19,963,419 research outputs found
Measurement of the e+e- --> D(*)+D(*)- cross-sections
In this paper we report the first measurement of processes. The cross-sections for e^+^e- \to D^{*+}D^{*-}
and at have been
measured to be and , respectively. We set an upper limit on the cross-section of e+e-
--> D+ D- of at the 90% confidence level. In addition we
have measured the fraction of the final state in the
e+e- --> D*+ D*- reaction to be . The analysis is performed using
of data collected by the Belle detector at the
asymmetric collider KEKB.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. Paper submitted to the EPS2003 conference Typo
in DD* helicity analysis is corrected in the second draf
Determining V(ub) from B+ --> D*+(s) e+ e- and B+ --> D*+ e+ e-
It was recently pointed out that the decays B^+ --> D^{*+}_s gamma and B^+
--> D^{*+} gamma can be used for an extraction of |V_{ub}|. The theory of these
decays is poorly understood. It was shown that in a world of almost degenerate
b and c-quarks the decay would be computable. The severe difficulties that are
encountered in the realistic calculation stem primarily from the very hard
photon produced in the two body decay. We point out that in the decays B^+ -->
D^{*+}_s e^+e^- and B^+ --> D^{*+} e^+e^- the photon vertex is soft when the
charmed meson is nearly at rest (in the B^+ rest frame). This allows us to
compute with some confidence the decay rate in a restricted but interesting
kinematic regime. Given enough data the extraction of V_{ub} with reasonably
small uncertainties could proceed through an analysis of these exclusive decays
much as is done in the determination of V_{cb}.Comment: 9 pages, latex (revtex), replaced with published versio
Search for the decay modes D^0 → e^+e^-, D^0 → μ^+μ^-, and D^0 → e^±μ∓
We present searches for the rare decay modes D^0→e^+e^-, D^0→μ^+μ^-, and D^0→e^±μ^∓ in continuum e^+e^-→cc events recorded by the BABAR detector in a data sample that corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 468  fb^(-1). These decays are highly Glashow–Iliopoulos–Maiani suppressed but may be enhanced in several extensions of the standard model. Our observed event yields are consistent with the expected backgrounds. An excess is seen in the D^0→μ^+μ^- channel, although the observed yield is consistent with an upward background fluctuation at the 5% level. Using the Feldman–Cousins method, we set the following 90% confidence level intervals on the branching fractions: B(D^0→e^+e^-)<1.7×10^(-7), B(D^0→μ^+μ^-) within [0.6,8.1]×10^(-7), and B(D^0→e^±μ^∓)<3.3×10^(-7)
Understanding the processes observed by Belle
We calculate the production cross sections for ,
and in annihilation through one virtual photon in the
framework of perturbative QCD with constituent quarks. The calculated cross
sections for and production are roughly in agreement
with the recent Belle data. The helicity decomposition for meson
production is also calculated. The fraction of the final
state in process is found to be 65%. The fraction of
production is 100% and is forbidden in annihilation
through one virtual photon. We further consider annihilation through
two virtual photons, and then find the fraction of in process to be about 91%.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure
A Study of the Decays D^0 --> pi^- e^+ nu_e, D^0 --> K^- e^+ nu_e, D^+ --> pi^0 e^+ nu_e, and D^+ --> barK^0 e^+ nu_e
Using 1.8 million DDbar pairs and a neutrino reconstruction technique, we
have studied the decays D^0 -> K^- e^+ nu_e, D^0 -> pi^- e^+ nu_e, D^+ ->
Kbar^0 e^+ nu_e, and D^+ -> pi^0 e^+ nu_e. We find B(D^0 -> pi^- e^+ nu_e) =
0.299(11)(9)%, B(D^+ -> pi^0 e^+ nu_e) = 0.373(22)(13)%, B(D^0 -> K^- e^+ nu_e)
= 3.56(3)(9)%, and B(D^+ -> Kbar^0 e^+ nu_e) = 8.53(13)(23)%. In addition, form
