7 research outputs found

    Avaliação de segurança em protocolo de rede sem fio WPA2-PSK usando as ferramentas Linset e Aircrack-ng

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    1 recurso en línea (páginas 73-80).Devido ao surgimento de novas técnicas e tecnologias de intrusão, os protocolos de redes sem fio ficam obsoletas; para isso, busca-se vulnerar a segurança do protocolo WPA2, que é amplamente usado pelos provedores de serviços colombianos. Na primeira parte, o artigo faz uma introdução do protocolo WPA2, descrevendo seu funcionamento e os ataques dos quais pode ser objeto; na segunda parte mostra-se a metodologia que se usou para recolher provas e realizar a avaliação necessária para a elaboração deste documento. Apresentam-se as ferramentas para auditoria das redes sem fio Linset e Aircrack-ng, as quais foram selecionadas para a avaliação de segurança do protocolo. Finalmente, mostram-se os resultados e as conclusões.Due to the emergence of new techniques and technologies of intrusion, the wireless network protocols have become obsolete; for this reason, this research seeks to violate and evaluate the security of the WPA2 protocol that is widely used by the Colombian service providers. The first section of this paper introduces the WPA2 protocol by describing its operation and the potential attacks it may suffer; the second part details the methodology used to collect the tests data and to carry out the evaluation necessary for the preparation of this article. In addition, we present the Linset and Aircrack-ng tools for auditing wireless networks that were selected to assess the security of the protocol. Finally, we show the results and conclusions.Debido al surgimiento de nuevas técnicas y tecnologías de intrusión, los protocolos de redes inalámbricas quedan obsoletos; para ello se busca vulnerar la seguridad del protocolo WPA2, que es ampliamente usado por los proveedores de servicios colombianos. En la primera parte, el artículo hace una introducción del protocolo WPA2, describiendo su funcionamiento y los ataques de los cuales puede ser objeto; en la segunda parte se muestra la metodología que se usó para recolectar pruebas y realizar la evaluación necesaria para la elaboración de este documento. Se presentan las herramientas para auditoría de las redes inalámbricas Linset y Aircrack-ng, las cuales fueron seleccionadas para la evaluación de seguridad del protocolo. Finalmente, se muestran los resultados y las conclusiones.Bibliografía y webgrafía: páginas 79-80

    Evaluation of the WPA2-PSK wireless network security protocol using the Linset and Aircrack-ng tools

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    Due to the emergence of new techniques and technologies of intrusion, the wireless network protocols have become obsolete; for this reason, this research seeks to violate and evaluate the security of the WPA2 protocol that is widely used by the Colombian service providers. The first section of this paper introduces the WPA2 protocol by describing its operation and the potential attacks it may suffer; the second part details the methodology used to collect the tests data and to carry out the evaluation necessary for the preparation of this article. In addition, we present the Linset and Aircrack-ng tools for auditing wireless networks that were selected to assess the security of the protocol. Finally, we show the results and conclusions

    Implementasi Protokol Keamanan Dan Segmentasi Jaringan Dalam Project Pembangunan WLAN Untuk PT Pan Pacific Insurance

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    Security of data and network devices is essential in the development of a computer network, either in the creation of new computer networks or in the development of existing computer networks. PT. Pan Pacific Insurance as a company that holds large amounts of data along with its supporting computer network's infrastructure, focuses on security aspects in addition to performance aspects in its computer network. To get the flexibility of its computer network, the company developed a wireless local area network (WLAN) in line with the relocation of its head office. The Existing company's network needs to be improved with a WLAN network, so it does not only improve employee performance and provides the best security for company data. For those purposes, the authors applied the use of Cisco Wireless LAN Controller (WLC), Cisco Access Point and applied the WPA+WPA2 PSK security protocol for the SSID used by employees. Using this protocol when employees want to connect to the network wireless, they will be forced to type the password that has been set. In addition to implementing the security protocol, the author also applies the Web Policy Authentication security protocol for the SSID used by guests. So that guests who want to connect to a wireless network will be directed to a web browser to be asked to enter a username and password first. A series of security protocols, also added with network segmentation on each SSID to use a different network address. Thus, the essence of network security and performance is expected to increase. From the results of the tests carried out, obtained security guarantees on the PT. Pan Pacific Insurance successfully directs every user connected to the network as part of the security protocol implemented. Furthermore, with network segmentation, user traffic is more controlled because guests get their network segmentation, so they don't interfere with network traffic for users or company staff in company operations

    Impact of Wireless Security Protocols on Data Throughput

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    The benefits of the IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN standard give reasons to its gaining global traction since 1997. Frequent improvement to the rule continues to permeate the wireless communication market. In this paper, a critical analysis that underscores the enterprise requirements for wireless systems, protocols information typically investigated. The recital of both IEEE 802.11b and 802.11g via the results of data throughput experiment carried-out on campus and the simulation results from a chosen article analysed. It also discusses the feebleness in WEP as the unproductive crack of the WPA and WPA2 confirmed the security vulnerabilities of WEP. The critical decisions about designing secure wireless networks could underline the global nature of WLAN standards and design. Finally, the paper discusses the comparison of results for the scenarios

