58,951 research outputs found
Embedding-based Scientific Literature Discovery in a Text Editor Application
Each claim in a research paper requires all relevant prior knowledge to be
discovered, assimilated, and appropriately cited. However, despite the
availability of powerful search engines and sophisticated text editing
software, discovering relevant papers and integrating the knowledge into a
manuscript remain complex tasks associated with high cognitive load. To define
comprehensive search queries requires strong motivation from authors,
irrespective of their familiarity with the research field. Moreover, switching
between independent applications for literature discovery, bibliography
management, reading papers, and writing text burdens authors further and
interrupts their creative process. Here, we present a web application that
combines text editing and literature discovery in an interactive user
interface. The application is equipped with a search engine that couples
Boolean keyword filtering with nearest neighbor search over text embeddings,
providing a discovery experience tuned to an author's manuscript and his
interests. Our application aims to take a step towards more enjoyable and
effortless academic writing.
The demo of the application (https://SciEditorDemo2020.herokuapp.com/) and a
short video tutorial (https://youtu.be/pkdVU60IcRc) are available online
Durrington Walls to West Amesbury by way of Stonehenge: a major transformation of the Holocene landscape
A new sequence of Holocene landscape change has been discovered through an investigation of sediment sequences, palaeosols, pollen and molluscan data discovered during the Stonehenge Riverside Project. The early post-glacial vegetational succession in the Avon valley at Durrington Walls was apparently slow and partial, with intermittent woodland modification and the opening-up of this landscape in the later Mesolithic and earlier Neolithic, though a strong element of pine lingered into the third millennium BC. There appears to have been a major hiatus around 2900 cal BC, coincident with the beginnings of demonstrable human activities at Durrington Walls, but slightly after activity started at Stonehenge. This was reflected in episodic increases in channel sedimentation and tree and shrub clearance, leading to a more open downland, with greater indications of anthropogenic activity, and an increasingly wet floodplain with sedges and alder along the river’s edge. Nonetheless, a localized woodland cover remained in the vicinity of DurringtonWalls throughout the third and second millennia BC, perhaps on the higher parts of the downs, while stable grassland, with rendzina soils, predominated on the downland slopes, and alder–hazel carr woodland and sedges continued to fringe the wet floodplain. This evidence is strongly indicative of a stable and managed landscape in Neolithic and Bronze Age times. It is not until c 800–500 cal BC that this landscape was completely cleared, except for the marshy-sedge fringe of the floodplain, and that colluvial sedimentation began in earnest associated with increased arable agriculture, a situation that continued through Roman and historic times
Patrologia Latina
The Patrologia Latina Database offers 221 volumes of works written by the Latin Fathers. It is the extraordinary achievement of the nineteenth-century scholar and priest, Jacques-Paul Migne. It covers the works of the Latin Fathers from Tertullian around 200 a.d. to the death of Pope Innocent III in 1216 and contains the most influential works of late ancient and early medieval theology, philosophy, history, and literature. This review looks at the user interface and content details in this unique database offered by ProQuest
Latin Accentual Clausula as Exemplified in 14th-Century Prose Texts by Dante and Boccaccio
This paper studies 14th-century Latin prose rhythm as exemplified by Dante and Boccaccio. The texts observed in this analysis are samples from De Monarchia, De vulgari eloquentia, Quaestio de aqua et terra and Epistole by Dante and De mulieribus claris and De casibus virorum illustrium by Boccaccio. In ancient rhetoric, rhythmical units were used at the ends of sentences and clauses in prose texts. These units were called clausulae, and the rhythm of classical prose was based on the quantity of syllables. Medieval Latin prose rhythm, however, was based on word stress and was called cursus. The aim of this paper is to study what kinds of cursus occur in the given text samples and their frequency. The research method used in this paper is comparative-statistical analysis. The distribution of cursus in these samples is also analysed by chapters and different types of cursus are distinguished
