5,599 research outputs found
Cardiovascular autonomic function and MCI in Parkinson's disease
Introduction: dysautonomic dysfunction and cognitive impairment represent the most disabling non-motor features of Parkinson's Disease (PD). Recent evidences suggest the association between Orthostatic Hypotension (OH) and PD-Dementia. However, little is known on the interactions between cardiovascular dysautonomia and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). We aimed to evaluate the association between cardiovascular dysautonomia and MCI in patients with PD. Methods: non-demented PD patients belonging to the PACOS cohort underwent a comprehensive instrumental neurovegetative assessment including the study of both parasympathetic and sympathetic function (30:15 ratio, Expiratory-Inspiratory ratio [E-I] and presence of Orthostatic Hypotension [OH]). Diagnosis of MCI was made according to the MDS criteria level II. Results: we enrolled 185 PD patients of whom 102 (55.1%) were men, mean age was 64.6 ± 9.7 years, mean disease duration of 5.6 ± 5.5 years with a mean UPDRS-ME score of 31.7 ± 10.9. MCI was diagnosed in 79 (42.7%) patients. OH was recorded in 52 (28.1%) patients, altered 30:15 ratio was recorded in 39 (24.1%) patients and an altered E-I ratio was found in 24 (19.1%) patients. Presence of MCI was associated with an altered 30:15 ratio (adjOR 2.83; 95%CI 1.25–6.40) but not with an altered E-I ratio, while OH was associated only with the amnestic MCI subgroup (OR 2.43; 95% CI 1.05–5.06). Conclusion: in our study sample, MCI was mainly associated with parasympathetic dysfunction in PD
Clustering of equine grass sickness cases in the United Kingdom: a study considering the effect of position-dependent reporting on the space-time K-function
Equine grass sickness (EGS) is a largely fatal, pasture-associated dysautonomia. Although the aetiology of this disease is unknown, there is increasing evidence that Clostridium botulinum type C plays an important role in this condition. The disease is widespread in the United Kingdom, with the highest incidence believed to occur in Scotland. EGS also shows strong seasonal
variation (most cases are reported between April and July). Data from histologically confirmed cases of EGS from England and Wales in 1999 and 2000 were collected from UK veterinary diagnostic centres. The data did not represent a complete census of cases, and the proportion of all cases reported to the centres would have varied in space and, independently, in time. We consider the variable reporting of this condition and the appropriateness of the space–time K-function when exploring the spatial-temporal properties of a ‘thinned’ point process. We
conclude that such position-dependent under-reporting of EGS does not invalidate the Monte Carlo test for space–time interaction, and find strong evidence for space–time clustering of EGS cases (P<0.001). This may be attributed to contagious or other spatially and temporally localized processes such as local climate and/or pasture management practices
Symptomatic treatment of children with anti-NMDAR encephalitis.
We performed the first study on the perceived benefit and adverse effects of symptomatic management in children with anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) encephalitis.
A retrospective chart review was undertaken at two tertiary paediatric hospitals in Australia and New Zealand. We included 27 children (12 males, 15 females; mean age at admission 7y 1mo) with anti-NMDAR antibodies in serum or cerebrospinal fluid with a typical clinical syndrome.
Only two out of 27 patients were white, whereas 16 out of 27 patients were from the Pacific Islands/New Zealand Maori. The mean duration of admission was 69 days (10-224d) and 48% of patients (13/27) needed treatment in an intensive care setting. A mean of eight medications per patient was used for symptomatic management. Symptoms treated were agitation (n=25), seizures (n=24), movement disorders (n=23), sleep disruption (n=17), psychiatric symptoms (n=10), and dysautonomia (n=four). The medications used included five different benzodiazepines (n=25), seven anticonvulsants (n=25), eight sedatives and sleep medications (n=23), five antipsychotics (n=12), and five medications for movement disorders (n=10). Sedative and sleep medications other than benzodiazepines were the most effective, with a mean benefit of 67.4% per medication and a mean adverse effect-benefit ratio of 0.04 per medication. Antipsychotic drugs were used for a short duration (median 9d), and had the poorest mean benefit per medication of 35.4% and an adverse effect-benefit ratio of 2.0 per medication.
Long-acting benzodiazepines, anticonvulsants, and clonidine can treat multiple symptoms. Patients with anti-NMDAR encephalitis appear vulnerable to antipsychotic-related adverse effects. Pacific Islanders appear to have a vulnerability to anti-NMDAR encephalitis in our region
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Increased markers of cardiac vagal activity in leucine-rich repeat kinase 2-associated Parkinson's disease.
