300 research outputs found
Les espaces de Berkovich sont excellents
In this paper, we first study the local rings of a Berkovich analytic space
from the point of view of commutative algebra. We show that those rings are
excellent ; we introduce the notion of a an analytically separable extension of
non-archimedean complete fields (it includes the case of the finite separable
extensions, and also the case of any complete extension of a perfect complete
non-archimedean field) and show that the usual commutative algebra properties
(Rm, Sm, Gorenstein, Cohen-Macaulay, Complete Intersection) are stable under
analytically separable ground field extensions; we also establish a GAGA
principle with respect to those properties for any finitely generated scheme
over an affinoid algebra.
A second part of the paper deals with more global geometric notions : we
define, show the existence and establish basic properties of the irreducible
components of analytic space ; we define, show the existence and establish
basic properties of its normalization ; and we study the behaviour of
connectedness and irreducibility with respect to base change.Comment: This is the (almost) definitive version of the paper, which is going
to appear in "Annales de l'institut Fourier
Espaces de Berkovich sur Z : \'etude locale
We investigate the local properties of Berkovich spaces over Z. Using
Weierstrass theorems, we prove that the local rings of those spaces are
noetherian, regular in the case of affine spaces and excellent. We also show
that the structure sheaf is coherent. Our methods work over other base rings
(valued fields, discrete valuation rings, rings of integers of number fields,
etc.) and provide a unified treatment of complex and p-adic spaces.Comment: v3: Corrected a few mistakes. Corrected the proof of the Weierstrass
division theorem 7.3 in the case where the base field is imperfect and
trivially value
Mesures et \'equidistribution sur les espaces de Berkovich
The proof by Ullmo and Zhang of Bogomolov's conjecture about points of small
height in abelian varieties made a crucial use of an equidistribution property
for ``small points'' in the associated complex abelian variety.
We study the analogous equidistribution property at -adic places. Our
results can be conveniently stated within the framework of the analytic spaces
defined by Berkovich. The first one is valid in any dimension but is restricted
to ``algebraic metrics'', the second one is valid for curves, but allows for
more general metrics, in particular to the normalized heights with respect to
dynamical systems.Comment: In French; submitte
About Hrushovski and Loeser's work on the homotopy type of Berkovich spaces
Those are the notes of the two talks I gave in april 2013 in St-John (US
Virgin Islands) during the Simons Symposium on non-Archimedean and tropical
geometry. They essentially consist of a survey of Hrushovski and Loeser's work
on the homotopy type of Berkovich spaces; the last section explains how the
author has used their work for studying pre-image of skeleta.Comment: 31 pages. This text will appear in the Proceedings Book of the Simons
Symposium on non-Archimedean and tropical geometry (april 2013, US Virgin
Islands). I've taken into account the remarks and suggestion of the referee
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