614,183 research outputs found
Creative Problem Solving
[Excerpt] Sometimes solutions to difficult problems are simple, if you think creatively. Here are three true stories of how stewards used their creativity to resolve workplace problems
Pengaruh Model Creative Problem Solving terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Logis Matematis Siswa di SMA N 3 Banda Aceh
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh model Creative Problem Solving terhadap kemampuan berpikir logis siswa di Kelas X SMA N 3 Banda Aceh. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak dua kelas yaitu kelas X-1 sebagai kelas eksperimen yang berjumlah 25 orang dan yang menjadi kelas kontrol adalah kelas X-2 yang berjumlah 25 orang. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi dan teknik tes. Teknis analisis data yang digunakan adalah model analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dan rumus t-test. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah rata-rata nilai posttest kemampuan berpikir logis kelas eksperimen adalah 72, sedangkan rata-rata nilai posttest kemampuan berpikir logis kelas kontrol adalah 64. Dari hasil perhitungan dengan menggunakan rumus t-test diperoleh hasil thitung (2,309) > ttabel (1.677). Hasil observasi pada kelas eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa ada 8 atau 32% siswa apat menunjukan pengidentifikasian dan pemeriksaan hubungan antar fakta yang sesuai dengan pertanyaan tetapi dalam prosesnya ada beberapa kesalahan atau kurang lengkap, siswa yang menunjukkan penyelesaian dengan memberikan alasan secara keseluruhan dengan benar, jelas dan lengkap, jawaban sesuai dengan pertanyaan berdasarkan pengetahuan matematika ada 6 siswa atau 24% dan siswa yang menunjukan kesimpulan secara keseluruhan dengan tepat sesuai pertanyaan dan prosesnya juga benar, jelas dan lengkap berdasarkan pengetahuan matematika ada 9 siswa atau 36%. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh model Creative Problem Solving terhadap kemampuan berfikir logis siswa
Penerapan Creative Problem Solving (CPS) Dan Ideal Problem Solving (IPS) Berbasis Pengalaman Langsung (Experiencing) Ditinjau Dari Motivasi Dan Gaya Belajar Mahasiswa
Penelitian ini menggunakan Model pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving (CPS) dan IDEAL Problem Solving. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa tingkat III Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri tahun Ajaran 2015/2016. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan teknik Claster random sampling sejumlah 2 kelas. Teknik pengumpulan data variabel prestasi belajar kognitif digunakan metode tes, Gaya belajar dan motivasi digunakan metode angket dengan menggunakan anava 3 jalan dengan rancangan faktorial 2x2x2. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan: 1) Tidak ada pengaruh penerapan pembelajaran Creative problem solving dan IDEAL Problem Solving berbasis pengalaman nyata (Experential) terhadap prestasi belajar Pembelajaran IPA pada materi pokok Lingkungan 2) Ada pengaruh motivasi belajar mahasiswa terhadap prestasi belajar Pembelajaran IPA pada materi pokok Lingkungan 3) Tidak ada pengaruh gaya belajar mahasiswa terhadap prestasi belajar Pembelajaran IPA pada materi pokok Lingkungan 4)Ada interaksi antara metode pembelajaran Creative problem solving dan IDEAL Problem Solving dengan motivasi belajar mahasiswa terhadap prestasi belajar Pembelajaran IPA pada materi pokok Lingkungan 5) Tidak ada interaksi antara metode pembelajaran Creative problem solving dan IDEAL Problem Solving dengan gaya belajar mahasiswa terhadap prestasi belajar Pembelajaran IPA pada materi pokok Lingkungan 6)Tidak ada interaksi antara motivasi dan gaya belajar mahasiswa terhadap prestasi Pembelajaran IPA pada materi pokok Lingkungan 7)Tidak ada interaksi antara metode pembelajaran Creative problem solving dan IDEAL Problem Solving, motivasi belajar dan gaya belajar mahasiswa terhadap prestasi belajar Pembelajaran IPA pada materi pokok Lingkungan
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Supporting reflection and creative thinking by carers of older people with dementia
This vision paper frames requirements engineering as a creative problem solving process. Its purpose is to enable requirements researchers and practitioners to recruit relevant theories, models, techniques and tools from creative problem solving to understand and support requirements processes more effectively. It uses 4 drivers to motivate the case for requirements engineering as a creative problem solving process. It then maps established requirements activities onto one of the longest-established creative problem solving processes, and uses these mappings to locate opportunities for the application of creative problem solving in requirements engineering. The second half of the paper describes selected creativity theories, techniques, software tools and training that can be adopted to improve requirements engineering research and practice. The focus is on support for problem and idea finding - two creative problem solving processes that our investigation revealed are poorly supported in requirements engineering. The paper ends with a research agenda to incorporate creative processes, techniques, training and tools in requirements projects
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Requirements Engineering as Creative Problem Solving: A Research Agenda for Idea Finding
This vision paper frames requirements engineering as a creative problem solving process. Its purpose is to enable requirements researchers and practitioners to recruit relevant theories, models, techniques and tools from creative problem solving to understand and support requirements processes more effectively. It uses 4 drivers to motivate the case for requirements engineering as a creative problem solving process. It then maps established requirements activities onto one of the longest-established creative problem solving processes, and uses these mappings to locate opportunities for the application of creative problem solving in requirements engineering. The second half of the paper describes selected creativity theories, techniques, software tools and training that can be adopted to improve requirements engineering research and practice. The focus is on support for problem and idea finding - two creative problem solving processes that our investigation revealed are poorly supported in requirements engineering. The paper ends with a research agenda to incorporate creative processes, techniques, training and tools in requirements projects
Interactive creative problem solving
A set creative problemâsolving tools for instructional purposes is discussed. The tools include a problemâsolving text which presents the heuristic, a set of slides in electronic form that can be used to enhance classroom presentations, and interactive computer modules that reinforce and develop the students' problemâsolving skills. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/110731/1/4_ftp.pd
Mind wandering "Ahas" versus mindful reasoning: alternative routes to creative solutions.
Based on mixed results linking both mindfulness and its opposing construct mind wandering to enhanced creativity, we predicted that the relationship between mindfulness and creativity might depend on whether creative problems are approached through analytic strategy or through "insight" (i.e., sudden awareness of a solution). Study 1 investigated the relationship between trait mindfulness and compound remote associates problem solving as a function of participants' self-reported approach to each problem. The results revealed a negative relationship between mindfulness and problem-solving overall. However, more detailed analysis revealed that mindfulness was associated with impaired problem solving when approaching problems with insight, but increased problem solving when using analysis. In Study 2, we manipulated participants' problem-solving approach through instructions. We again found a negative relationship between mindfulness and creative performance in general, however, more mindful participants again performed better when instructed to approach problems analytically
Investigating Emotions in Creative Design
A wealth of research has suggested that emotions play a significant role in the creative problem solving process, but less work has focused on investigating the role of emotions in the design process. This is surprising given that creative problem solving lies at the heart of the design processes. In an exploratory study we interviewed 9 expert designers about their emotions during the design process. The content analysis allowed us to identify the various types of emotions relevant in the design process and to extend Wallasâ model of creative problem solving with emotional components for each of its stages. In addition, we identified two important roles of emotions in design and several ways in which expert designers regulate their emotions. We discussed the theoretical and practical applications of our work
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