1,241,378 research outputs found

    Current Literature: Abstracts and Titles

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    Material appearing in this column is thought to be of particular interest to the Catholic physician because of its moral, religious, or philosophic content. The medical literature constitutes the primary but not the sole source of such material. In general, abstracts are intended to reflect the substance of the original article. Parenthetical editorial comment may follow the abstract if considered desirable. Books are reviewed rather than summarized. Contributions and comments from readers are invited

    Current Literature: Titles and Abstracts

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    Material appearing in this column is thought to be of particular interest to the Catholic physician because of its moral, religious, or philosophic content. The medical literature constitutes the primary but not the sole source of such material. In general, abstracts are intended to reflect the substance of the original article. Parenthetical editorial comment may follow the abstract if considered desirable. Books are reviewed rather than summarized. Contributions and comments from readers are invited

    Abstracts of Current Literature

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    Material appearing in this column is thought to be of particular interest to the Catholic physician because of its moral, religious, or philosophic content. The medical literature constitutes the primary but not the sole source of such material. In general, abstracts are intended to reflect the substance of the original article. Parenthetical editorial comment may follow the abstract if considered desirable. Books are reviewed rather than summarized. Contributions and comments from readers are invited

    Current Literature: Abstracts and Titles

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    Material appearing in this column is thought to be of particular interest to the Catholic physician because of its moral, religious, or philosophic content. The medical literature constitutes the primary but not the sole source of such material. In general, abstracts are intended to reflect the substance of the original article. Parenthetical editorial comment may follow the abstract if considered desirable. Books are reviewed rather than summarized. Contributions and comments from readers are invited

    The Evolution of Neutrino Astronomy

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    How did neutrino astronomy evolve? Are there any useful lessons for astronomers and physicists embarking on new observational ventures today? We answer the first question; the reader can can decide if there are any useful parallels for other fields.Comment: Figures added in editorial stage. Related material http://www.sns.ias.edu/~jnb/Papers/Popular/snhistory.htm

    Immersive learning research

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    Editorial. Material for the special issue "Immersive Learning Research" of the Journal of Universal Computer Science.Welcome to the Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS) special issue organized by the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) following the 2017 iLRN conference. This issue includes eight papers on the focused topic "Immersive Learning Research", including extended versions of papers presented at iLRN 2017 and articles from the public call for papers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Publishing scientific research: is there ground for new ventures?

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    This paper highlights some of the issues that have been reported in surveys carried out by the RIOJA (Repository Interface for Overlaid Journal Archives) project (http://www.ucl.ac.uk/ls/rioja). Six hundred and eighty three scientists (17% of 4012 contacted), and representatives from publishing houses and members of editorial boards from peer-reviewed journals in astrophysics and cosmology provided their views regarding the overlay journal model. In general the scientists were disposed favourably towards the overlay journal model. However, they raised several implementation issues that they would consider important, primarily relating to the quality of the editorial board and of the published papers, the speed and quality of the peer review process, and the long-term archiving of the accepted research material. The traditional copy-editing function remains important to researchers in these disciplines, as is the visibility of research in indexing services. The printed volume is of little interest

    EDV – Italian Medieval Epigraphy in the Vernacular. Some Editorial Problems Discussed,

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    EDV (Epigraphic Database Vernacular) is a database collecting the vernacular inscriptions produced in Italy from the late Medieval to the Early Modern Age, and is a part of the EAGLE and IDEA projects. The present contribution illustrates the criteria used for the description and indexing of all inscriptions that record public script in language(s) other than Latin. The material is very varied as regards language, script, provenance, support and function. The author discusses briefly the editorial criteria that may prove most appropriate for its publication


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    ABSTRAK TAJUK RENCANA KORAN KOMPAS SEBAGAI BAHAN AJAR TEKS EDITORIAL DI SMA (ANALISIS WACANA KRITIS MODEL TEUN A. VAN DIJK) Media memiliki peran yang penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Hal ini terlihat dari adanya kebutuhan manusia akan informasi yang dibutuhkannya. Selain itu, media memiliki kekuatan utama dalam membentuk apa yang ingin diketahui tentang dunia serta dapat pula menjadi sumber utama ide dan opini yang mempengaruhi cara berpikir dan bertindak. Media massa cocok dijadikan sumber dalam pengajaran teks kebahasaan karena memuat informasi aktual dan faktual yang dekat dengan masyarakat. Sementara itu, kebutuhan bahan ajar kebahasaan tajuk rencana sangat diperlukan dalam proses pembelajaran sehingga diperlukan adanya analisis teks tajuk rencana untuk dijadikan alternatif bahan ajar teks editorial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan struktur makro, superstruktur, struktur mikro, dan fungsi serta pemanfaatannya sebagai bahan ajar teks editorial. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu analisis wacana kritis model Teun A. Van Dijk dimensi teks. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan tajuk rencana yang ditampilkan koran kompas menegaskan sikap redaktur dalam memandang peristiwa penyebaran virus korona. Redaktur cenderung berhati-hati dalam memberikan komentar dan saran, terlihat dari pemilihan judul yang sangat diperhatikan oleh redaktur serta elemen yang ditampilkan redaktur seperti elemen detil dan elemen maksud untuk menjelaskan kondisi tertentu. Hasil lain menjelaskan fungsi tajuk rencana koran Kompas yang mengangkat peristiwa virus korona hanya berfungsi menjelaskan suatu berita atau peristiwa (explain the news). Kemudian, tajuk rencana tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan ajar berupa modul struktur dan kebahasaan teks editorial di SMA kelas XII. Kata kunci : Analisis wacana kritis, tajuk rencana Kompas, bahan ajar. ABSTRACT EDITORIAL TEXT OF KOMPAS NEWSPAPER AS TEACHING MATERIAL OF EDITORIAL TEXT IN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL (TEUN A. VAN DIJK CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS MODEL) Media has a significant impact on people's lives. This could be observed from the fact that people nowadays need information. Furthermore, the media possess the main power in forming what people want to know about the world and could be the main source of ideas and opinions that affect the way individuals think and act. Massa media is relevant for being the source of material in teaching students about linguistic text due to its actuality and factuality that are close to people's issues. Meanwhile, the editorial text is essential so that the needs of editorial text analysis could be the alternative one for teaching material in senior high school. This research aims to describe the macrostructure, superstructure, microstructure, and the use of editorial text as teaching material. This research is qualitative and uses an analytical descriptive method. This research uses the text dimension of Critical Discourse Analysis by Teun A. Van Dijk. This research showed that the editorial text of Kompas Newspaper affirmed the way the editor thinks about the Coronavirus outbreak. The editor tends to be careful in giving statements or suggestions. This could be observed from the title selection that is very much considered and the elements redactor gave such as detail and meaning elements to explain certain circumstances. This research also found that the editorial text of Kompas Newspaper about Coronavirus explains the news or issue only. Subsequently, this editorial text could be used for teaching material as a structure model and linguistic of editorial text in the third-year high school student. Key words: Critical Discourse Analysis, Editorial Text on Kompas, Teaching Material
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