factors are studied through fits to the partial branching fractions obtained in
five q^2 ranges. By combining our results with recent unquenched lattice
calculations, we obtain |Vcd| = 0.217(9)(4)(23) and |Vcs| = 1.015(10)(11)(106).Comment: 9 pages, postscript also available through
http://www.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLNS/2006/, submitted to PR
Observation of Mixing in Collisions
We observe mixing in the decay
using a data sample of integrated luminosity 976 fb collected with the
Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy collider. We measure the
mixing parameters and and the ratio of doubly Cabibbo-suppressed to
Cabibbo-favored decay rates , where the
uncertainties are statistical and systematic combined. Our measurement excludes
the no-mixing hypothesis at the 5.1 standard deviation level.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
A Study of the Semileptonic Charm Decays D^0 --> pi^- e^+ nu_e, D^+ --> pi^0 e^+ nu_e, D^0 --> K^- e^+ nu_e, and D^+ --> barK^0 e^+ nu_e
Using a sample of 1.8 million DDbar meson pairs collected at the psi(3770)
with the CLEO-c detector, we study the semileptonic decays D^0 -> pi^- e^+
nu_e, D^+ -> pi^0 e^+ \nu_e, D^0 -> K^- e^+ \nu_e, and D^+ -> Kbar^0 e^+ nu_e.
For the total branching fractions we find B(D^0 -> pi^- e^+ \nu_e) =
0.299(11)(9)%, B(D^+ -> pi^0 e^+ \nu_e) = 0.373(22)(13)%, B(D^0 -> K^- e^+
nu_e) = 3.56(3)(9)%, and B(D^+ -> Kbar^0 e^+ nu_e) = 8.53(13)(23)%, where the
first error is statistical and the second systematic. In addition, form factors
are studied through fits to the partial branching fractions obtained in five
q^2 ranges. By combining our results with recent unquenched lattice
calculations, we obtain |Vcd| = 0.217(9)(4)(23) and |Vcs| = 1.015(10)(11)(106),
where the final error is theoretical.Comment: 18 pages, postscript also available through
http://www.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLNS/2006/, submitted to PR
Hidden charm dynamically generated resonances and the , reactions
We analyze two recent reactions of Belle, producing and
states that have an enhancement of the invariant , mass
distribution close to threshold, from the point of view that they might be
indicative of the existence of a hidden charm scalar and an axial vector meson
states below or thresholds, respectively. We conclude
that the data is compatible with the existing prediction of a hidden charm
scalar meson with mass around 3700 MeV, though other possibilities cannot be
discarded. The peak seen in the spectrum above threshold is,
however, unlikely to be due to a threshold enhancement produced by the
presence, below threshold, of the hidden charm axial vector meson X(3872).Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 2 table
Search for rare and forbidden decays of charm and charmed-strange mesons to final states h^+- e^-+ e^+
We have searched for flavor-changing neutral current decays and
lepton-number-violating decays of D^+ and D^+_s mesons to final states of the
form h^+- e^-+ e^+, where h is either \pi or K. We use the complete samples of
CLEO-c open-charm data, corresponding to integrated luminosities of 818 pb^-1
at the center-of-mass energy E_CM = 3.774 GeV containing 2.4 x 10^6 D^+D^-
pairs and 602 pb^-1 at E_CM = 4.170 GeV containing 0.6 x 10^6 D^*+-_s D^-+_s
pairs. No signal is observed in any channel, and we obtain 90% confidence level
upper limits on branching fractions B(D^+ --> \pi^+ e^+ e^-) < 5.9 x 10^-6,
B(D^+ --> \pi^- e^+ e^+) K^+ e^+ e^-) < 3.0 x 10^-6,
B(D^+ --> K^- e^+ e^+) \pi^+ e^+ e^-) < 2.2 x 10^-5,
B(D^+_s --> \pi^- e^+ e^+) K^+ e^+ e^-) < 5.2 x
10^-5, and B(D^+_s --> K^- e^+ e^+) < 1.7 x 10^-5.Comment: 9 pages, available through http://www.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLNS
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