21,505 research outputs found
Perforated small intestine in a patient with T-cell lymphoma; a rare cause of peritonitis
The nontraumatic perforations of the small intestine are pathological entities with particular aspects in respect to diagnosis and treatment. These peculiarities derive from the nonspecific clinical expression of the peritonitis syndrome, and from the multitude of causes that might be the primary sources of the perforation: foreign bodies, inflammatory diseases, tumors, infectious diseases, etc. Accordingly, in most cases intestinal perforation is discovered only by laparotomy and the definitive diagnosis is available only after histopathologic examination. Small bowel malignancies are rare; among them, lymphomas rank third in frequency, being mostly B-cell non Hodgkin lymphomas. Only 10% of non-Hodgkin lymphomas are with T-cell.
We report the case of a 57 years’ old woman with intestinal T-cell lymphoma, whose first clinical symptomatology was related to a complication represented by perforation of the small intestine. Laparotomy performed in emergency identified an ulcerative lesion with perforation in the jejunum, which required segmental enterectomy with anastomosis. The nonspecific clinical manifestations of intestinal lymphomas make from diagnosis a difficult procedure. Due to the fact that surgery does not have a definite place in the treatment of the small intestinal lymphomas (for cases complicated with perforation), and beyond the morbidity associated with the surgery performed in emergency conditions, prognosis of these patients is finally given by the possibility to control the systemic disease through adjuvant therapy
Highly conserved type 1 pili promote enterotoxigenic E. coli pathogen-host interactions
Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), defined by their elaboration of heat-labile (LT) and/or heat-stable (ST) enterotoxins, are a common cause of diarrheal illness in developing countries. Efficient delivery of these toxins requires ETEC to engage target host enterocytes. This engagement is accomplished using a variety of pathovar-specific and conserved E. coli adhesin molecules as well as plasmid encoded colonization factors. Some of these adhesins undergo significant transcriptional modulation as ETEC encounter intestinal epithelia, perhaps suggesting that they cooperatively facilitate interaction with the host. Among genes significantly upregulated on cell contact are those encoding type 1 pili. We therefore investigated the role played by these pili in facilitating ETEC adhesion, and toxin delivery to model intestinal epithelia. We demonstrate that type 1 pili, encoded in the E. coli core genome, play an essential role in ETEC virulence, acting in concert with plasmid-encoded pathovar specific colonization factor (CF) fimbriae to promote optimal bacterial adhesion to cultured intestinal epithelium (CIE) and to epithelial monolayers differentiated from human small intestinal stem cells. Type 1 pili are tipped with the FimH adhesin which recognizes mannose with stereochemical specificity. Thus, enhanced production of highly mannosylated proteins on intestinal epithelia promoted FimH-mediated ETEC adhesion, while conversely, interruption of FimH lectin-epithelial interactions with soluble mannose, anti-FimH antibodies or mutagenesis of fimH effectively blocked ETEC adhesion. Moreover, fimH mutants were significantly impaired in delivery of both heat-stable and heat-labile toxins to the target epithelial cells in vitro, and these mutants were substantially less virulent in rabbit ileal loop assays, a classical model of ETEC pathogenesis. Collectively, our data suggest that these highly conserved pili play an essential role in virulence of these diverse pathogens
\ud Case Report: Unsuspected Uterine Choriocarcinoma with Lung Metastasis\ud
Choriocarcinoma is a rare form of cancer which commonly occurs in women of reproductive age, rarely in post-menopausal women and in women under 20 years of age. Methods & Results: We report an unsuspected case of uterine choriocarcinoma with lung metastasis in a 27 year-old woman who presented to a medical ward with a history of prominent respiratory, but also genital and gastrointestinal symptoms. Conclusions: The presented case report emphasizes the need for sophisticated diagnostic technology to enable early diagnosis and correct treatment. Furthermore the case highlights the need for healthcare workers to consider rare causes of respiratory signs and symptoms
