6,610 research outputs found
Leadership and Organizational Culture Analysis on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) at PT. Hatten Bali
This study aimed to analyze the influence of leadership and organizational culture on Organizational Citizenship Behavior employees. The study is a quantitative research. The data used in this study was collected through questionnaires and implemented to 106 of permanent employees in PT. Hatten Bali. The results of this study indicates that: 1) leadership have positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior which indicated by coefficient regression value 0,297 and significant value 0,003, 2) organizational culture have positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior which indicated by coefficient regression value 0,144 and significant value 0,039, and 3) leadership and organizational culture have simultaneously effect on organizational citizenship behavior which indicated by f-count value 6,846 > f-table and significant value 0,002. Regression analyze result adjusted R2 value 0,117. This indicates that organizational citizenship behavior can explained by leadership and organizational culture variable of 11,7 % while the remaining 88,3% explained by the others variable outside of this study. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kepemimpinan dan budaya organisasi terhadap perilaku organizational citizenship behavior. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner dan didistribusikan kepada 106 pegawai tetap PT. Hatten Bali. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) kepemimpinan memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku kewargaan organisasional ditunjukkan oleh nilai koefisien regresi 0,297 dan nilai signifikan 0,003, 2) budaya organisasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku kewarganegaraan organisasional ditunjukkan oleh nilai koefisien regresi 0,144 dan signifikansi 0,039, dan 3) kepemimpinan dan budaya organisasi berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap perilaku kewargaan organisasional yang ditunjukkan oleh nilai f hitung 6,846>f-tabel dan nilai signifikan 0,002. Hasil analisis regresi disesuaikan dengan nilai R2 0,117. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa perilaku kewargaan organisasional dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel kepemimpinan dan budaya organisasi sebesar 11,7% sedangkan sisanya 88,3% dijelaskan oleh variabel lain di luar penelitian ini
Factors affecting work satisfaction and employee performance in automotive industrial chain
Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the determination of compensation, motivation and organizational commitment to employee performance and job satisfaction as an intervening variable. Design/methodology/approach: The statistical method used is the Structural Equation Model with a total sample of 112 respondents. This study uses a questionnaire to measure the factors affecting work satisfaction as compensation, motivation, organizational commitment, job satisfaction and employee performance. Findings: The results of this study found that there were positive and significant effects of compensation on the job satisfaction, and organizational commitment to job satisfaction as well as the effect of motivation on employee’s performance. Moreover, the insignificant effect is found in the effect of the job satisfaction on employee performance, the motivation on the job satisfaction, the compensation towards the employee performance and the organizational commitment on the employee performance. Mediation test proves that the job satisfaction is able to mediate the effects of compensation, motivation and organizational commitment on employee performance. Practical Implications: The results of this study can be the basis for the management of automotive product distributors in Batam City to increase compensation, and motivation for employees to improve job satisfaction and company performance. Originality/value: This study confirms the result that there are positive and significant effects of compensation on job satisfaction and organizational commitment to job satisfaction, and the effect of motivation on employee’s performance.peer-reviewe
The Influence of Organizational Culture and Teamwork on Employee Performance at PT. Bank Sulut, Tbk.
Human resource is one of resources that determine the organization success. Because of that, organizations are demanded to manage the human resources well for the organization survival. With a support from upper level management, an employee works confidently in team and increases productivity of the organization. Basically, Bank Sulut is a government regional bank that has a wide network spread across several regions in Indonesia. To serve customers well Bank Sulut has a foundation of organizational culture that existing until today, which includes: fast serving of customers in more gentle way, treat customers as partners by developing better services, and consider about customers way of thinking in developing the services better. The research objectives is to analyze the influence of organizational culture and teamwork on employee performance. Organizational culture is shown by the values, traditions, and behaviors that employees share in their organizations. A team is an identifiable set of two or more individuals interacting within a larger organizational context to reach a common goal through specific interdependent roles and task boundaries. In this research is found that Employee maximum performance is needed in running a good organization, the more maximize employee performance the better the organization will be. Keywords: organizational culture, teamwork, employee performance
The Psychosocial Work Environment, Employee Mental Health and Organizational Interventions: Improving Research and Practice by Taking a Multilevel Approach
Although there have been several calls for incorporating multiple levels of analysis in employee health and wellbeing research, studies examining the interplay between individual, workgroup, organizational and broader societal factors in relation to employee mental health outcomes remain an exception rather than the norm. At the same time, organizational intervention research and practice also tends to be limited by a single-level focus, omitting potentially important influences at multiple levels of analysis. The aims of this conceptual paper are to help progress our understanding of work-related determinants of employee mental health by: (i) providing a rationale for routine multilevel assessment of the psychosocial work environment; (ii) discussing how a multilevel perspective can improve related organizational interventions and (iii) highlighting key theoretical and methodological considerations relevant to these aims. We present five recommendations for future research, relating to using appropriate multilevel research designs, justifying group level constructs, developing group-level measures, expanding investigations to the organizational level, and developing multilevel approaches to intervention design, implementation and evaluation
Work-Family Conflict and Job Satisfaction: the Mediating Role of Person-Organization Fit Study on Employees of the BRI Aceh Region
The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of person–organizationfit (P-O fit) on work–family conflict (WFC) and job satisfaction (JS) relationships atBank Rakyat Indonesia, Aceh Regional in Banda Aceh. The sample includes 127employees, those who have worked more than two years. The data are collectedvia questionnaire. The equipment of data analysis is structural equation modeling(SEM), which proceeds using analysis of moment structure (AMOS). The results ofthe study show the varible P-O fit role as a mediator variable in the relationshipof WFC and job satisfaction. WFC does not have a direct effect on job satisfaction. 
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