6,583 research outputs found
Analysis of the Influence of Crystalline Admixtures at Early Age Performance of Cement-Based Mortar by Electrical Resistance Monitoring
Crystalline admixtures are employed for waterproofing concrete. This type of admixtures can affect the early age performance of cement-based mixes. The electrical resistance properties of cement have been related to the initial setting time and to the hydration development. This paper proposes a system for remote monitoring of the initial setting time and the first days of the hardening of cement-based mortars to evaluate the effect of the incorporation of crystalline admixtures. The electrical resistance results have been confirmed by other characterization techniques such as thermogravimetric analysis and compressive strength measurements. From the electrical resistance monitoring it has been observed that the incorporation of crystalline admixtures causes a delay in the initial setting time and hydration processes. The measurements also allow to evaluate the influence of the amount of admixture used; thus, being very useful as a tool to define the optimum admixture dosage to be used
Evaluation of Internal and Superficial Self-Healing of Cracks in Concrete with Crystalline Admixtures
Reinforced concrete structures are prone to cracking. The development of cementitious matrices with the capacity for self-healing soon after these cracks appear represents savings with inspections and repairs of the structures. Self-healing can be stimulated with the use of crystalline admixtures. Such materials easily react with water and increase the density of C-S-H (hydrated-calcium-silicate), forming insoluble deposits blocking existing pores and cracks. In this research, self-healing in concrete cracks was evaluated using three di erent crystalline admixtures, submitted to two and six wetting–drying cycles. The e ciency of self-healing was evaluated by optical microscopy and using the chloride di usion test, which allowed calculating the predicted useful life of the concretes. The results highlight two important findings: (i) in optical microscopy, crystalline admixtures were not e cient in promoting self-healing on the surface of cracks in any of the studied concretes; (ii) the passage of chlorides by di usion was lower for concretes with crystalline admixtures compared to the reference, showing better internal healing of these materials and, consequently, greater prediction of the concrete’s useful life
Environmentally Friendly Pervious Concrete for Treating Deicer-Laden Stormwater: Phase I
A graphene oxide-modified pervious concrete was developed by using low-reactivity, high-calcium fly ash as sole binder and chemical activators and other admixtures. The density, void ratio, mechanical strength, infiltration rate, Young’s modulus, freeze-deicer salt scaling, and degradation resistance of this pervious concrete were measured against three control groups. The test results indicate that graphene oxide modified fly ash pervious concrete is comparable to Portland cement pervious concrete. While the addition of 0.03% graphene oxide (by weight of fly ash) noticeably increased the compressive strength, split tensile strength, Young’s modulus, freeze-deicer salt scaling, and degradation resistance of fly ash pervious concrete, it reduced the void ratio and infiltration rate. The fly ash pervious concrete also showed unfavorable high initial loss during the freeze-deicer salt scaling test, which may be attributed to the low hydration degree of fly ash at early age. It is recommended that durability tests for fly ash concrete be performed at a later age
Integral waterproof concrete : a comprehensive review
The ingress of water and aggressive substances is the primary reason for the chemical and physical degradation of concrete infrastructure, leading to a reduction in durability and a shortening of life span. In practice, different integral waterproofing admixtures and surface coatings have been widely used to prevent or mitigate this problem. Compared with surface protection, the incorporation of integral waterproofing admixtures (such as densifiers, water repellents, and crystalline admixtures) in concrete has several benefits, such as ease of application, elimination of regular maintenance, and little or no deterioration over time. So far, there is no comprehensive review on integral waterproofing admixtures and their effects on various properties of concrete. This review examines existing literature on integral waterproof concrete containing various commercial and laboratory-made waterproofing admixtures. This comprehensive review highlights that the use of integral waterproofing admixtures has the potential to increase the service life and improve the durability of concrete structures and infrastructure. However, the admixtures may have a negative impact on some concrete properties, such as workability and strength. Whilst many hydrophobic and crystalline admixtures can reduce the water absorption rate of concrete by up to 80%, they often have a negative impact on the concrete compressive strength, causing a strength reduction of about 10% or more. Their influence on some durability properties (e.g., reinforcement corrosion, microbial-induced concrete corrosion) is inconclusive, indicating the need for further research. There is also a need to develop proper guidelines to determine the efficacy of integral waterproofing admixtures. More research is also required to assess the long-term performance of integral waterproof concrete and its benefits based on life cycle assessment
