-temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) technology was used to fabricate the ceramic structures with buried cavities and channels, and thick-film technology was used to make electrical heaters, temperature sensors and pressure sensors. The final 3D ceramic structure consists of 45 LTCC tapes. The dimensions of the structure are 75 × 41 × 9 mm3 and the weight is about 73 g