Improving university lectures with feedback and consultation
Als studenten tijdens een cursus hoorcolleges evalueren, zonder dat de docent enige verdere ondersteuning ontvangt, verbetert de kwaliteit van het hoorcollegeonderwijs daarmee niet. Wanneer docenten tijdens de cursus ook gesprekken voeren met een coach over de hoorcollege-evaluaties, heeft dat wel een positief effect.Mariska Knol onderzocht of de kwaliteit van universitair hoorcollege-onderwijs verbetert als studenten al tijdens de cursus een aantal hoorcolleges evalueren voor docenten (in plaats van uitsluitend na afloop van de cursus). Ze bekeek of het verschil maakt als docenten daarbij direct gesprekken voeren met een coach over de hoorcollege-evaluaties. Knol deed onderzoek onder 75 UvA-docenten van verschillende faculteiten, verschillend in leeftijd, functie en didactische kwaliteit. Docenten leren tijdens de cursus door gesprekken met een coach naar eigen zeggen zeer veel over hun hoorcollegeonderwijs; met mate verbetert ook het lesgeven tijdens de cursus (volgens de studenten). Studenten geven aan door deze tussentijdse evaluaties meer van de docent te leren. De resultaten gelden voor zowel junior als senior docenten, en voor zowel kleine als grote hoorcolleges.Het universitair onderwijs wordt massaal en voortdurend geëvalueerd door studenten. Dit wordt door velen, ook docenten, als zeer belangrijk ervaren voor de interne kwaliteitszorg. Echter, onderzoek laat zien dat deze intensieve praktijk weinig effect heeft op de didactische ontwikkeling van docenten als aanvullende ondersteuning voor docenten ontbreekt. Het is alsof de dokter een diagnose stelt en je verder succes wenst. Met één coachinggesprek over de studentevaluaties leren docenten al veel meer. Docenten gaan in korte tijd door coaching ook beter lesgeven, maar deze vooruitgang is matig. De gemiddelde docent heeft hiervoor naar verwachting meer tijd of meer ondersteuning nodig
De invloed van het EG-recht op het Nederlands burgerlijk recht
Het doel van de cursus is, enerzijds, de deelnemers bewust te maken van de toenemende
invloed van het recht van de EG op het Nederlandse Burgerlijk Recht, en, anderzijds, de
deelnemers leren om te gaan met de doorwerking van het EG-recht in de nationale rechtsorde.
De cursus en het materiaal bouwen voort op de basismodule Europees Gemeenschapsrecht
Multiwire submerged arc welding of steel structures
The assembly of large structures made out of thick steel plates requires a welding process by which multiple wires can be used simultaneously. To reproduce these industrial processes in a research environment, OCAS has invested in a multiwire submerged arc welding (SAW) setup. In this multiwire setup, up to five wires in tandem configuration can be used. The objective of this master thesis is to establish a deeper knowledge of process parameters used to weld steel plates in a thickness range of 12,7 up to 25 mm, by means of the submerged arc welding process. Based on literature, a test matrix is composed in which the number of wires, the plate thickness and other weld parameters are the variables. In addition, a specific plate preparation for each plate thickness is derived from the literature. The preformed weld trails will be evaluated on weld bead geometry and metallographic properties. There is further experimental examination required, which will result in the revising of the matrix
Cursus in Dante Alighieri’s prose books De vulgari eloquentia, De Monarchia and Convivio
This paper examines the prose rhythm in Dante’s Latin and Italian prose. The samples of Dante’s Latin books De vulgari eloquentia and De Monarchia and the Italian book Convivio are analysed with the purpose of finding the incidence and patterns of prose rhythm. The method used in this paper is comparative-statistical analysis. The rhythm of classic prose was based on the quantity of syllables, while the medieval Latin prose rhythm was based on word stress and called cursus. Although the use of cursus was more popular in Latin prose, it can also be found elsewhere, including Italian prose. The analysis reveals that rhythmical sentences endings have a role in Dante’s prose and that the cursus appear in his Latin works, as well as in his works in vernacular
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