An An Analysis of Crystalline Admixtures in Terms of Their Influence on the Resistance of Cementitious Composites to Aggressive Environments
This paper describes the influence of crystalline admixtures on the chemical resistance of cement composites exposed to aggressive environments. The effect of the crystalline admixtures was determined by a series of physical-mechanical and innovative physical-chemical methods. Specifically, this concerned the measurement of flexural strength, compressive strength, determination of the dynamic modulus of elasticity by the ultrasonic pulse velocity test, and an analysis of the internal structure by mercury intrusion porosimetry and x-ray computed tomography. Physical-chemical analyses were also performed; namely an x-ray diffraction analysis to determine the mineralogical composition and electron microscopy to examine the microstructure. The use of non-destructive testing methods (ultrasonic pulse velocity test and computed tomography) made it possible to compare the properties of the same specimens for 16 months. The specimens were stored in reference laboratory conditions, a sodium sulphate solution and an ammonium chloride solution. The physical-mechanical tests and physical-chemical analyses clearly showed the benefit that crystalline admixtures have for the resistance of cementitious composites attacked by chemically aggressive solutions without affecting the fresh-mixture rheology or decreasing the strength of the composites
The impact of intrinsic anhydrite in an experimental calcium sulfoaluminate cement from a novel, carbon-minimized production process
Gulf Organisation for Research and Development EG016-RG11757 Open access via Springer Compcat Agreement The authors are grateful for the financial support of the Gulf Organization for Research and Development (GORD) through grant EG016-RG11757. Mr Mathieu Antoni of LafargeHolcim is thanked for his assistance in processing the grinding of the experimental clinker. Mr Theodore Hanein is thanked for insight gained in discussions regarding thermodynamic modelling of the CaO-Al2O3-SO3-SiO2 system within the kiln environment.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
There have been many experimental measurements of the waterproofing ability and durability of concrete with a crystalline admixture, but some other important properties have not been reliably tested yet. The results of the tests, carried out by the authors, showed that crystalline admixtures reduce the water vapor permeability of concrete by 16-20 %. The authors also carried out the water pressure test in different time intervals, during the initial phase of cement hydration. The test results have shown that the full waterproofing effect of concrete with a crystalline admixture is available approximately on the 12th day after the concrete creation. The crystalline admixture effect on the compressive strength of concrete was also the subject of the testing. The results have shown that the compressive strength of the concrete with a crystalline admixture (added in an amount of 2 %) and the compressive strength of the specimens from concrete without admixture were almost identical after 28 days
Self-healing concrete: efficiency evaluation and enhancement with crystalline admixtures
Los materiales autosanables son materiales con la capacidad de reparar sus daños de forma autónoma o con ayuda mínima de estímulos externos. En el campo de la construcción, el desarrollo de elementos autosanables aumentará la durabilidad de las estructuras y reducirá las acciones de mantenimiento y reparación. Los elementos de hormigón armado presentan frecuentemente pequeñas fisuras (< 0.3 mm), no relevantes mecánicamente, pero que pueden suponer un punto de entrada para agentes agresivos.
El hormigón tiene una cierta capacidad de autosanación, capaz de cerrar pequeñas fisuras, producida principalmente por la hidratación continuada y la carbonatación. Estudios recientes han intentado mejorar dicha capacidad y diseñar productos específicos para conseguirla. Estos productos incluyen, entre otros, aditivos cristalinos, agentes micro o macroencapsulados, e incluso el uso de bacterias. Los aditivos cristalinos (CA) son un tipo de aditivo para hormigón que se considera que aporta propiedades de autosanación. No obstante, la falta de conocimiento sobre su comportamiento limita su uso. Además, los métodos para evaluar la autosanación en hormigones no están estandarizados todavía. Esto complica la realización de un análisis crítico de los diferentes productos y métodos de evaluación propuestos en la literatura.
Para responder a esta falta de conocimiento, los objetivos de esta tesis son: 1) estudiar y proponer procedimientos experimentales para evaluar los fenómenos de autosanación en hormigón y, 2) evaluar experimentalmente las mejoras producidas al introducir aditivos cristalinos.
Esta tesis incluye como ensayos para la determinación de la autosanación: la evaluación del cierre de fisuras, la permeabilidad al agua, flexión a tres puntos y absorción capilar. Además, se han realizado varias campañas experimentales para validar los ensayos propuestos. Posteriormente, estos ensayos se han utilizado para analizar la influencia de varios parámetros, incluyendo entre otros: presencia de aditivos cristalinos, nivel de daño, tiempo necesario para el sanado, composición del hormigón y condiciones de sanado. Finalmente, se analizan los efectos producidos al añadir aditivos cristalinos en hormigón en la fluidez, resistencia e hidratación.
