11 research outputs found
The content of heavy metals in the leaves of Hypericum perforatum L. on serpentinite soils in Serbia
St John's wort is one of the best known and used medicinal plants. The demands for St John's wort in Serbia is still supplied by the collection of native plants. Therefore it was necessary to examine the concentration of heavy metals in the soil and in plant material on serpentinites and to assess the potential safe harvesting and further utilisation of this plant species. The research was performed on three serpentinite sites in Serbia: Zlatibor, Divčibare and Goč. The main soil types were determined and the contents of 7 chemical elements were analyzed in the soil and in the plant material. It was determined that the soils of all three localities had increased concentrations of nickel, chromium and manganese. The St John's wort plant material (leaves) showed the increased concentrations of iron, nickel and chromium. It was concluded that St John's wort was a tolerant species regarding the heavy metal content, and it was recommended to avoid its harvesting on the investigated localities
The influence of mineral and organic - mineral fertilisation on the Hayfield vegetation from Banat (Romania) hill region
In this study the objective was to determine the effects of mineral and organic – mineral fertilizers on the
vegetation cover of a hayfield from the hill area of western Romania, respectively Fibiş (Timiş County). The
average of the annual air temperature in this region is 10.7 oC and the average of the annual rainfall amount is
608 mm. The climate in the studied area is temperate continental with Mediterranean influences. The
experimental field was organized by setting 6 fertilisation variants (3 mineral and 3 organic – mineral
fertilisation variants) and a control non-fertilised variant. Every studied variant had three replicates. The
vegetation data were collected using the linear point quadrate method, thus calculating several vegetation
features. The vegetation features taken in account were: the botanical composition, the biodiversity (species
richness, Shannon and Simpson indexes), some ecological indexes (temperature, humidity, soil reaction and
light). The fertilisation influenced mainly the biodiversity and the light and soil reaction ecological spectre
The influence of mineral and organic - mineral fertilisation on the Hayfield vegetation from Banat (Romania) hill region
In this study the objective was to determine the effects of mineral and organic – mineral fertilizers on the vegetation cover of a hayfield from the hill area of western Romania, respectively Fibiş (Timiş County). The average of the annual air temperature in this region is 10.7 oC and the average of the annual rainfall amount is 608 mm. The climate in the studied area is temperate continental with Mediterranean influences. The experimental field was organized by setting 6 fertilisation variants (3 mineral and 3 organic – mineral fertilisation variants) and a control non-fertilised variant. Every studied variant had three replicates. The vegetation data were collected using the linear point quadrate method, thus calculating several vegetation features. The vegetation features taken in account were: the botanical composition, the biodiversity (species richness, Shannon and Simpson indexes), some ecological indexes (temperature, humidity, soil reaction and light). The fertilisation influenced mainly the biodiversity and the light and soil reaction ecological spectre
Variation of Soil Structure in the Foot and Toe Slopes of Mt. Vukan, East-central Serbia
