392,217 research outputs found

    Generating Sentences Using a Dynamic Canvas

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    We introduce the Attentive Unsupervised Text (W)riter (AUTR), which is a word level generative model for natural language. It uses a recurrent neural network with a dynamic attention and canvas memory mechanism to iteratively construct sentences. By viewing the state of the memory at intermediate stages and where the model is placing its attention, we gain insight into how it constructs sentences. We demonstrate that AUTR learns a meaningful latent representation for each sentence, and achieves competitive log-likelihood lower bounds whilst being computationally efficient. It is effective at generating and reconstructing sentences, as well as imputing missing words.Comment: AAAI 201

    Sentencing Disparities in Yakima County: The Washington Sentencing Reform Act Revisited

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    This study expands upon an earlier exploration of sentencing disparity in the Yakima County, Washington judicial system. The Sentencing Reform Act was adopted in 1981, becoming effective in 1984, to end inequitable sentences imposed on individuals who are convicted of similar offenses. This work adds to the original study by including an investigation of exceptional sentences and offense type crime. Independent variables are defendants\u27 ethnicity (Hispanic, Native American, and White), age, and gender. The period of investigation includes fiscal years 1986 through 1991. Data was provided to the researchers by the Washington Sentencing Guidelines Commission and was processed using a difference of means test (ANOVA program). The findings suggest that sentencing disparity, while not being widespread, does persist nearly a decade after the Sentencing Reform Act was adopted. Hispanic defendants who had no prior criminal history were apt to receive disproportionately more severe sentences for similar crimes than Native Americans or whites

    Penggunaan Kalimat Efektif dengan Keterampilan Menulis Teks Deskripsi

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    This study aims to describe the relationship between effective sentences and the skills of writing descriptive texts for class VII students of SMP N 3 Kec. Payakumbuh. This type of research uses the quantitative correlation method. Sampling was done by random cluster sampling. The results showed that the students' average value of effective sentences was 73.59, with a more than adequate classification. The average descriptive text writing skill is 77.5, with good category. There is a correlation between effective sentences and writing the descriptive text for class VII students of SMP Negeri 3 Payakumbuh District with an r-value of 0.836, after being analyzed by the t-test formula, the value of t count> t table (4.02 > 2.085) with dk n-2 (22-2 = 20) and a significant level of 0.05 or 95%. In conclusion, there is a substantial relationship between effective sentences and the skills of writing descriptive text. The better the students' use of effective sentences, the better their writing skills, especially writing descriptive text. Keywords: Effective Sentences, Writing Skills, Description Tex
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