112,471 research outputs found
Fear, Loathing, and the Hemispheric Consequences of Xenophobic Hate
âWhen you have fifteen thousand people marching up . . . how do you stop these people?â âYou shoot themâ [crowd member shouts] [chuckling, Trump responds:] â[O]nly in the Panhandle can you get away with that thing.â1 President Donald Trump
âThousands of criminal aliens. Theyâre pouring into our country.â2 President Donald Trump
âTheyâre not people, these are animals.â3 President Donald Trump
âTake a look at the death and destruction thatâs been caused by people coming into this country caused by people that shouldnât be here.â4 President Donald Trump
â [We] have millions and millions of people pouring into our country.â5 President Donald Trump
âWe cannot allow our [c]ountry to be overrun by illegal immigrants.â6 President Donald Trump
âWe will be overrun with crime and with people that should not be in our country.â7 President Donald Trum
Arusglobalisasitelahberdampakpadapraktikdiplomasisaatini. Dimanadiplomasitradisional yang padakegiatannyamelibatkan diplomat-diplomat sebagaiaktordalammenjalankanpraktikdiplomasimulaitergeser. Media massadan media sosialmulaidipakaisebagaiaktordalamaktivitasdiplomasikarenakeefektifannyadalammenyampaikanpesankepadamasyarakat. PresidenAmerikaSerikat ke-45, Donald Trump senantiasamenggunakan media sosialdalamaktivitaspemerintahannya yang dinilainyelenehdanseringmenciptakangebrakan-gebrakan yang menuaikontroversi. Lalubagaimanakahefektifitas media sosialdalampemerintahan Trump? Dan bagaimanakahperan media massaterhadapdiplomasidanpengambilankebijakanluarnegerioleh Trump?
Adapuntujuanpenelitianiniadalahuntukmengetahuidanmenjelaskanbagaimanaperan media massadalamaktivitasdiplomasidanpengambilankebijakanluarnegeri, selanjutnyaadalahuntukmengetahuidanmenganalisisgayadankarakterkepemimpinan Donald Trump sebagaiPresidenAmerikaSerikatdanuntukmengetahuidanmenjelaskansejauhmanaperan media massadanefektifitas media sosialdalamkegiatanpemerintahanPresiden Donald Trump. SedangkanmanfaatdankegunaanpenelitianiniadalahuntukmenambahkhasanahpengetahuandanwawasanpenelititentangberbagaifenomenadalamkonteksHubunganInternasional,lalusebagaibahanmasukandansumbanganpemikiran demi pengembangandanpengkajianilmuHubunganInternasional, dansecarapribadibermanfaatbagipeneliti. Metode yang digunakandalammelakukanpenelitianiniadalahDeskriptif. Dimanametode yang bertujuanuntukmenggambarkan, menganalisisdanmengklarifikasigejala-gejalaataufenomena-fenomena yang ada. Denganmetodeini, data yang dikumpulkan, diklarifikasikan, diolahdankemudian di analisaberdasarkanteori-teori yang berlakuuntukmemberigambaranmengenaiPeran Media Massa dan Media SosialterhadapDiplomasidanPengambilanKebijakanLuarNegeriAmerikaSerikatpadaPeriodePemerintahanPresiden Donald Trump.
Hasildaripenelitian adalah: Media massamempunyaiperanpentingdalammembentuk agenda publikdanpolitik. mediamassadapatmemberikanpengaruh yang cukupefektifdalammemberikanopinikepadamasyarakat. Peran media massatelahdisadarisebagaisalahsatufaktorkuncikeberhasilandiplomasi masa kini. Media massatidakhanyadibatasisebagaisubjek yang selalumelaporkankejadian, tapimerekamerupakanaktor yang sama-samamempertahankanperanotonomidenganmenentukandanmendukungpengambilankebijakanluarnegeri. Namun dalam Pemerintahan Donald Trump, peran media sosial sangat efektif dalam mensosialisasikan kebijakan luar negeri. Karena kebencian Trump kepada media massa menjadikan media sosial menjadi salah satu wadah yang baik dalam penyampaian pesan politiknya.