Strongyloidiasis is a parasitic disease caused by the roundworm Strongyloides stercoralis. The roundworm is found in soil contaminated by feces containing the worm, which then burrow through the skin and enter the bloodstream. They then enter the lungs and burrow through the tissue separating the airways from the esophafus and enter the digestive tract, where they lay eggs and reproduce. Many people who are infected with the roundworm have no symptoms of the disease. Strongyloides infections are more common in tropical and subtropical climates than in cooler temperate areas. Strongyloides stercoralis is a parasite that has both free-living and parasitic life cycles. In the parasitic life cycle, female worms are found in the superficial tissues of the human small intestine. There are no parasitic males
Examination of a culturable microbial population from the gastrointestinal tract of the wood-eating loricariid catfish Panaque nigrolineatus
Fish play a critical role in nutrient cycling and organic matter flow in aquatic environments. However, little is known about the microbial diversity within the gastrointestinal tracts that may be essential in these degradation activities. Panaque nigrolineatus is a loricariid catfish found in the Neotropics that have a rare dietary strategy of consuming large amounts of woody material in its natural environment. As a consequence, the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of P. nigrolineatus is continually exposed to high levels of cellulose and other recalcitrant wood compounds and is, therefore, an attractive, uncharacterized system to study microbial community diversity. Our previous 16S rRNA gene surveys demonstrated that the GI tract microbial community includes phylotypes having the capacity to degrade cellulose and fix molecular nitrogen. In the present study we verify the presence of a resident microbial community by fluorescence microscopy and focus on the cellulose-degrading members by culture-based and 13C-labeled cellulose DNA stable-isotope probing (SIP) approaches. Analysis of GI tract communities generated from anaerobic microcrystalline cellulose enrichment cultures by 16S rRNA gene analysis revealed phylotypes sharing high sequence similarity to known cellulolytic bacteria including Clostridium, Cellulomonas, Bacteroides, Eubacterium and Aeromonas spp. Related bacteria were identified in the SIP community, which also included nitrogen-fixing Azospirillum spp. Our ability to enrich for specialized cellulose-degrading communities suggests that the P. nigrolineatus GI tract provides a favorable environment for this activity and these communities may be involved in providing assimilable carbon under challenging dietary conditions
Some potential occupational and environmental hazards associated with fish pond production in Nigeria
The paper highlights the concept of information and the significance of environmental and occupational hazards associated with pond fish production in Nigeria and discuss the possible options for the ways forward. The major raw material used in fish production system is the organic manure (cow dung, poultry droppings, porcine manure etc) that serves as substrate for heterotrophic production of bacteria and protozoa, which act as food for zooplankton and the fish. The pathogenic organisms (viruses, bacteria, protozoa's, and parasites), are noted for the potential hazard to the fish handlers and consumers. Nine species from seven genera of bacteria associated with fish diseases are found to have association with diseases of human such as typhoid fever, bacillary dysentery and other gastrointestinal tract related problems. Also the environmental contaminants in pond fish production become important because of its significance to consumers' acceptance of the fish product
Interactions between nutrition and gastrointestinal infections with parasitic nematodes in goats
Parasitic nematodes of the digestive tract remain one of the main constraints to goat production both in temperate and tropical
countries. The usual mode of control of these gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) based on the repeated use of anthelmintics
is now strongly questioned because of the increasing development of resistance to these molecules. Among the alternative
methods to anthelmintics currently available, the manipulation of host nutrition in order to improve the host resistance and/or
resilience to parasitic infections seems to represent one of the most promising options to reduce the dependence on conventional
chemotherapy and to favour the sustainable control of gastro intestinal nematode infections. This paper will review the available
information on the interactions between nutrition and nematode parasitism in dairy or meat goats both in temperate and tropical
conditions. It will refer to quantitative aspects of the diet (influence of the protein and/or energy parts) as well as to qualitative
components (effects of plant secondary metabolites on worm biology) and will discuss the specificities of goats in regard of
theses interactions
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