    Evaluar las herramientas de seguridad informática más efectivas del sistema operativo kali linux, utilizados en los procesos de auditoría informática en los sistemas de información y comunicación de las organizaciones

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    El sistema operativo Kali Linux tiene gran popularidad entre los profesionales de seguridad informática y actualmente es uno de los más comunes ya que como sistema integra una gran número de herramientas de seguridad para auditoría y pentest lo cual tiene gran relevancia, pero existe el problema que en este sistema operativo no se tiene mucha destreza y habilidades para su ejecución pues en nuestro medio existe poca información bibliográfica y de la que se dispone está en idiomas diferentes al español, y por lo tanto para cualquier consulta se debe recurrir a las páginas oficiales que a través de artículos y pruebas contribuyen a la actualización pero la gran mayoría de esto se encuentra en el idioma inglés. En el presente trabajo se evalúan 10 herramientas de auditoría integradas en el sistema operativo Kali Linux, cuyo conocimiento y referencia contribuyen en gran medida para iniciarse en el mundo de la seguridad informática, teniendo en cuenta su valor bibliográfico y su aporte a futuros trabajos de grado. Además, se definen casos en las que las herramientas tienen utilidad a la hora de realizar test de intrusión y se elabora la documentación pertinente de las herramientas seleccionadas.The Kali Linux operating system has great popularity among computer security professionals and is currently one of the most common because as a system integrates a large number of security tools for auditing and pentest which has great relevance, But there is the problem that in this operating system there is not much skill and abilities for its execution because in our environment there is little bibliographic information and that which is available is in languages other than Spanish, and therefore for any consultation must resort to the official pages that through articles and tests contribute to the update but the vast majority of this is in the English language. In the present work, 10 auditing tools integrated in the Kali Linux operating system are evaluated, whose knowledge and reference contribute greatly to getting started in the world of computer security, taking into account their bibliographic value and their contribution to future degree works. In addition, cases are defined in which the tools are useful when performing intrusion tests and the relevant documentation of the selected tools is prepared

    Evaluation of the WPA2-PSK wireless network security protocol using the Linset and Aircrack-ng tools

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    Due to the emergence of new techniques and technologies of intrusion, the wireless network protocols have become obsolete; for this reason, this research seeks to violate and evaluate the security of the WPA2 protocol that is widely used by the Colombian service providers. The first section of this paper introduces the WPA2 protocol by describing its operation and the potential attacks it may suffer; the second part details the methodology used to collect the tests data and to carry out the evaluation necessary for the preparation of this article. In addition, we present the Linset and Aircrack-ng tools for auditing wireless networks that were selected to assess the security of the protocol. Finally, we show the results and conclusions.Debido al surgimiento de nuevas técnicas y tecnologías de intrusión, los protocolos de redes inalámbricas quedan obsoletos; para ello se busca vulnerar la seguridad del protocolo WPA2, que es ampliamente usado por los proveedores de servicios colombianos. En la primera parte, el artículo hace una introducción del protocolo WPA2, describiendo su funcionamiento y los ataques de los cuales puede ser objeto; en la segunda parte se muestra la metodología que se usó para recolectar pruebas y realizar la evaluación necesaria para la elaboración de este documento. Se presentan las herramientas para auditoria de las redes inalámbricas Linset y Aircrack-ng, las cuales fueron seleccionadas para la evaluación de seguridad del protocolo. Finalmente, se muestran los resultados y las conclusiones

    Evaluation of the WPA2-PSK Wireless Network Security Protocol Using the Linset and Aircrack-ng Tools

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    Debido al surgimiento de nuevas técnicas y tecnologías de intrusión, los protocolos de redes inalámbricas quedan obsoletos; para ello se busca vulnerar la seguridad del protocolo WPA2, que es ampliamente usado por los proveedores de servicios colombianos. En la primera parte, el artículo hace una introducción del protocolo WPA2, describiendo su funcionamiento y los ataques de los cuales puede ser objeto; en la segunda parte se muestra la metodología que se usó para recolectar pruebas y realizar la evaluación necesaria para la elaboración de este documento. Se presentan las herramientas para auditoria de las redes inalámbricas Linset y Aircrack-ng, las cuales fueron seleccionadas para la evaluación de seguridad del protocolo. Finalmente, se muestran los resultados y las conclusiones.Due to the emergence of new techniques and technologies of intrusion, the wireless network protocols have become obsolete; for this reason, this research seeks to violate and evaluate the security of the WPA2 protocol that is widely used by the Colombian service providers. The first section of this paper introduces the WPA2 protocol by describing its operation and the potential attacks it may suffer; the second part details the methodology used to collect the tests data and to carry out the evaluation necessary for the preparation of this article. In addition, we present the Linset and Aircrack-ng tools for auditing wireless networks that were selected to assess the security of the protocol. Finally, we show the results and conclusions.Tratamiento Historia Clínica Universidad Distrital (TRHISCUD