69,572 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Constructed Wetland sebagai Media Reduksi Greywater dan Pengendali Banjir: Studi Kasus Perumahan Sutorejo Indah

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    Minimnya jangkauan pengolahan air buangan rumah tangga (greywater) dan sistem drainase yang kurang dipelihara dengan baik di Perumahan Sutorejo Surabaya menyebabkan permasalahan banjir dan pengolahan air limbah tidak terselesaikan dengan baik. Adanya instalasi pengolahan constructed wetland membantu mereduksi kandungan air limbah rumah tangga (Greywater) dan bozem sebagai pengendali banjir pada saat musim penghujan di Perumahan Sutorejo Indah juga nantinya akan menjadi tambahan nilai estetika. Dalam perencanaan Constructed Wetland (CW) dan bangunan pengendali banjir ini direncanakan mulai dari perencanaan survei lokasi, studi literatur, perencanaan detailed engineering design, standard operating managementnya, hingga BOQ serta RAB untuk perencanaan constructed wetland dan bangunan pengendali banjir. Perencanaan Constructed Wetland di Perumahan Sutorejo Indah ini digunakan untuk mengolah limbah greywater dengan tingkat efisiensi BOD, COD, dan TSS masing-masing 86,93%, 94,28% dan 87%. Adapun untuk bangunan pengendali banjir dapat menampung debit banjir sebesar 0,058 m3,/deti

    Kemampuan Constructed Wetland Jenis Aliran Bawah Permukaan (SSF - Wetland) dalam Mengolah Air Limbah Kawasan Komersial

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    Wastewater of commercial areas such as hotels, shops, restaurants, offices, and shopping centers relatively contain high pollutant concentrations, they caused the imbalance of drainage ecological quality, health problems, and the water pollution itself. The effective technology in treating waste wateris The Sub Surface Flow Constructed Wetland (SSF-Wetland) that maximize either the impact or the potentcy of the plants in treating waste waterin the physical, chemical and biological wayby using plants/vegetation, water and microorganisms to reduce the level of pH, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), and the level of Total Suspended Solid (TSS) contained in waste water by slowly flowing them through the inlet hole to the surface covered by the living plants. The experimental result shows by using bamboo water plant (Equisetum hyemale) in artificial wetland system, the content of pollutants in wastewater can be eliminated. The highest average value of COD reduction efficiency is 61.9 %, 92.6 % of TSS and the decreasing of pH reaches 29.4%. The advantage of wastewater treatment using this system enables us to produce the appropriate water quality of the domestic wastewater based on the quality standards

    Novel membrane bioreactors and constructed wetlands for treatment of pre-processed animal rendering plant wastewater in Scotland

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    The performance of a novel industrial membrane bioreactor (MBR) comprising denitrification, nitrification and ultrafiltration for the secondary treatment of primary treated animal rendering wastewater has been compared with an experimental, low-cost and novel vertical-flow constructed treatment wetland planted with Typha latifolia L. The process wastewater followed pre-treatment by dissolved air flotation (DAF). The DAF effluent gave highly variable chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonia of 5200 (± 2050) and 490 (± 270) mg/l, respectively. The MBR effluent for COD and ammonia was 45 and 63 mg/l, respectively. The treatment performance of the constructed wetland for COD, ammonia and suspended solids was 167, 63 and 15 mg/l, respectively

    Design of a Constructed Wetland for Treatment of Facultative Lagoon Effluent in Rural Alaska

