931,085 research outputs found
Combining Density Functional Theory and Density Matrix Functional Theory
We combine density-functional theory with density-matrix functional theory to
get the best of both worlds. This is achieved by range separation of the
electronic interaction which permits to rigorously combine a short-range
density functional with a long-range density-matrix functional. The short-range
density functional is approximated by the short-range version of the
Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof functional (srPBE). The long-range density-matrix
functional is approximated by the long-range version of the Buijse-Baerends
functional (lrBB). The obtained srPBE+lrBB method accurately describes both
static and dynamic electron correlation at a computational cost similar to that
of standard density-functional approximations. This is shown for the
dissociation curves of the H, LiH, BH and HF molecules.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
Stochastic density functional theory
Linear-scaling implementations of density functional theory (DFT) reach their
intended efficiency regime only when applied to systems having a physical size
larger than the range of their Kohn-Sham density matrix (DM). This causes a
problem since many types of large systems of interest have a rather broad DM
range and are therefore not amenable to analysis using DFT methods. For this
reason, the recently proposed stochastic DFT (sDFT), avoiding exhaustive DM
evaluations, is emerging as an attractive alternative linear-scaling approach.
This review develops a general formulation of sDFT in terms of a
(non)orthogonal basis representation and offers an analysis of the statistical
errors (SEs) involved in the calculation. Using a new Gaussian-type basis-set
implementation of sDFT, applied to water clusters and silicon nanocrystals, it
demonstrates and explains how the standard deviation and the bias depend on the
sampling rate and the system size in various types of calculations. We also
develop basis-set embedded-fragments theory, demonstrating its utility for
reducing the SEs for energy, density of states and nuclear force calculations.
Finally, we discuss the algorithmic complexity of sDFT, showing it has CPU
wall-time linear-scaling. The method parallelizes well over distributed
processors with good scalability and therefore may find use in the upcoming
exascale computing architectures
Implicit Density Functional Theory
A fermion ground state energy functional is set up in terms of particle
density, relative pair density, and kinetic energy tensor density. It satisfies
a minimum principle if constrained by a complete set of compatibility
conditions. A partial set, which thereby results in a lower bound energy under
minimization, is obtained from the solution of model systems, as well as a
small number of exact sum rules. Prototypical application is made to several
one-dimensional spinless non-interacting models. The effectiveness of "atomic"
constraints on model "molecules" is observed, as well as the structure of
systems with only finitely many bound states.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure
AIRBED: a simplified density functional theory model for physisorption on surfaces
Dispersion interactions are commonly included in density functional theory (DFT) calculations through the addition of an empirical correction. In this study, a modification is made to the damping function in DFT-D2 calculations, to describe repulsion at small internuclear distances. The resulting Atomic Interactions Represented By Empirical Dispersion (AIRBED) approach is used to model the physisorption of molecules on surfaces such as graphene and hexagonal boron nitride, where the constituent atoms of the surface are no longer required to be included explicitly in the density functional theory calculation but are represented by a point charge to capture electrostatic effects. It is shown that this model can reproduce the structures predicted by full DFT-D2 calculations to a high degree of accuracy. The significant reduction in computational cost allows much larger systems to be studied, including molecular arrays on surfaces and sandwich complexes involving organic molecules between two surface layers
Nonabelian density functional theory
Given a vector space of microscopic quantum observables, density functional
theory is formulated on its dual space. A generalized Hohenberg-Kohn theorem
and the existence of the universal energy functional in the dual space are
proven. In this context ordinary density functional theory corresponds to the
space of one-body multiplication operators. When the operators close under
commutation to form a Lie algebra, the energy functional defines a Hamiltonian
dynamical system on the coadjoint orbits in the algebra's dual space. The
enhanced density functional theory provides a new method for deriving the group
theoretic Hamiltonian on the coadjoint orbits from the exact microscopic
Hamiltonian.Comment: 1 .eps figur
Local-spin-density functional for multideterminant density functional theory
Based on exact limits and quantum Monte Carlo simulations, we obtain, at any
density and spin polarization, an accurate estimate for the energy of a
modified homogeneous electron gas where electrons repel each other only with a
long-range coulombic tail. This allows us to construct an analytic
local-spin-density exchange-correlation functional appropriate to new,
multideterminantal versions of the density functional theory, where quantum
chemistry and approximate exchange-correlation functionals are combined to
optimally describe both long- and short-range electron correlations.Comment: revised version, ti appear in PR
Density functional theory with adaptive pair density
We propose a density functional to find the ground state energy and density
of interacting particles, where both the density and the pair density can
adjust in the presence of an inhomogeneous potential. As a proof of principle
we formulate an a priori exact functional for the inhomogeneous Hubbard model.
The functional has the same form as the Gutzwiller approximation but with an
unknown kinetic energy reduction factor. An approximation to the functional
based on the exact solution of the uniform problem leads to a substantial
improvement over the local density approximation
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