PurposeCardiac autonomic dysfunction manifests as reduced heart rate variability (HRV) in idiopathic Parkinson's disease (PD), but no significant reduction has been found in PD patients who carry the LRRK2 mutation. Novel HRV features have not been investigated in these individuals. We aimed to assess cardiac autonomic modulation through standard and novel approaches to HRV analysis in individuals who carry the LRRK2 G2019S mutation.MethodsShort-term electrocardiograms were recorded in 14 LRRK2-associated PD patients, 25 LRRK2-non-manifesting carriers, 32 related non-carriers, 20 idiopathic PD patients, and 27 healthy controls. HRV measures were compared using regression modeling, controlling for age, sex, mean heart rate, and disease duration. Discriminant analysis highlighted the feature combination that best distinguished LRRK2-associated PD from controls.ResultsBeat-to-beat and global HRV measures were significantly increased in LRRK2-associated PD patients compared with controls (e.g., deceleration capacity of heart rate: p = 0.006) and idiopathic PD patients (e.g., 8th standardized moment of the interbeat interval distribution: p = 0.0003), respectively. LRRK2-associated PD patients also showed significantly increased irregularity of heart rate dynamics, as quantified by Rényi entropy, when compared with controls (p = 0.002) and idiopathic PD patients (p = 0.0004). Ordinal pattern statistics permitted the identification of LRRK2-associated PD individuals with 93% sensitivity and 93% specificity. Consistent results were found in a subgroup of LRRK2-non-manifesting carriers when compared with controls.ConclusionsIncreased beat-to-beat HRV in LRRK2 G2019S mutation carriers compared with controls and idiopathic PD patients may indicate augmented cardiac autonomic cholinergic activity, suggesting early impairment of central vagal feedback loops in LRRK2-associated PD
Neurocardiovascular deficits in the Q175 mouse model of Huntington's disease.
Cardiovascular dysautonomia as well as the deterioration of circadian rhythms are among the earliest detectable pathophysiological changes in individuals with Huntington's disease (HD). Preclinical research requires mouse models that recapitulate disease symptoms and the Q175 knock-in model offers a number of advantages but potential autonomic dysfunction has not been explored. In this study, we sought to test the dual hypotheses that cardiovascular dysautonomia can be detected early in disease progression in the Q175 model and that this dysfunction varies with the daily cycle. Using radiotelemetry implants, we observed a significant reduction in the diurnal and circadian activity rhythms in the Q175 mutants at the youngest ages. By middle age, the autonomically driven rhythms in core body temperature were highly compromised, and the Q175 mutants exhibited striking episodes of hypothermia that increased in frequency with mutant huntingtin gene dosage. In addition, Q175 mutants showed higher resting heart rate (HR) during sleep and greatly reduced correlation between activity and HR HR variability was reduced in the mutants in both time and frequency domains, providing more evidence of autonomic dysfunction. Measurement of the baroreceptor reflex revealed that the Q175 mutant could not appropriately increase HR in response to a pharmacologically induced decrease in blood pressure. Echocardiograms showed reduced ventricular mass and ejection fraction in mutant hearts. Finally, cardiac histopathology revealed localized points of fibrosis resembling those caused by myocardial infarction. Thus, the Q175 mouse model of HD exhibits cardiovascular dysautonomia similar to that seen in HD patients with prominent sympathetic dysfunction during the resting phase of the activity rhythm
Structural brain abnormalities in postural tachycardia syndrome: A VBM-DARTEL study
Postural tachycardia syndrome (PoTS), a form of dysautonomia, is characterized by orthostatic intolerance, and is frequently accompanied by a range of symptoms including palpitations, lightheadedness, clouding of thought, blurred vision, fatigue, anxiety, and depression. Although the estimated prevalence of PoTS is approximately 5–10 times as common as the better-known condition orthostatic hypotension, the neural substrates of the syndrome are poorly characterized. In the present study, we used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with voxel-based morphometry (VBM) applying the diffeomorphic anatomical registration through exponentiated lie algebra (DARTEL) procedure to examine variation in regional brain structure associated with PoTS. We recruited 11 patients with established PoTS and 23 age-matched normal controls. Group comparison of gray matter volume revealed diminished gray matter volume within the left anterior insula, right middle frontal gyrus and right cingulate gyrus in the PoTS group. We also observed lower white matter volume beneath the precentral gyrus and paracentral lobule, right pre- and post-central gyrus, paracentral lobule and superior frontal gyrus in PoTS patients. Subsequent ROI analyses revealed significant negative correlations between left insula volume and trait anxiety and depression scores. Together, these findings of structural differences, particularly within insular and cingulate components of the salience network, suggest a link between dysregulated physiological reactions arising from compromised central autonomic control (and interoceptive representation) and increased vulnerability to psychiatric symptoms in PoTS patients
The Use of Trichostatin A to Rescue TRKA+ Neurons in a Mouse Model of Familial Dysautonomia
Familial dysautonomia is a severe, recessive disease that devastates the peripheral nervous system, culminating in death of most patients by age 40. Studies have shown that there is a reduced number of both TrkA+ neurons and acetylation in familial dysautonomia patients and our mouse model of familial dysautonomia. Another feature of familial dysautonomia is a decrease in histone acetylation. This study evaluated the ability of the histone deacetylase inhibitor, Trichostatin A, to rescue the reduced number of TrkA+ neurons in the dorsal root ganglia in our mouse model of familial dysautonomia. Pregnant dams were treated with either 1mg/kg of Trichostatin A (experimental) or vehicle alone (control), at E8.5, E10.5, and E12.5, a time frame corresponding to neurogenesis in the mouse dorsal root ganglia. Immunohistochemistry was used to quantify the number of TrkA+ neurons at E17.5. Trichostatin A-treated knockout embryos (n=3) showed a significant increase in the number of TrkA+ neurons over vehicle only knockout embryos (n=3) (132.9% increase; p<.00001). Trichostatin A (1mg/kg) effectively rescues the number of TrkA+ neurons in our mouse model. Further studies will explore the cellular mechanisms via which histone deacetylase inhibition prevents neuronal cell death as well as the possible benefits of using these therapeutics for familial dysautonomia symptom management
Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence in a Patient with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: A Case Report.
Superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD) is a bony defect in the middle cranial fossa floor that results in an abnormal connection between the inner ear and cranial vault. Although the etiology of SSCD remains unclear, an inappropriately thin or fragile temporal bone likely predisposes an individual towards developing SSCD. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) constitutes a group of genetic connective tissue disorders caused by a defect in the production, processing, or structure of collagen, or its associated proteins. The possible association between SSCD and EDS has not been previously described in the literature. We herein report a case of a 50-year-old female with EDS-hypermobility type who presented with a 15-year history of migraines, vertigo, and tinnitus. The patient was subsequently diagnosed with bilateral SSCD and underwent a right middle fossa (pre-auricular infratemporal) craniotomy for SSCD repair. She reported significant improvement in her auditory and vestibular symptoms, with the exception of continued mild dizziness and disequilibrium at the 3-month follow-up. Due to the rare reports of auditory symptoms in EDS, this case study highlights the importance of considering an otological consultation for auditory manifestations in a patient with EDS and illustrates a potential association between EDS and SSCD
Navigating Dysautonomia: A Workbook for Empowered Living
Dysautonomia Support Network (DSN) is a nonprofit organization composed of volunteers who have a passion for serving the population of individuals with dysautonomia. Dysautonomia is a complex and often debilitating disorder affecting the autonomic nervous system, which regulates involuntary bodily functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, and temperature control. Those living with dysautonomia face a myriad of challenges ranging from chronic fatigue and dizziness to gastrointestinal issues and cognitive impairment. The unpredictability of symptoms can significantly impact daily life, leading to feelings of frustration, isolation, and helplessness. However, amidst these challenges lies the potential for empowerment and transformation. The goal of this project with DSN was to create a workbook, crafted with the understanding that everyone’s experience with dysautonomia is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Practical tools, insightful strategies, and empowering exercises and activities are integrated into the workbook to help individuals claim control over their health and life. This resource was designed as a comprehensive guide to support individuals living with dysautonomia in their journey toward empowerment, enhanced well-being, and transformative health. Using the lens of occupational therapy, this project was created using an outline based on all nine areas of occupation outlined in the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and Practice Fourth Edition. The goal of this workbook is to establish healthy and long-term habits to support participation in meaningful activities. The workbook was given to the organization for further review with the intent of publishing
Neurovisceral phenotypes in the expression of psychiatric symptoms
This review explores the proposal that vulnerability to psychological symptoms, particularly anxiety, originates in constitutional differences in the control of bodily state, exemplified by a set of conditions that include Joint Hypermobility, Postural Tachycardia Syndrome and Vasovagal Syncope. Research is revealing how brainbody mechanisms underlie individual differences in psychophysiological reactivity that can be important for predicting, stratifying and treating individuals with anxiety disorders and related conditions. One common constitutional difference is Joint Hypermobility, in which there is an increased range of joint movement as a result of a variant of collagen. Joint hypermobility is over-represented in people with anxiety, mood and neurodevelopmental disorders. It is also linked to stress-sensitive medical conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. Structural differences in 'emotional' brain regions are reported in hypermobile individuals, and many people with joint hypermobility manifest autonomic abnormalities, typically Postural Tachycardia Syndrome. Enhanced heart rate reactivity during postural change and as recently recognised factors causing vasodilatation (as noted post prandially, post exertion and with heat) is characteristic of Postural Tachycardia Syndrome, and there is a phenomenological overlap with anxiety disorders, which may be partially accounted for by exaggerated neural reactivity within ventromedial prefrontal cortex. People who experience Vasovagal Syncope, a heritable tendency to fainting induced by emotional challenges (and needle/blood phobia), are also more vulnerable to anxiety disorders. Neuroimaging implicates brainstem differences in vulnerability to faints, yet the structural integrity of the caudate nucleus appears important for the control of fainting frequency in relation to parasympathetic tone and anxiety. Together there is clinical and neuroanatomical evidence to show that common constitutional differences affecting autonomic responsivity are linked to psychiatric symptoms, notably anxiety
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