This paper presents the variation of soil structure along the foot and toe slopes of Mt. Vukan, East-Central Serbia. The analysis of aggregate size distribution and structure indices were conducted by means of soil units, characteristic soil horizons and elevation differences along the study area. Soils of Great Field located at different elevations were found to have significant variation in ASD and soil structure indices. Topsoil horizon of Eutric Cambisols have higher MWD after dry sieving, but at the same time it has the highest variation in MWD after wet sieving, indicating low water stability, which is opposite to the coefficient of aggregability. We share an opinion that change in MWD better depicts soils structure stability to water. The results of correlation analysis indicated that clay content is correlated more to structure indices compared with SOM content. SOM is significantly correlated with ASD and soil structure indices only in Calcomelansols, whereas the significant correlation of clay content and soil structure is more evident in Eutric Cambisols and Non-calcaric Chernozems, compared with other soil units. Soil structure variation along the lowest chain of Catena might be strong, and that it has to be analyzed from the point of view of soil unit and their corresponding soil horizons
Bioaccumulation potential of selected plant species of the family Brassicaceae from serpentine habitats in Serbia
Ultramafiti (serpentiniti) predstavljaju grupu magmatskih ili metamorfnih stena,
koje se karakterišu visokim koncentracijama Mg, Fe, Ni, Cr i Co, kao i niskim
koncentracijama Ca, P i K sadrže manje od 45% silicijuma (SiO2). Flora i vegetacija
koje naseljavaju serpentinitske supstrate obično su značajno oskudnije i siromašnije u
odnosu na okolna staništa. Mnoge biljne vrste nisu sposobne da rastu na serpentinitski
staništima, zbog njihovog ekstremno niskog sadržaja esencijalnih elemenata
(nitrijenata), kao i nepovoljnog odnosa Ca/Mg u zemljištu. Na osnovu sposobnosti
usvajanja teških metala, biljke koje rastu na ultramafitskim zemljištima mogu se podeliti
u dve grupe: tzv. „normalne“ i metal hiperakumulatorske vrste. Dok je većina
serpentinitskih biljaka sposobna da raste na ovakvim zemljištima, bez usvajanja velikih
koncentracija teških metala, hiperakumulatorske vrste mogu akumulirati i do 1000 mg
kg-1 Ni u suvoj masi svojih nadzemnih delova (najčešće u listovima). Do danas je
identifikovano oko 360 vrsta koje su hiperakumulatori nikla, od kojih najveći broj
pripada porodici Brassicaceae. Daleko najveći broj hiperakumulatora zabeležen je u
okviru roda Alyssum L. Osim vrsta iz ovog roda, hiperakumulatorske vrste mogu
pripadati i sledećim vrstama i/ili rodovima koje naseljavaju mediteranske delove Evrope
i Male Azije: Leptoplax emarginata (Boiss.) O.E. Schulz, nekoliko vrsta iz roda
Bornmuellera Hausskn., dve vrste iz roda Pseudosempervivum (Boiss.) Grossh.
(Cochlearia L.), jedna vrsta iz roda Aethionema, kao i značajan broj vrsta iz roda
Thlaspi L. Na području Srbije je do danas utvrđeno da jedino vrsta Alyssum murale sa
planine Goč ima sposobnost hiperakumulacije nikla, dok za vrste iz nekih drugih rodova
kao što su Isatis, Cardamine, Rorippa, Erysimum ne postoje informacije o
hiperakumulativnim potencijalima.
Prema tome, bilo je neophodno sakupiti više informacija o akumulativnim
kapacitetima biljaka iz porodice Brassicaceae sa serpentinitskih staništa u Srbiji, ali i
proceniti njihov potencijal za fitoremedijaciju, pa su na osnovu ovih činjenica definisani
ciljevi ove disertacije: 1) utvrđivanje osnovnih karakteristika staništa ispitivanih taksona, uključujući podatke o tipu vegetacije i/ili zajednice, nadmorskoj visini, nagibu
terena, geološkoj podlozi i klimi; 2) utvđivanje osnovnih fizičkih (tekstura, tj.