Los resultados muestran que el cierre de fisuras es un ensayo eficaz y sencillo para evaluar la autosanación. Sin embargo, la orientación de la fisura durante el sanado ha resultado ser de gran importancia, y no considerar este aspecto puede llevar a conclusiones engañosas. El ensayo de permeabilidad al agua propuesto en este trabajo presenta una buena estabilidad y es fácil de implementar en laboratorios. Además, las relaciones obtenidas entre los parámetros de fisura y la permeabilidad del agua han confirmado la relación cúbica indicada en la literatura. Este trabajo muestra que analizar la eficiencia de autosanado mediante el cierre de fisuras puede llevar a una sobreestimación de la capacidad de sanación, comparada con los resultados obtenidos mediante permeabilidad. Los ensayos de sorptividad resultaron fáciles de implementar, sin embargo, los resultados obtenidos mostraron una alta dispersión y sensibilidad a las variaciones en las fisuras producidas durante el proceso de prefisuración. En cuanto a la evaluación de la recuperación mecánica, los resultados muestran que la evolución de las propiedades del hormigón con el tiempo es un parámetro que debe considerarse, especialmente en fisuras de edades tempranas.
En este trabajo se ha obtenido que los aditivos cristalinos potencian las reacciones de autosanación, pero tienen una capacidad limitada. La proximidad de los CA a la industria es un punto positivo para su inclusión como un nuevo tipo de aditivo de hormigón. Sin embargo, los resultados obtenidos en esta tesis indican que se necesitan más análisis para determinar sus efectos completos en hormigón, especialmente con respectSelf-healing materials are materials with the capability to repair their damage autonomously or with minimal help from an external stimulus. In the construction field, the development of self-healing elements will increase the durability of structures and reduce their maintenance and repair actions. Reinforced concrete elements frequently suffer small cracks (< 0.3 mm), not relevant mechanically, but they can be an entrance point for aggressive agents.
Concrete has a natural self-healing capability able to seal small cracks, produced by the continuing hydration and carbonation processes. Recent studies have attempted to improve that healing capability and to design specific products to achieve it. These products include, among others: crystalline admixtures, micro- or macro-encapsulated agents, and even the use of bacteria. Crystalline admixtures (CA) are a concrete admixture that is claimed to provide self-healing properties. However, the lack of knowledge on their behavior and self-healing properties limits their usage. In addition, the methods to evaluate the self-healing capability of mortar and concrete are not standardized yet. This complicates the performance of a critical analysis of the different self-healing products and evaluation methods found in the literature.
In order to answer to this lack of knowledge, the objectives of this thesis are: 1) to study and propose experimental procedures in order to evaluate self-healing in concrete and, 2) to evaluate experimentally the self-healing enhancements produced when introducing crystalline admixtures.
This thesis includes the following tests for the determination of the self-healing: the evaluation of crack closing, water permeability, three point bending tests and capillary absorption test. In addition, several experimental campaigns have been performed with the objective of validating the proposed tests. Afterwards, these methods have been used to analyze the influence of several parameters, including among others: the presence of crystalline admixtures, the damage extent, healing time needed, concrete composition and healing conditions. Finally, the effects that crystalline admixtures produce in concrete are analyzed in terms of slump, strength and hydration.
The results show that crack closing is an effective and simple method to evaluate self-healing. However, the orientation of the crack during healing is of great importance, and disregarding this aspect may lead to misleading conclusions. The water permeability method proposed in this work has good stability and it is easy to implement in concrete laboratories. Moreover, the relations obtained between crack parameters and water permeability confirmed the cubic relation, as reported in the literature. This work shows that analyzing healing efficiency by means of crack closing tends to overestimate self-healing if compared with the results obtained by means of water permeability. Sorptivity analysis tests were easy to implement, however, the results obtained in this work showed high dispersion and sensitivity to the variations of the cracks introduced during the precracking process. Regarding the evaluation of mechanical recoveries, the results show that the evolution of concrete properties with time is a parameter of importance that, therefore, should be considered, especially for early age cracks.
