1,343,213 research outputs found
Hanaa Elsherbiny, Mohamed Kamal Ahmed, Mahmoud A. Elwany "Comparative Evaluation for Torque Control Strategies of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for Electric Vehicles", 65(3), pp. 244–261, 2021. (in this issue)https://doi.org/10.3311/PPee.16672When the above article was first published online Fig. 13 was missing. This has now been corrected in the online version.The correct version of Fig. 13 is published here
Yazid Berkani, Nabil Taib "Dual Input Z-source Indirect Matrix Converter for Grid Connected Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems", 65(3), pp. 218–226, 2021. (in this issue)https://doi.org/10.3311/PPee.18031When the above article was first published online Fig. 12 was incorrect. This has now been corrected in the online version.The correct version of Fig. 12 is published here
Adjacent Graph Based Vulnerability Assessment for Electrical Networks Considering Fault Adjacent Relationships Among Branches
Security issues related to vulnerability assessment in electrical networks are necessary for operators to identify the critical branches. At present, using complex network theory to assess the structural vulnerability of the electrical network is a popular method. However, the complex network theory cannot be comprehensively applicable to the operational vulnerability assessment of the electrical network because the network operation is closely dependent on the physical rules not only on the topological structure. To overcome the problem, an adjacent graph (AG) considering the topological, physical, and operational features of the electrical network is constructed to replace the original network. Through the AG, a branch importance index that considers both the importance of a branch and the fault adjacent relationships among branches is constructed to evaluate the electrical network vulnerability. The IEEE 118-bus system and the French grid are employed to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant U1734202National Key Research and Development Plan of China under Grant 2017YFB1200802-12National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 51877181National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61703345Chinese Academy of Sciences, under Grant 2018-2019-0
Electrical futures past
Futurist writing about technology emerged in the late 19th century at the same time as new kinds of electrical technology were making utopian futures seem practically attainable. Electrical writers and novelists alike thus borrowed from the popular ‘science’ fiction of Jules Verne, Edward Bellamy and others to try to create self-fulfilling prophecies of a future in which electrical gadgets and machines met all major practical needs of civilization. To the extent that many parts of our world are populated by the hardware that they forecast, they succeeded in their goal
Inhomogeneous Magnetoelectric Effect on Defect in Multiferroic Material: Symmetry Prediction
Inhomogeneous magnetoelectric effect in magnetization distribution
heterogeneities (0-degree domain walls) appeared on crystal lattice defect of
the multiferroic material has been investigated. Magnetic symmetry based
predictions of kind of electrical polarization distribution in their volumes
were used. It was found that magnetization distribution heterogeneity with any
symmetry produces electrical polarization. Results were systemized in scope of
micromagnetic structure chirality. It was shown that all 0-degree domain walls
with time-noninvariant chirality have identical type of spatial distribution of
the magnetization and polarization.Comment: submitted to IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineerin
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