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    Many rural communities in Alaska rely on large constructed lagoons to treat their wastewater. The quality of effluent released from these lagoons and the ability of the receiving bodies to dilute the effluent varies as the thawed season progresses. The receiving bodies tend to have capacity before the effluent has reached levels acceptable for discharge and algae growth degrades effluent quality as capacity in receiving bodies is decreasing, leaving only a short window to discharge effluent with minimal impact. The expansion of an existing facultative lagoon and the addition of a constructed wetland in Galena, Alaska is estimated to increase BOD and TSS removal to levels that will consistently exceed permit levels. The lagoon will be drawn down by discharging to the constructed wetland over a 120 day discharge period. The addition of the constructed wetland will keep TSS within permit levels even when algae drives TSS values over permit levels in the facultative lagoon. While the constructed wetland is expected to reduce fecal coliform concentration in the wastewater treatment facility effluent it may not bring fecal coliform levels down to below permit levels. Additional dilution or disinfection may be required. Unlike BOD, TSS, and fecal coliform, which are expected to improve through the addition of the constructed wetland, dissolved oxygen levels are expected to decrease as a result of treating the wastewater in the constructed wetland. While the dissolved oxygen concentration of the constructed wetland effluent will be low, the decreased BOD concentration will result in an effluent that is more readily able to reaerate over an effluent with a higher BOD concentration. Overall the results of this project suggest that adding constructed wetlands treatment to facultative lagoons prior to discharge to receiving bodies has the potential to create effluent of consistent quality that will meet or exceed ADEC permit requirements.Signature Page / Title Page / Abstract / Table of Contents / List of Figures / List of Tables / List of Abbreviations / Background / Project Introduction / Design Goals and Parameters / Lagoon Design / FWS Constructed Wetland Design Introduction / FWS Constructed Wetland Design Methodology / Cost Estimate / Conclusion / Reference

    Nitrogen Removal in Mangroves Constructed Wetland

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    The potential use of Mangroves Constructed Wetland (MCW) as a low cost, efficient and suitable method for nitrogen removal from sewage in coastal zone of urban cities was examined in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In-situ examinations were done in horizontal surface flow Mangrove Constructed Wetland situated at Kunduchi beach area in Dar es Salaam. A wetland of 40 meters by 7 meters was constructed to receive domestic sewage from septic tank of Belinda Beach Hotel and was operated in an intermittent continuous flow mode. The wetland employed the already existing mangrove plants known as Avicennia Marina. The plants had an average breast height of 4 meters during commencement of experiments. The wetland collected the mixture of sewage and seawater at strength of 60% to 40%, respectively. The treatment efficiency of the wetland in nitrogen removal from sewage was determined. The observed removal rates of nitrogen inform of ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) and nitrate nitrogen (NO3--N) were 85% and 76%, respectively. Mangrove Constructed Wetland has a potential in nitrogen removal from sewages and it is suggested to be used for sewage treatment in coastal areas

    The performance and perception of wetland systems for the treatment of highway runoff

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    Constructed wetlands are increasingly being seen as a viable solution to the treatment of highway runoff although currently there are no established design and performance criteria for highway runoff treatment systems. In order to assess the heavy metal removal performance by different wetland systems receiving urban runoff, a natural and constructed wetland site were monitored for metal removal performance and metal accumulation by the sediment and four macrophyte species. Although there is active metal uptake by the sediment and macrophytes, aqueous metal concentrations remain unchanged in the natural wetland. The initial results from the constructed wetland system show variable metal removal performance although an improvement in performance is expected as the system becomes more established. An experimental laboratory-based wetland system showed efficient treatment performance of water dosed with heavy metals. The distribution of metals in the substrate highlight the importance of the hydraulic design, and the need to reduce the possibility of shortcircuiting, in constructed wetlands for runoff treatment. A questionnaire survey was used to assess the public's perception of the aesthetic and wildlife value of wetlands and their attitudes towards the use of wetland treatment systems for water pollution control. A predictive model for the visual preference of wetland landscapes was developed from the results of the survey. The results show that the public has a clear preference for clean natural looking wetland environments with landscape complexity, diverse vegetation and the presence of wildlife. The public have reservations about the use of wetlands for wastewater treatment indicating the need for background information to allay these concerns. Design criteria are proposed for the engineering of the wetland that will be constructed by the Environmental Agency (EA) at the natural wetland site to treat highway runoff. The results of the survey provide recommendations for the landscaping design of treatment wetland systems

    The Muckland Demonstration Project : Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution Control

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    The many muck fields in agriculture that exist in Oswego County offer an opportunity to demonstrate the feasibility of using artificially constructed wetlands to reduce nutrient levels in water draining from these highly fertilized, productive agricultural systems. An artificial wetland was constructed adjacent to a large muckland farm raising onions and sorghum. Water draining from the muck fields was pumped into the constructed wetland and allowed to flow naturally out of the wetland after a retention period determined by the flow regime. The question being asked was can nutrients and sediments be effectively removed from muckland drainage water by an artificial wetland