mehanički sastav) i hemijskih (pH u H2O, pH u 1 N KCl, procenat organske materije,
koncentracija P2O5 i K2O) svojstava serpentinitskih zemljišta na istraživanim
lokalitetima; 3) utvrđivanje koncentracije makroelemenata (Ca, Mg, Fe) i teških metala
(Ni, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cr, Pb, Co, Cd) u zemljištima koja se razvijaju iznad serpentinitske
podloge na više lokaliteta u Srbiji; 4) ispitivanje koncentracije makroelemenata i teških
metala u podzemnim i nadzemnim delovima biljaka iz porodice Brassicaceae koje
naseljavaju serpentinitska staništa u Srbiji; 5) na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, proceniti
kapacitet pojedinih biljnih vrsta iz porodice Brassicaceae za toleranciju ili
bioakumulaciju određenih mikroelemenata (pre svega teških metala); 6) otkriti nove
nikl i/ili cink akumulatorske ili hiperakumulatorske vrste iz porodice Brassicaceae...Ultramafics ('ultrabasic' or 'serpentine') represent magmatic or metamorphic rocks
which are characterized by high concentrations of Mg, Fe, Ni, Cr and Co and low
concentrations of Ca, P, and K and contain less than 45% silica (SiO2). Serpentine substrates
commonly support vegetation and flora that is sparser and more stunted than that of other
nearby soils. Many plant species are incapable of growing on serpentine substrates because
they are extremely poor in essential nutrients and have a low Ca/Mg ratio. On the basis of
heavy metal uptake, plants which grow on ultramafic soils can be divided into ‘normal’ and
metal hyperaccumulators. While most serpentine plants are able to grow on these soils
without excessive uptake of elements, hyperaccumulators take up more than 1000 mg kg-1 Ni
and accumulate it into their leaf dry matter. To date, about 360 hyperaccumulators of Ni from
ultramafic soils have been identified. They are mostly found in Brassicaceae family in
temperate areas (especially Mediterranean and Turkey). By far the greatest number of nickelaccumulating
species within any genus is found in Alyssum L. Besides the Alyssum species,
nickel hyperaccumulation was also discovered in species that belong to other genera of the
Brassicaceae family of Europe and Turkey. So far only the data about Ni accumulation in A.
murale from the central Serbia was published, but there has been no information about the
hyperaccumulative potential of the species from the ultramafic areas of Serbia that belong to some
other genera (Isatis, Cardamine, Aethionema, Rorippa, Erysimum) of the Brassicaceae family.
Hence, it is necessary to obtain more information about metal accumulation capacities
of the plants from the Brassicaceae family growing on serpentine soils to evaluate their
potential for phytoremediation including metal extraction (phytoextraction). Therefore, the
aims of this thesis were to: 1) determine the basic habitat characteristics of the selected taxa
from the Brassicaceae family, including information on the type of vegetation and/or
community, altitude, slope, geological and pedological substrate and climate; 2) identify the
basic physical (texture) and chemical (pH in H2O, pH in 1N KCl, percent of organic matter,
contents of P2O5 and K2O) features of serpentine soil of the study sites; 3) determine the
concentrations of the macro (Ca, Mg, Fe) as well as trace elements (Ni, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cr, Pb, Co, Cd) in soils that are developed over serpentinite substrates at several locations in the
northwestern, western, southwestern and central Serbia; 4) examine the concentrations of the
macro and trace elements in underground and aboveground parts (stems and/or leaves) of
plants of the family Brassicaceae that inhabit serpentinite habitats in Serbia; 5) based on the
obtained results, the assessment of the capacity of some plant species of the family
Brassicaceae for tolerance and/or bioaccumulation of certain trace elements (with special
attention to nickel and zinc); 6) identificationn and discovery of new potential
hyperaccumulator species in the family Brassicaceae from Serbia...
Eight ZP maize hybrids, belonging to FAO 300-400 maturity groups, were tested during the
2018 year at six different environments in Serbia. All examined hybrids have been recently
registered in Serbia. The aim of the study was to identify hybrids with the highest grain yield,
