1,217 research outputs found

    Communicating the Resilience and Corporate Social Responsibility of SMEs during Lockdown in Spain: A Visual and Exploratory Study of Communication Mechanisms and Strategies

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    The health crisis caused by COVID-19 has led to changes in the behaviour of businesses during lockdown, especially Small and Medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This study aims to identify the capacity for reaction, resilience, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) from direct sources and from strategic communication categories. Firstly, to discover the communication mechanisms and strategies of innovative SMEs during lockdown in Spain for overcoming difficulties. And secondly, to confirm “Food and Drink”—sector SME resilience capacities through their communications, and the CSR capacity of the SMEs that supports the sustainability to the tourism sector. For this purpose, a qualitative analysis of the 2.0 messages communicated by the companies was carried out and a map generated from social network analysis to identify the most resilient SMEs based on strategic communication elements used. The results show an uneven business reaction that reflects the change of paradigm in communication with customers that is occurring heterogeneously. This study is original because few on this theme apply to SMEs in the Spanish context. We highlight they are all from the “Food and drink” sector and included in the list of enterprises with high growth rate through entrepreneurial spirit and innovation, allowing us to make certain comparisons and understand certain differences and respective resilience, including supply chains and CSR.FEDER/Junta de Andalucia-Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades (Regional Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities of Andalusia) BSEJ-402-UGR2

    The Role of Local Food Culture in Sustainable Tourism Development

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    The study focused on issues related to local food, tourism, and creating sustainable development. The paper is based first on existing studies in this field and second on new research conducted among tourists and their preferences in local cuisine. The purpose of the study was to illustrate the significance of local food in the development of sustainable tourism along with the relationship between the two, as well as to indicate whether tourists are interested in the food offering characteristic of their destination. Research has shown that tourists are interested in local and regional cuisine, while some take this one step further and seek out local and regional cuisine. Almost 60% of the studied tourists believe that a hotel restaurant offering shouldinclude dishes and drinks associated with local and regional cuisine, but only 36% believe that a hotel restaurant’s décor should be related to its geographic region. A total of 70% of tourists are interested in cuisine characteristic of the place or region they are visiting, while 40% actively seek out local and regional items

    Wissensstandsanalyse zum Verbraucher- und Ernährungsverhalten bei ökologischen Lebensmitteln mit Einbezug der Außer-Haus-Verpflegung

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    Die vorliegende Studie enthält einen umfassenden Überblick zur nationalen wie internationalen Verbraucherforschung für Öko-Lebensmittel. Insgesamt wurden 562 Publikationen basierend auf 338 wissenschaftlichen Studien aus dem Zeitraum Januar 2000 bis Juni 2011 zu den Themengebieten Determinanten des Verbraucherverhaltens, Verbrauchersegmentierung, Produkt-, Preis-, Kommunikations- und Distributionspolitik sowie Außer-Haus-Verzehr analysiert und hinsichtlich ihrer Datengrundlage und Methodik bewertet. Die Betrachtung der einschlägigen englisch- und deutschsprachigen Literatur lieferte Erkenntnisse zum Wissensstand über die Verbraucherforschung für Öko-Lebensmittel und ermöglichte die Identifizierung relevanter Forschungslücken für Deutschland, die richtungsweisend für die zukünftige Forschung ist. Insgesamt ergab sich eine hohe Publikationsdichte insbesondere in den letzten vier Jahren. Zu den zahlenmäßig am häufigsten behandelten Themengebieten gehören die Determinanten des Verbraucherverhaltens, die Produktpolitik sowie die Preispolitik. Dennoch sind auch hier viele gänzlich unbearbeitete Fragestellungen, bspw. zu den Geschmackspräferenzen unterschiedlicher Verbraucher-gruppen, zu umweltfreundlichen Verpackungen sowie zur Preiskenntnis und Preispsychologie des Konsumenten, zu finden. Darüber hinaus konnten innovative Aspekte der Trendforschung zum Thema Öko-Lebensmittel ausgemacht werden. Andere Themengebiete wie zum Beispiel Kommunikationspolitik und Außer-Haus-Verzehr sind bisher kaum untersucht. Die Status-Quo-Analyse wurde mit den Ergebnissen aus einer Online-Befragung und einem Experten-Workshop ergänzt, um die Relevanz der identifizierten Forschungslücken einzuschätzen und den Forschungsbedarf aus Praktiker- und Expertensicht zu ermitteln. Aus dieser umfassenden Analyse konnten konkret Empfehlungen für zukünftige Forschungsschwerpunkte in Deutschland abgeleitet werden

    The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Profitability Indicators in the Hospitality Sector

