1,278,087 research outputs found

    Is Hilbert space discrete?

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    We show that discretization of spacetime naturally suggests discretization of Hilbert space itself. Specifically, in a universe with a minimal length (for example, due to quantum gravity), no experiment can exclude the possibility that Hilbert space is discrete. We give some simple examples involving qubits and the Schrodinger wavefunction, and discuss implications for quantum information and quantum gravity.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, 1 figur

    Strings with Discrete Target Space

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    We investigate the field theory of strings having as a target space an arbitrary discrete one-dimensional manifold. The existence of the continuum limit is guaranteed if the target space is a Dynkin diagram of a simply laced Lie algebra or its affine extension. In this case the theory can be mapped onto the theory of strings embedded in the infinite discrete line Z\Z which is the target space of the SOS model. On the regular lattice this mapping is known as Coulomb gas picture. ... Once the classical background is known, the amplitudes involving propagation of strings can be evaluated by perturbative expansion around the saddle point of the functional integral. For example, the partition function of the noninteracting closed string (toroidal world sheet) is the contribution of the gaussian fluctuations of the string field. The vertices in the corresponding Feynman diagram technique are constructed as the loop amplitudes in a random matrix model with suitably chosen potential.Comment: 65 pages (Sept. 91

    Discrete space-time geometry and skeleton conception of particle dynamics

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    It is shown that properties of a discrete space-time geometry distinguish from properties of the Riemannian space-time geometry. The discrete geometry is a physical geometry, which is described completely by the world function. The discrete geometry is nonaxiomatizable and multivariant. The equivalence relation is intransitive in the discrete geometry. The particles are described by world chains (broken lines with finite length of links), because in the discrete space-time geometry there are no infinitesimal lengths. Motion of particles is stochastic, and statistical description of them leads to the Schr\"{o}dinger equation, if the elementary length of the discrete geometry depends on the quantum constant in a proper way.Comment: 22 pages, 0 figure

    On discrete analytic functions: Products, Rational Functions, and some Associated Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces

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    We introduce a family of discrete analytic functions, called expandable discrete analytic functions, which includes discrete analytic polynomials, and define two products in this family. The first one is defined in a way similar to the Cauchy-Kovalevskaya product of hyperholomorphic functions, and allows us to define rational discrete analytic functions. To define the second product we need a new space of entire functions which is contractively included in the Fock space. We study in this space some counterparts of Schur analysis
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