111,722 research outputs found
The integration of technology at learning process at SMK N 1 Sedayu
quite less. The purpose of this research was to analysis the E-book quality. In this
research the researcher analyze the E-book feasibility of E-book. The feasibility
aspects were Availability, Customization Display, Portability and Usability.
The research was using descriptive quantitative method according to
theories of E-book standard quality. The analysis of E-book passed through:
(1)Implementation of E-book and (2)Analysis of E-book. This research was held
from December 5th up to December 17th 2011. The data were collected in SMK
Negeri 1 Sedayu. The respondents were 30 students from grade X of Computer
and Network Engineering. Data collection for Usability used questionnaire with a
5 scale answer.
The result of interpretation from quantitative value was then converted
into qualitative description value. The average score of students interpretation was
3.91 and this E-book was a Good E-book.
Keyword: E-book, E-book standard qualit
ang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta, mengingat
perkembangan perlindungan hukum terhadap Hak Cipta bagi pencipta masih
kurang, yakni banyak terjadinya pelanggaran yaitu penggandaan.
Permasalahan penelitian ini adalah bagaimana bentuk-bentuk pelanggaran
Hak Cipta dalam pembuatan e-book dan bagaimana penegakan hukum terhadap
pelanggaran Hak Cipta yang ditimbulkan apabila seseorang melakukan
pelanggaran pembuatan e-book. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah, pertama, untuk
mengetahui bentuk-bentuk pelanggaran hak cipta dalam pembuatan e-book.
Kedua, untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis penegakan hukum yang timbul dari
pelanggaran hak cipta dalam pembuatan e-book.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode yuridis normatif. Metode
ini mengkhususkan pada kaidah hukum yaitu UUHC.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk-bentuk pelanggaran Hak Cipta
dalam pembuatan e-book, adalah pertama, para pembajak menggandakan e-book
secara liar, tersembunyi dan tidak diketahui orang lain apalagi penegak hukum
dan pajak. kedua, mengunduh e-book dengan tujuan untuk disebarluaskan atau
untuk kepentingan komersial. ketiga, mencetak e-book yang telah dibeli adalah
termasuk penggandaan ciptaan. keempat, mengubah format buku menjadi e-book
dan mencantumkan nama pengarang tanpa ada pemberitahuan dahulu ke
pengarang buku tersebut termasuk pelanggaran. Penegakan hukum terhadap
pelanggaran Hak Cipta yang ditimbulkan apabila seseorang melakukan
pelanggaran pembuatan e-book yaitu dalam Pasal 113 ayat (3) Undang-Undang
Hak Cipta Nomor 28 Tahun 2014, dimana penegakan hukumnya oleh pemerintah
dengan memberikan sanksi pidana dan sanksi perdata dengan tuntutan ganti rugi,
yaitu dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 4 tahun dan/atau pidana denda
paling banyak satu miliar rupiah.
Sarannya yaitu pertama, perlu dilakukan sosialiasi tentang pendaftaran Hak
Cipta guna mendapatkan perlindungan hukum terhadap Hak Cipta. kedua,
Memasyarakatkan pemahaman dan pengertian tentang akibat dari pelanggaran
Hak Cipta dan memberikan sanksi yang lebih para pelaku pelanggaran terhadap
Hak Cipt
A survey of e-book awareness and usage amongst students in an academic library
This paper reports on an online survey of e-book awareness and usage level in a British academic library. The main objectives of this survey were to: (a) assess students' awareness of the availability of e-books in their academic library; (b) measure the level of e-book usage among the students; and (c) identify the reasons why students do or don't use e-books. A self-selected sampling method was employed to generate a sample of students consisting of undergraduate and postgraduate instructional students registered with the University of Strathclyde for academic year 2005/6. An announcement email was posted to the student web portal for a period of three weeks inviting them to participate in the survey. A total of 1372 of responses were returned representing just under 10% response rate. In general, this survey found that e-book awareness was low as was the level of e-book usage amongst the students: 57% of students were not aware of the availability of e-books from the library and 60% of them had not used an e-book. Non-users commented that e-books were not widely advertised or promoted which has most probably contributed to this lack of awareness and non usage. Despite the low levels of e-book awareness and usage, non e-book users indicated their desire to learn more about e-books
Are Books Becoming Extinct in Academic Libraries?