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    Many business entities in Slovakia felt the pressure of government restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially entities from SK NACE I: accommodation and food services activities. The main objective of this article is to analyse the return on equity, assets and sales in selected sectors in Slovakia and find out if the Covid-19 pandemic has an effect on these profitability ratios. Firstly, we use ex-post financial analyses and then Friedman's nonparametric test to find those groups of years between which there are differences. The study period 2016-2021 includes comparisons before the Covid-19 period, as well as dealing with the pandemic era. Our investigation concerns 321 business entities from SK NACE I, especially from Division 56: Food and beverage service activities. The findings showed the impact of the pandemic on profitability indicators such as total assets, equity, and sales. Therefore, it was feasible to establish that these are the indicators most affected by the pandemic, such as the economic outcome after taxes, assets, equity, and sales. Additionally, significant differences in indicators were confirmed in the pairs of years 2019–2020 and 2019–2021. Significant changes were confirmed between the years provided, which may most likely be attributed to the outbreak of the pandemic of the viral disease Covid-19. This study and its results may have added value for the management of business entities and the government of the Slovak Republic by stimulating the negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on firms in these sectors

    Food and gastronomy as elements of regional innovation strategies

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    The paper discusses recent innovation and diversification paths in agro-food, specifically the linkage between food, territory and branding, the emerging phenomenon of Food Cities and increasing interest in healthier and more sustainable food products. It also focuses on EU policies and instruments in support of R&I activities in agro-food and explores agro-food domain within the context of smart specialisation.JRC.J.2-Knowledge for Growt

    Managing of the night-time economy : challenges for a sustainable urban policy : the case of Krakow (Poland)

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    The development of modern cities takes place not only in terms of spatial (territorial) enlargement but also in terms of time stretch. More and more economic activities in the city are open until late in the evening and at night. Today's cities have a rhythm similar to the daytime at night. This applies to services included in the economy of free time. The night-time economy is treated in the development plans of cities, especially large cities, as an innovative development direction. Many cities have adopted the support of night-time tourist attractions as their direction of development. The night-time economy, unfortunately, does not always bring only positive benefits. The question of sustainable city night and city night policy as a tool for its implementation seems to be very current. This article aims to present the problem of managing the night-time economy in a historic city on the example of Krakow in Poland. The author will indicate the main factors that determine the development of night tourism and urban recreation at night in this city, identify the main groups of recipients and the problems related to them, and discuss the assumptions of urban policy in relation to sustainable tourism, where night management has also become an issue. This article is a case study based on various sources of information. Planning materials, reports and other studies devoted to this phenomenon were used, and interviews were conducted with representatives of city authorities and entrepreneurs

    Changes in the labour market related to immigration from Ukraine and research directions in the area of HRM

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    There has been a visible trend of increasing migration from Ukraine to Poland since 2014. Immigrants are becoming a part of the Polish labour market. It is interesting to look at immigrants from the perspective of challenges faced by human resource management processes (HRM) in the enterprises employing them. Thus, the purpose of the study was to answer the questions: What are the characteristics of migration from Ukraine to Poland? Are there any studies in the area of human resource management in relation to the issue of migration of Ukrainians to Poland? What the directions of future research in the area of HRM in the context of migration of Ukrainians to Poland should be? In the pursuit after the above goals, one has used, among others, literature research, analysis of foreign research results, own pilot studies conducted with representatives of employees from Ukraine and their employers

    2022 School of Culinary Arts and Food Technology Newsletter - Winter Edition

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    The School of Culinary Arts and Food Technology, TU Dublin, Winter Edition Newsletter captured the many events, research, awards, significant contributions and special civic and community activities which the students and staff members of the school have successfully completed up to the Winter period of 2022. The successful completion of these activities would not be possible without the active and on-going support of the \u27INSPIRED\u27 friends of Culinary Arts (school supporters) and our school\u27s industry association supporters. If you would like to support our school and the next Generation of Food, Culinary and Horticulture students, contact us at e: [email protected]

    h3 gourmet: great to go upmarket, but are people willing to pay for the difference?

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    This case study addresses the pitfalls of internationalization and entrepreneurial decision-making in the creation of relevant differentiation for a gourmet fast-food concept, whose foundations lay in good old fashioned fast food rules dressed in a gourmet experience. In standardizing their market offer and having engaged in a frantic expansion program, h3, the organization under scrutiny here (and that illustrates business and management research methods in practice) has had to face serious strategic challenges and concerns. Initially limited to the confines of their home nation, Portugal, with subsequent expansion to Poland, Spain and Brazil, the chosen strategy of geographical diversification cannot be said to have been an indisputable success, as the organization is currently witnessing serious divestment decisions away from the Polish and Spanish markets. The Brazilian market on the other hand appears to be thriving. Their concept is that of gourmet burgers with a fast food logistics and service culture underpinning it. Competition has been tough as several competitors have flocked into the market with pretty much the same idea. The company has sought to establish an emotional difference in what is increasingly a saturated market, although the h3 brand is quickly becoming synonymous with a novel association that has been emerging in the minds of consumers, gourmet and fast food coupled together in one food business concept. However, some service elements and customization characteristics (co-creation possibilities) may give the business a unique angle for relevant market differentiation. Whilst there is no profound emotional difference that would otherwise have been present via the association with a well-recognized and established brand, h3 appears on the surface to have an even more worrying problem, in that they are apparently stuck in the middle in terms of their strategic outlook into the future, as on the one hand their cost structure is not fast food like and on the other, their ethos and potential basis for differentiation, gourmet meals is susceptible to imitation by any middle of the road competitor with serious intentions of coming into a profitable market. In addition to possibly not having enough differentiation they are also not “branded” sufficiently…how best to tackle the future is then their plight