Kata Kunci: Media Massa, Media Sosial, Diplomasi, Donald Trum
Speech Act Classification in Donald Trumpâs Policy-Campaign of The Upcoming Presidential Election Usa 2017
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai klasifikasi tindak tutur pada kampanye kebijakan Donald Trump pada pemilihan presiden Amerika Serikat 2017. Disinyalir Donald Trump menghimpun kekuatan dan pidatonya mengandung rasisme. Namun di sisi lain, pidatonya dapat mempengaruhi orang lain. Penelitian ini akan terfokus pada dua rumusan masalah; (1) Apa saja klasifikasi tindak tutur yang muncul dalam kampanye Donald Trump? dan (2) Bagaimana Donald Trump membangun kampanyenya dengan menuturkan kata-kata rasis? Maka dari itu, untuk menyelesaikan penelitian ini, metode deskriptif kualitatif diterapkan dengan menggunakan metode observasi tidak langsung, dikarenakan objek media yang digunakan adalah video. Penelitian ini menerapkan teori analisis wacana kritis dikombinasikan dengan pragmatik dalam menganalisa data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Donald Trump lebih sering menggunakan tindak tutur deklaratif dan direktif untuk menekankan kekuatannya dalam kampanye. Selain itu, kampanyenya juga memiliki kecenderungan rasisme.
Kata kunci: kampanye, Donald Trump, rasisme
This study is about the speech act classification in Donald Trump’s policy-campaign of the upcoming presidential election USA 2017. It is found that Donald trump is gaining power, and his speech includes racism. But on the other hand, his speech might influence other people. The center of this study is focusing on two problems; (1) What are the speech acts classification appeared in Donald Trump’s campaign? and (2) How did he build his campaign by showing remarks of racism? To finish this study, the method applied was descriptive qualitative using observation non-participatory technique since it is a video. In this study, the theory of Critical Discourse Analysis and pragmatics point of view were applied to analyse the data. The finding showed that declarative and directive as the speech act classification were mostly used by Donald Trump to emphasize his power. Besides those utterances, there were also remarks of speech that showed Donald Trump had tendency in racism.
Keywords: campaign, Donald Trump, racis
The Trump development in Aberdeenshire : what are the issues?
The development company set up by Donald Trump, Trump International Golf Links Scotland (TIGLS), set out plans in 2007 to create a high-quality golf, hotel and housing development at the Menie Estate in Aberdeenshire
Constitutional Crisis and Constitutional Rot
No one could accuse Donald Trump\u27s presidency of being boring. The first hundred days have careened wildly through scandals, revelations, outrages, and fracturing of political norms. Because Donald Trump is very unpopular, and because he regularly does things that his opponents consider outrageous, his critics have begun to describe his actions as creating or precipitating a constitutional crisis, especially following his first executive order limiting entry into the United States, and again after his firing of FBI director James Comey
Biden, Clinton, Sanders Lead Trump in Hypothetical 2016 Matchups 9/25/15
Current Republican frontrunner Donald Trump trails in hypothetical matchups with three potential Democratic challengers. Vermont senator Bernie Sanders and Vice President Joe Biden lead Trump by double digits, while Hillary Clinton is in a much closer race. Election: 201
Monuments Ought to be Considered Case by Case
In a press conference last week President Donald Trump made this contribution to the escalating debate about monuments and memorials to American heroes who, by todayâs reckoning, failed a moral test.
The statue debate is inherently emotional and when it comes to keeping certain statues up or pulling them down, it riles people up âincluding Donald Trump. However, it is important to separate President Trumpâs intemperate and often factually inaccurate remarks at Tuesdayâs press conference from the statue controversy as it is currently playing out. (excerpt
Cold Love eupinions Brief | January 2018
The 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, has been highly
controversial ever since he took office over a year ago. His isolationist message of
âAmerica Firstâ, his decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement and to move
the US embassy to Jerusalem are just some of his actions that have created great
controversy on the global stage. While his predecessor Barack Obama was hugely
popular among the European public, how do Europeans view President Donald
Trump and the future of the transatlantic partnership
Commentary: Justice Who Follows Scalia\u27s Path Would Hurt the Working Class
During the campaign, Donald Trump released a list of 21 conservatives from which he promised to pick Supreme Court justices, should he win the election. With President-elect Trump apparently nearing a decision on a nominee to replace the late Justice Scalia, Senate Republicans are no doubt eagerly awaiting the chance to confirm Trump\u27s pick and restore a conservative majority on the court. [excerpt
Trump, Populism, Fascism, and the Road Ahead
This review essay offers a discussion of some recent studies that help to explain the election of Donald Trump as president of the USA. The studies examine Trump as âmedia spectacle,â analyze his support among Tea Partiers, and discuss his backing by the white working class left behind by neoliberalism and global capitalism. Special attention is given to two questions: Is Trump a rightwing populist or closer to a fascist? Relatedly, is Trump a threat to liberal democracy? The essay concludes with some suggestions of how to move beyond Trump
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