Purpose: Academic librarians who are planning for the future need to be knowledgeable about the short- and long-range outlook for print. They must also consider what will happen if libraries abolish most or all of their books. Current and future academic e-book usage is explored, and ideas for response to collection changes are suggested.
Design/methodology/approach: This article examines a wide range of studies and comments on this timely topic.
Findings: The disparity between the reception of e-books in the general population and the adoption of them in the academic world suggests that print is still important to faculty and students. Given the advances in e-book technological, the increasing popularity of online/distance education courses, the adoption of the new EPUB 3 format, and the ubiquity of mobile devices, e-books are expected to increasingly replace print volumes in academic libraries.
Originality/value: What has received little attention in the literature is the complexity of the issue of e-book reception in the academic world. This article looks at current and future e-book usage from the perspective of several large studies on diverse aspects of academic life, including students’ perceptions of libraries, their information-seeking behaviors, faculty research habits and information needs, students’ reading habits, and the impact of emerging technologies on teaching and learning. Providing insight into current and future academic e-book trends, this article suggests practical ways to respond to these trends
E-book readers in higher education
Ebook readers have received a mixed press, with some hailing them as the future of reading and others believing that they will never be popular. The study outlined here aims to understand the attitudes of, and issues of importance to, lecturers in UK academia, with a view to improving the design of ebook readers for education in the future. An evaluation of five portable devices is presented, in which lecturers were given the opportunity to read an ebook and provide feedback via a questionnaire. Results are compared with concerns arising from other experiments in the same field, and recommendations are made for successful ebook design
The Influence Of The Use Of E-Book And E-Learning Base In Students Achievement
One of way to increase the students achievement of mathematics departement Siliwangi Univercity of Tasikmalaya, net to development of learning model e-book and e-learning basic in analytic Geometry Learning. It is based on the result of students’study for analytical Geometric cis is not maximum. So, hopefielly if the result of analytical Geometric learning increase, the students’ achievement will increase too.
This observation, e-book and e-learning basic in Geometric analytical, is to develop thr learning model, increase the students’ achievement of mathematic department and analysis students responses in using of this models.
The conclusion is that the development of e-book and e-learning model in analytical geometric implementation can increase the students achievement and the responses of mathematics students of Siliwangi Univercity in Tasikmalaya is positive.
Key words : electronical book and electronical learnin
E-books in academic libraries
This paper provides an analysis of the current state of the art in e-books, and attempts both to set the scene and provide reasons for their low uptake. Publishers, e-book providers and aggregators, academics and intermediaries (i.e., librarians and information specialists) should concentrate on raising awareness of what is available and what are the advantages related to e-books for specific categories of users. At the same time e-book suppliers should make e-books easier to find and purchase
The use of technology in the field of education at this time must be further developed amidst tighter competition, so it must give rise to innovation to continue to progress. The Batu City Library and Archives Service created an e-book application to make it easier for people to access books from anywhere. It is hoped that the e-book application can increase people's interest in reading, which is increasingly decreasing over time. The purpose of this research is to determine the implementation of the e-book application policy in the Batu City library and archives service. The theory used in this research is Edward III which has four elements, namely: communication, human resources, bureaucratic structure and disposition.
This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with a descriptive research type, so that the explanation presented in this research can be conveyed well. With data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. This research was conducted at the library and archives service in Batu City, East Java
Electronic Books in the USA - their numbers and development and a comparison to Germany.
This article will provide data to specify the problem of low e-book-supply. First the total number of commercially available English-speaking e-books in the US-market is stated. Then the growth of the title supply over the last twenty years is reviewed. Third the growth of the publishing-activities in the e-book-market is set in relation to the developments in the hardcover-market. Finally these numbers of the English-speaking market are compared to the numbers for the German-speaking market
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