796,687 research outputs found
The Effects of Real Exchange Rate on Trade Balance in Cote d’Ivoire: Evidence from the Cointegration Analysis and Error-Correction Models.
This paper investigates the effect of real exchange rate on the balance of trade of Cote d’Ivoire using multivariate cointegration tests and vector error correction models with time series data covering the periods of 1975-2007. Our investigation results confirm the existence of long-run relationships among Trade Balance(TB), Real Exchange Rate(RER), and foreign and domestic incomes for Cote d’Ivoire. Estimated results also demonstrate that the (RER) has a significant positive influence on Cote d’Ivoire’s trade balance in both short and long-run under fixed real exchange rate management policies for the considering period. The Granger Causality test shows that the (RER) does Granger causes the trade balance then, based on the estimations, the Marshall-Lerner condition in Cote d’Ivoire’s data is explored by utilizing the Impulse Response Function (IFR) which traces the effect of (RER) on the trade balance viewing the J-curve pattern.Key words: Real exchange rate, Trade balance, Cointegration test, VAR model, Granger Causality, IFR.
The Demand for Money in Cote d’Ivoire: Evidence from the Cointegration Test.
This paper demonstrates that there is a long run equilibrium relationship between money supply 〖(M〗_1) and its main determinants, real income (GDP) and interest rate in Cote d’Ivoire. In order to investigate long-term relationship among these variables, we use Juselius and Johansen cointegration test with time series data covering the period of 1980-2007. The results show that there is long-term relationship among these variables as well as the linkage between them. Base from this result we found that only real money balances 〖(M〗_1) has significant long -run economic impact of variations in monetary policy in Cote d’Ivoire. However, the study also revealed that the effect of aggregate 〖(M〗_2) is not so stable linking with it determinants.Cointegration test, Money demand
Email Announcing 2021 Spring Mainstage Season
Email originally sent to all students, faculty and staff. Email discusses the following up coming productions:
2/12: Aeschylus\u27 The Persians (472BC) The oldest fully extant Greek tragedy explores the limits of hubris, and ultimately, empathy. Can we mourn for our \u27enemy\u27?2/26: Julius Caesar (1599) by William Shakespeare: Perhaps Shakespeare\u27s most overtly political play. What are the limits of patriotism?3/12: Moliere\u27s Tartuffe (1664) France\u27s greatest comic playwright in his masterpiece of false piety and pretense. Who deserves our trust? 3/26: An Enemy of the People (1882) by Henrik Ibsen. A landmark of the drama of Realism. How far should we go in pursuit of Truth and what are the limits of free speech? In a new version by Robert Falls. 4/16: Mr Burns, a Post-Electric Play (2012) by Anne Washburn. One of America\u27s finest contemporary dramatists, Anne Washburn\u27s darkly comic play asks us how we rebuild after a global crisis and celebrates the enduring nature of theatre itself. And the Simpsons. (performed with a live video feed)https://digitalcommons.udallas.edu/persians_doc_videos/1001/thumbnail.jp
Management of Stock Price and it Effect on Economic Growth: Case study of West African Financial Markets
Abstract This paper investigates the statistical properties of stock returns in the West African regional stock market and the link between the West African regional stock market and economic growth. To examine the nature of the distribution of West African regional stock returns, the daily closing prices of the two stock index of West African regional stock market, and eighteen of it sub-indices were utilized. Nine years data from 1998 to 2007 interval were employed. The analysis of our study shows that the distribution of the West African regional stock market returns is non-normal and non-i.i.d (independent, identically and normally distributed). The linear and non-linear dependencies in the returns appeared to be the main reasons for the data being non-i.i.d. The study also demonstrates the presence of the day-of-the-week effect in West African regional stock market.Key words: West Africa regional stock markets, day of the week effects, growth.
A Midsummer Night\u27s Dream
English Drama in the Late of Victorian Period (1880-1901): Realism in Drama Genre Revival
A progressive growth in literature was seen significantly during Victorian period. These decades also saw an overdue revival of drama, in which the existence of drama was started to improve when entering late of Victorian period. Along with that situation, Thomas William Robertson (1829-1871) emerged as a popular drama writer at that time besides the coming of Henrik Ibsen's works in 1880's. However, Robertson's popularity was defeated by other dramatists during late of Victorian period (1880-1901), drama writer like Oscar Wilde (1854-1900). Beside Wilde, there were several well known dramatists during late of Victorian period. Dramatists as Shaw, Jones, and Pinero were also influential toward the development of drama at that time. In the discussion of English drama development, role of late Victorian period's dramatists was really important toward the development of modern drama. Their works and efforts really influenced the triumph of realism and development of drama after Victorian period ended. Therefore, the development of drama during late of Victorian period is discussed in this particular writing, due to the important roles of dramatist such as Wilde, Shaw, Pinero, and Jones. Here, their roles to the revival of English drama and the trend of realism in the history of English literature are very important
Reading Social Criticism of Tuk Drama in Richard Schechner’s Ac Diagram Perspective
The main problem of this research is social criticism in the drama written in New Order era which was
in repressive, authoritarian, and corruptive social political conditions. This research aims at finding out
the elements of social criticism revealed by Bambang Widoyo SP in Tuk drama and the social historical condition influencing the creation of social criticism of the drama. This research used AC diagram theory which is one of variances of art anthropology theory from Richard Schechner. Social criticism in Tuk drama is related to development policy of New Order which prioritized economic growth and collusion between New Order ruler and conglomerates. The social historical condition of New Order regime which was authoritarian, repressive, corruptive (social drama) has influenced the creation of Tuk drama (aesthetic drama).
Keywords: Authoritarian, repressive, and corruptiv
Estimation of the Impact of Monetary Policy on Economic Growth: The Case of Cote d’Ivoire in Line with SVAR Methodology
This paper examines and foresees the impacts of monetary policy on economic growth by studying the case of Cote d’Ivoire through th
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