as well as with high yield stability over different environments. The experiment was
conducted according to Randomized Complete Block Design in three replications. For the
estimation of yield stability, different statistical analyses were done: regression coefficient
(bi), deviation from regression (S2
di), Shukla stability variance (ri2
), and cultivar superiority
measure (Pi). Maize hybrids ZP 4540 and ZP 4077 showed the highest yield potential, but
they also had high moisture content in harvest. Hybrid ZP 4567 had above average yield and
also high stability, while hybrid ZP 3536 had average yield, good stability and the lowest
moisture content in the harvest. Although hybrid ZP 4540 obtained the highest grain yield in
trial, it performed unstable according to the results of stability analysis. Based on the results
obtained in the experiment, hybrids ZP 4567 and ZP 3536 are recommended for further
testing in 2019 and initial commercializatio
The effects of long-term (>20 yr) grazing on the selected physical properties of a non carbonated silty-clay Fluvisols were studied in the region of the Kolubara Valley, Northwest Serbia. Two adjacent land-use types (native deciduous forest and natural pasture soils converted from forests for more than 20 years) were chosen for the study. Disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were collected from three sites at each of the two different land-use types from the depths of 0–15, 15–30 and 30–45 cm. In relation to the soil under native forest, soil organic matter content, total porosity and air-filled porosity were significantly reduced after long-term of grazing. The bulk density (0.99–1.48 g cm–3) and the saturated hydraulic conductivity (6.9.10–2–3.2.10–4 cm s–1) were significantly lower in forest compared to the adjacent pasture (ex-forest) soil (1.49–1.55 g cm–3 and 3.4.10–4–5.5.10–4 cm s–1, respectively). In addition, forest had significantly lower dry mean weight diameter (7.0–9.2 mm) and greater wet mean weight diameter (2.0–2.6 mm) for 0–45 cm depth compared with the pasture (8.8–9.4 mm and 1.8–2.3 mm, respectively). The decrease of soil organic matter content and reduction in aggregate stability under long-term grazing rendered the soil more susceptible to compaction. In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that removal of permanent vegetation in the conversion process from forest areas to pasture land may lead to loss of soil productivity and serious soil degradation. Obviously, there is a need for greater attention to developing sustainable land use practices in management of these ecosystems to prevent further degradation of pasture soils in the region
Perspectives of Sustainable Collaborative Management: A Case Study in Kerinci Seblat National Park, Sumatra-Indonesia
The impact of geological substrate on the metal content in plants
Geološka podloga i na njoj nastala zemljišta, kao skup ekoloških faktora
utiču na divergenciju biljnih oblika i vegetacijskih jedinica. Pored hemijskog
sastava geološke podloge, na vegetaciju koja se na njoj razvija, značajan uticaj imaju
fizička struktura i kvantitativan odnos pojedinih elemenata i njihovih soli u
podlozi, što se naročito lepo može videti pri komparaciji vegetacija nastalim na
različitim geološkim podlogama i zemljištima, kao i komparativnim upoređivanjem
hemijskog sadržaja njihovih predstavnika. Biološki monitoring podrazumeva
primenu živih organizama kao bioindikatora promena u životnoj sredini u prostoru
i vremenu. Biljke su dobri indikatori, obzirom da su prilagođene na specifična
svojstva zemljišta i geološke podloge svojim morfo-fiziološkom adaptacijama, i
mogu da posluže za utvrđivanje hemijskog statusa određenog mesta ili oblasti.
Ova doktorska disertacija se bavi problematikom uticaja geološke podloge i
zemljišta koja su se formirala na određenom tipu podloge na sadržaj metala u
biljkama. Ciljevi ove disertacije fokusirani su na pitanja sadržaja ispitivanih
elemenata u zemljištu i biljkama koje rastu na različitim geološkim podlogama, kao
i na ukazivanje koje biljne vrste, rodove i familije možemo koristiti kao dobre
indikatore i hiperakumulatore prisustva određenih metala, kao i mogućnosti
bioremedijacije zemljišta opterećenih povećanim koncentracijama određenih, naročito
teških metala, što doprinosi praktičnoj primeni dobijenih naučnih rezultata.