In this work, crystalline admixtures have been reported as an enhancer of self-healing reactions, but with a limited capacity of enhancement. The proximity of CA to the industry is a positive point to their inclusion as a new type of admixture for concrete. However, the results obtained in this thesis indicate further analyses are needed to determine their full effects on concrete, especially regarding self-healing.Els materials autosanables són materials amb la capacitat de reparar els seus danys de forma autònoma o amb ajuda mínima d'estímuls externs. En el camp de la construcció, el desenvolupament d'elements autosanables augmentarà la durabilitat de les estructures i reduirà les accions de manteniment i reparació. Els elements de formigó armat presenten freqüentment fissures menudes (< 0.3 mm), no rellevants des del punt de vista mecànic, però poden suposar un punt d'entrada per a agents agressius.
El formigó té una capacitat de autosanació capaç de tancar fissures menudes, produïda principalment per la hidratació continuada i la carbonatació. Estudis recents han intentat millorar eixa capacitat i dissenyar productes específics per aconseguir-la. Aquests productes inclouen, entre d'altres, additius cristal·lins, agents micro- o macroencapsulats, i fins i tot l'ús de bacteris. Els additius cristal·lins (CA) són un tipus d'additiu reductor per formigó que es considera que proporciona propietats de autosanació. No obstant, la manca de coneixement sobre el seu comportament limita el seu ús. A més, els mètodes per avaluar la autosanació de formigons encara no estan estandarditzats. Açò complica la realització d'una anàlisi crítica dels diferents productes i mètodes d'avaluació proposats a la literatura.
Per respondre a aquesta manca de coneixement, els objectius d'aquesta tesi són: 1) estudiar i proposar procediments experimentals per avaluar els fenòmens d'autosanació en formigó i, 2) avaluar experimentalment les millores produïdes en introduir additius cristal·lins.
Aquesta tesi inclou com assajos per a la determinació de l'autosanació: l'avaluació del tancament de fissures, la permeabilitat a l'aigua, flexió a tres punts i absorció capil·lar. A més, s'han realitzat diverses campanyes experimentals per validar els assajos proposats. Posteriorment, aquests assajos s'han utilitzat per analitzar la influència de diversos paràmetres: presència d'additius cristal·lins, nivell de dany, temps necessari per a la sanació, composició del formigó i condicions de sanació. Finalment, s'analitzen els efectes produïts en afegir additius cristal·lins en formigó en fluïdesa, resistència i hidratació.
Els resultats mostren que el tancament de fissures és un assaig eficaç i senzill per avaluar l'autosanació. No obstant això, l'orientació de la fissura durant la sanació ha resultat ser de gran importància, i no considerar aquest aspecte pot portar a conclusions enganyoses. L'assaig de permeabilitat a l'aigua proposat presenta una bona estabilitat i és fàcil d'implementar en laboratoris. A més, les relacions obtingudes entre els paràmetres de fissura i la permeabilitat a l'aigua han confirmat la relació cúbica de la literatura. Aquest treball mostra que analitzar l'eficiència de l'autosanació amb el tancament de fissures pot sobreestimar la capacitat de sanació, comparada amb els resultats obtinguts-dues mitjançant permeabilitat a l'aigua. Els assajos de sorptivitat van resultar fàcils d'implementar, però, els resultats obtinguts en aquest treball van mostrar una alta dispersió i sensibilitat a les variacions en les fissures produïdes durant el procés de prefissuració. Pel que fa a l'avaluació de la recuperació mecànica, els resultats mostren que l'evolució de les propietats del formigó amb el temps és un paràmetre d'importància que, per tant, s'ha de considerar, especialment per fissures primerenques.
En aquest treball s'ha obtingut que els additius cristal·lins potencien les reaccions d'autosanació, però tenen una capacitat limitada. La proximitat dels CA a la indústria és un punt positiu per a la seva inclusió com un nou tipus d'additiu de formigó. Tanmateix, els resultats obtinguts en aquesta tesi indiquen que calen més anàlisis per determinar els seus efectes complets en formigó, especialment pel que fa a l'autosanació.Roig Flores, M. (2018). Self-healing concrete: efficiency evaluation and enhancement with crystalline admixtures [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/100082TESI
Brittleness of ceramics
The main characteristics of mechanical properties of ceramics are summarized and the causes of their brittleness, especially the limited mobility of dislocations, are discussed. The possibility of improving the fracture toughness of ceramics and the basic research needs relating to technology, structure and mechanical properties of ceramics are stressed in connection with their possible applications in engineering at high temperature
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