595,909 research outputs found

    The sociology of education: discoveries and discontents

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    The purpose of this research study is to analyse what has happened to the sociology of education. In the past educational sociology produced prodigious theories concerning education, and was a source of leading debate. However, today educational sociology is much less influential than it used to be, it has also been partly diluted by policy related perspectives. The importance of this investigation is that it will help ascertain whether sociology is of value to education. To carry out this study, I will examine the distinctive phases of sociology’s development. I have identified these as, the Early Sociology of Education, Interactionist and Marxist sociologies, and lastly the approach of the "New Right'. Within each stage I aim to appraise the strengths and weaknesses of sociological techniques to education. This will enable me to formulate a comprehensive understanding of the progression of educational sociology. I will therefore be able to ask the question, 'did sociologists create their own nemesis, or were there other factors which caused educational sociology to decline?' My intention is to examine phenomena outside of sociology that may have induced sociology's demise. Have changing social and economic conditions made a move away from sociology? Finally, one last inquiry I will undertake is, 'do we need a future sociology of education?

    John Hughes May Be onto Something: Anti-Authoritarianism in Education, Film and Policy

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    In this article, I use two popular anti-authoritarian films to explore often-overlooked options for the education reform debate and general issues related to educational public policy. Bringing in sources from many disciplines, including anthropology, sociology, and economics, I argue for a second look at the issues revealed in the films and action on our part toward creating a more sustainable educational and economic reality. I contend that if we take into account our historical context, we come to a much different conclusion regarding these issues than we might have otherwise

    Conceptual foundations of transition to the non-linear models of higher education in the region

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    The subject matter of the analysis is the non-linear characteristics of the new model of higher education in relation to its resources and risk environment. The purpose of this article is to prove the need and the possibility of transition to the non-linear model of higher education in the region on the basis of theoretical positions and the results of the study of non-linear socio-economic processes. In this connection, the socio-economic factors of such transition are characterized; the objective necessity of its implementation in the context of the economic and social uncertainty of a particular region, which is Ural Federal District, is shown. A new type of relationship between universities and their social partners is considered. The need for the change of interactions between educational communities; reliance on the use of a new wide range of economic, social and spiritual resources; the constant search for new mechanisms, educational programs, relations with the external environment, management decisions are argued. Ural Federal District is shown as one of the most advanced regions of the Russian Federation not only in the sphere of the economy, social and cultural life, but also in the sphere of higher education. This circumstance is related to the constant, intensive search for innovative approaches to the modernization of higher education in the region, including the formation of its non-linear model. The presented situation forms the basis of the hypothesis that the non-linear model of higher education can ensure its competitiveness in the global educational space, to enhance its role in the society and specific regions of the country and to turn it to a locomotive of the socio-economic and socio-cultural development. The study is based on an interdisciplinary methodology, including the potential of theoretical sociology, sociology of education, economic sociology, management theory, regional economy. The findings of the research serve as the basis for improving the educational policy of the Ural Federal District.The article has been financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation Grant (№ 16–18–10046) “Developing the non-linear model of the Russian higher education in the region in the context of economic and social uncertainty”

    How to Write a Proof: Patterns of Justification in Strategic Documents for Educational Reform

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    Writing strategic documents is a major practice of many actors striving to see their educational ideas realised in the curriculum. In these documents, arguments are systematically developed to create the legitimacy of a new educational goal and competence to make claims about it. Through a qualitative analysis of the writing strategies used in these texts, I show how two of the main actors in the Czech educational discourse have developed a proof that a new educational goal is needed. I draw on the connection of the relational approach in the sociology of education with Lyotard’s analytical semantics of instances in the event. The comparison of the writing strategies in the two documents reveals differences in the formation of a particular pattern of justification. In one case the texts function as a herald of pure reality, and in the other case as a messenger of other witnesses. This reveals different regimens of proof, although both of them were written as prescriptive directives – normative models of the educational world

    Three educational scenarios for the future : lessons from the sociology of knowledge

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    This review draws on social realist approaches in the sociology of knowledge and in light of them constructs three scenarios for the future of education in the next decades. The primary focus of the review is on one of the most crucial questions facing educational policy makers- the relationship between school and everyday or common sense knowledge. The different possibilities for how the school/nonschool knowledge boundaries might be approached are expressed in three scenarios - 'boundaries as given', 'a boundary-less world’ and the idea of ‘boundary maintenance as a condition for boundary crossing’. The educational implications of each are explored and the review makes the case for the third scenario. The factors likely to make one or other scenario dominate educational policy in the next 20-30 years are also considered

    Educational programm "Sociology of Mass Communication"

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    Навчальна програма призначена для студентів 4 курсу (спец. "Видавнича справи і редагування")Учебная программа для студентов 4 курса (спец. "Издательское дело и редактирование")Тhe curriculum for 4th year students (special "Publishing and Editing"

    Educational Sociology: Its Province and Possibilities

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    Eurig Scandrett (ed) (2020) Public Sociology as Educational Practice: Challenges, Dialogues and Counter-Publics

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    Public Sociology as Educational Practice frames, critically engages with and seeksto further the theory and practice of public sociology as popularised by publicsociologist, Michael Burawoy. Public sociology is about taking sociology outsidethe university, and using it to support ‘publics’ or communities to generateknowledge about society and how it can be changed. To readers of a journal aboutcommunity education this aim will likely sound familiar; the explicit and implicitlinks between arguments for public sociology and the dialogical pedagogy of PauloFreire are clear throughout the book

    Educational programm "Psychology and sociology of mass communication: Sociology of public opinion"

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    Навчальна програма для магістрантів спец. "Журналістика" і "Медіакомунікації" 5 курсу.Учебная программа для магистрантов спец. "Журналистика" и "Медиакоммуникации"Educational programm for undergraduates special. "Journalism" and "Media Communications

    Sociological Approaches in Islamic Education Study

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    Educational Sociology refers to the application of sociological knowledge, thinking techniques, and data collection in educational investigations. Thus the sociology of education learns about the educational process as social interaction, schools as social groups, and as social institutions. This type of research is library research, namely research whose main object is books or other sources of literature. That is, data are sought and found through literature review from books that are relevant to the discussion. Models of sociological analysis of education include 4 types of analysis, (1) analysis of functional structural models with figures Emile Durkeim and Talcott Parsons, (2) analysis of conflict models with figures of S. Bowles and H. Gintis and Louis Althuser, (3) analysis critical sociology model with the figures Paulo Freire and Ivan Illich and (4) English and US version of Micro Level Education Analysis Keywords: Sociological Theory, Islamic Education, Sociological analysis model