Istraživano područje obuhvata lokalitete koji se nalaze na različitim
geološkim podlogama serpentinitu, krečnjaku, andezitu i pesku, i to pet lokaliteta
sa serpentinskom geološkom podlogom (jedan od lokaliteta je na jalovištu azbesta), i
po jedan sa krečnjačkom, andezitnom i peskom kao geološkom podlogom. Nastanak i
formiranje zemljišta na ovim geološkim podlogama je različito i specifično, tako
da uslovljava pojavu osobene flore i vegetacije. Prikupljeno je 40 različitih biljnih
vrsta u okviru 100 uzoraka biljaka, obzirom da su neke vrste uzorkovane sa više od
jednog lokaliteta. Određivane su koncentracije jedanaest metala (kalcijum,
magnezijum, gvožđe, mangan, bakar, cink, nikl, olovo, kadmijum, kobalt i hrom) u
zemljištu i uzorcima pripremljenim od celih biljaka. Sadržaji ispitivanih metala
u zemljištu varirali su u zavisnosti od vrste metala i prirode geološke podloge na
kome je zemljište nastalo, a srednje vrednosti sadržaja ispitivanih elemenata u
zemljištu imale su poredak: Mg>Fe>Ca>Ni>Mn>Cr>Co>Zn>Pb>Cu>Cd. Serpentinska
zemljišta, kao i zemljište nastalo na krečnjačkoj geološkoj podlozi sadržala su Ni i Cr iznad granične vrednosti, vrednosti koju propisuje Evropska unija i maksimalno
dozvoljenih koncentracija propisanih za zemljišta. Zemljišta nastala na
serpentinskoj geološkoj podlozi sadrže Ni i Cr iznad remedijacione vrednosti.
Takođe, na svim serpentinskim lokalitetima, kao i na krečnjačkom lokalitetu
utvrđene su koncentracije Co i Cd u zemljištu više od propisane granične
vrednosti, a koncentracije Co su više i od njegove srednje vrednosti utvrđene za
zemljišta širom sveta.
Sadržaj ispitivanih elemenata u biljkama bio je promenljiv, i zavisio je od
biljne vrste, vrste metala i prirode geološke podloge sa koje su biljke uzorkovane, a
srednja vrednost sadržaja ispitivanih elemenata u biljkama imala je poredak:
Ca>Mg>Fe>Ni>Mn>Cr>Zn>Cu>Co>Pb>Cd. Hemijska analiza i utvrđivanje hemijskog
statusa biljaka jedna je od metoda kojom se analiziraju hemijska svojstva i promene u
biosferi. Reakcija biljaka na hemijski stres koji uzrokuje disbalans elemenata (bilo
nedostatak ili suvišak elementa), ne može se jasno definisati zato što biljke
razvijaju tokom njihove evolucije, ontogenetskog i filogenetskog života nekoliko
biohemijskih mehanizama koji rezultiraju u adaptaciji i toleranciji biljaka na
potpuno novu ili životnu sredinu u kojoj postoji hemijski disbalans. Biljke pokazuju
promenljivost i nekada specifičnu sposobnost da absorbuju elemente iz zemljišta, a
mera usvajanja elemenata od strane biljaka zavisi od njihove pojedinačne sposobnosti,
tako da su utvrđene velike razlike u sposobnosti usvajanja metala između različitih
vrsta i genotipova biljaka. Od 40 biljnih vrsta koje su bile uključene u istraživanje,
kod 32 vrste su utvrđeni biološki apsorpcioni koeficijenti veći od jedinice za 7
različitih elemenata. Biološki apsorpcioni koeficijent veći od jedinice za Cu
pokazale su 22 biljne vrste; 21 vrsta za Zn; 7 za Ni; 5 za Mn; 2 za Cr i po jedna za Pb i
Mg. Vrste Alyssum markgrafii i Alyssum murale su hiperakumulatori Ni (na
serpentinskom lokalitetu selo Kamenica vrsta Alyssum murale je akumulirala skoro 4
puta više Ni, a endemična hiperakumulatorska vrsta Alyssum markgrafii na
serpentinskom lokalitetu Kamenjar je akumulirala 3 puta više Ni od referentne
hiperakumulatorske vrednosti).
Istraživanja ove disertacije su pokušala sa razjasne pitanja uticaja
geološke podloge na sadržaj nekih elemenata u biljkama, ulogu i značaj biljaka u
njihovoj akumulaciji, kao i da sugeriše koje su biljne vrste dobri indikatori,
hiperakumulatori i test vrste koje se mogu koristiti u bioremedijaciji, sve u cilju
praćenja, zaštite i restauracije proučavanih ekosistema.Geological background and lands that it generated, as a set of environmental factors affect the divergence of plant forms and vegetation units. In addition to the chemical composition of the geological substrate, physical structures and quantitative relationship of individual elements and their salts in the substrate have a significant impact on vegetations that develop on that substrate, which is particularly well be seen when comparing the vegetation generated on different bedrocks and soils, as well as by comparative comparison of
the chemical content of their representatives. Biological monitoring involves the use of living organisms as bio-indicators of environmental change, in space and time. Plants are good indicators, as they are adapted to the specific characteristics of soil and geological substrate by their morpho-physiological adaptations, and can be used to determine the chemical status of a particular place or region.
