3 research outputs found

    The divine craftsman : a comparative study of Bezalel\u27s divine endowment and craftsmanship in the ancient world and its implications in Isaiah 11: 1-9

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    Phoenicians in the Hebrew Bible

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    A study of the vocabulary of education in Proverbs 1-9

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    PhD ThesisIn the past most studies about Proverbs were concerned with the original'form and setting of the text. Very little interest has been shown in the final form' and setting. This thesis is an attempt to study the final form of the text as it stands in the Hebrew Bible. The introductory chapter begins with a brief survey of the study of Wisdom in the past, the aim of the this thesis, the setting of the canonical form of Proverbs, the structure of Proverbs and concludes., _ - with an explanation of the methodology used in, this thesis. In the chapters that follow the Hebrew terms for the participants, teaching methods, style, content, outcome and value of education as portrayed in Proverbs 1-9 are discussed. By using the Semantic Field method the author seeks to establish the meanings of those terms. which related to education in the final form of Proverbs 1-9. The study shows that the meanings of most of them are very different to their original meanings in the context of education. They have lost their initial ethical-neutral characters, and are now charged with religious implication. This study not only provides a new understanding and appreciation to Proverbs as 'it stands, it also illuminates our understanding of education in the Second Temple period.Church of Singapore: The Lee Foundation: The Lim family in Singapore