This dissertation deals with issues of the impact of geological substrates and soils, which are formed on a specific type of substrate to the metal content in plants. The aims of this dissertation focused on the question of the content of analyzed elements in soil and plants that grow on different geological substrates, as well as to highlight which plant species, genera and families can be used as good indicators and hyperaccumulators of the presence of
certain metals, as well as the possibility of bioremediation of land burdened by increased concentrations of certain, particularly heavy metals, which contributes to the practical application of the scientific results obtained. The studied area includes sites that are located on different geological substrates,
serpentinite, limestone, andesite and sand, where five sites was with serpentine geological substrate (one of the sites is on the asbestos tailings), and other ones with limestone (1), andesite (1) and sand (1) as the geological background. The genesis and soil formation on these geological substrates is different and specific, so that it leads to appearance of distinctive flora and vegetation. It was collected 40 different plant species in the scope of 100 samples of plants, with the respect that some species were sampled on more than one site. The
concentrations of eleven metals (calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, nickel, lead, cadmium, cobalt and chromium) in the soil samples and samples prepared from whole plants were determined. In the soil, concentrations of metals analyzed varied depending on the type of metal mean values of element content in the soil had the next order: Mg>Fe>Ca>Ni>Mn>Cr>Co>Zn>Pb>Cu>Cd. Serpentine soils, as well as the soil developed on limestone bedrock contained Ni and Cr above the limit value, the value set by the
European Community, and the maximum allowed levels prescribed for the land. Soils formed
on serpentine substrate contain Ni and Cr above remediation value. Also, at all serpentine
sites, as well as at limestone location, the concentrations of Co and Cd in the soil were more
than the prescribed limits, and Co concentrations were higher than its mean value determined
for the land around the World.
Content of elements investigated in plants was variable and depended on the plant
species, type of metal and the nature of the geological substrate from which plants were
sampled, and the mean value of the element content in plants had the order:
Ca>Mg>Fe>Ni>Mn>Cr>Zn>Cu>Co>Pb>Cd. Chemical analysis and determination of the
chemical status of plants is one of the methods used to analyze the chemical properties and
changes in the biosphere. The reaction of plants on the chemical stress, which imbalance of
elements causes (either deficiency or excess of elements) can not be clearly defined because
the plants develop several biochemical mechanisms during their evolution, ontogenetic and
phylogenetic lives that result in adaptation and tolerance of plants to a whole new
environment or environment where a chemical imbalance exists. Plants show variability and
sometimes specific ability to absorb elements from the soil, and measure of that adoption of
the elements depends on their individual ability, so the great differences in the ability of metal
assimilation among different species and genotypes of plants were determined. Of the 40
plant species that were included in the study, at 32 species biological absorption coefficient
were greater than one for 7 different elements. Biological absorption coefficient greater than
one for Cu 22 species showed; 21 species for Zn, 7 for Ni, 5 for Mn, 2 for Cr and one for Pb
and Mg, too. Species Alyssum markgrafii and Alyssum murale are hyperaccumulators of Ni
(at the serpentine locality Kamenica village species Alyssum murale accumulated Ni nearly 4
times more, and endemic hyperaccumulator species Alyssum markgrafii on the serpentine
locality accumulated Ni 3 times more than the reference hyperaccumulator value).
The researches included in this dissertation attempted to clarify the influence of
geologic substrate on the content of some elements in plants, the role and importance of plants
in their accumulation, as well as to recommend the plants, which are good indicators,
hyperaccumulators and test species that can be used in bioremediation for the purpose of
monitoring, protection and restoration of ecosystems examined